Sunday, May 27, 2012

(begun Monday 28th May at 1.05am...)

*Doing guard-duty this morning halicon? Dominic?  I don't wonder, quite frankly....*

Time flies when you're having fun, and it's been over an hour already since my two furry friends rose off Cloud 9 in unison, and hit the floor, shrieking hysterically... I'd tottered after them, and let them out into the front yard, where they tore about the borders at speed, yapping in outrage... *grins..
Only once I'd come back inside did I see that the bastard had put his foot through the flimsy ceiling board, and that will have been what woke the dogs...
The single most tightly monitored home in Kwa-Zulu, and still you'll get away with it, you KNOB! 

Let's face it, it'll be a rare day/night when Balliram isn't at his controls after midnight, ferreting about inside the homes of the Community, and raising the levels of EMR and wireless to a sickening degree in the process, but this will be one such lapse, right?  *winks.. To those dotted about the Zone who are aware of the streetlight cowling cameras, and the beams that criss-cross so many properties without the owner's knowledge, did I not point out how easy it is for a Controller to say those particular cameras weren't activated or monitored at the time of the crime?
Have I not insisted all along that the system is being used by the criminal element for their own benefit?
*It's now 1.25am, and the GW just came through to put the big spotlight on to charge.. As I got up from the desk I took a giveaway whack to the kidneys, as Balliram cranked up his eavesdropping system.. Ooops!*

What's your excuse this time, Chop? The standard 'I was busy over in Hugo Road, or Reservoir Hills, and didn't notice anything going on next door at my pet monkey's home?  That won't wash... Whichever way they entered our property, you had to have seen them, and that's the bottom line.. He took about four roof tiles off, between us and our Good Neighbour at No. 10, and that's in DLOS to our streetlight, so can the bullshit lies if you don't mind...
If you wanted confirmation that our Area Controller, Collin P. Balliram, is employed by the Organised Crime Unit of the Surveillance/Theft Project, you need look no further than tonight's fiasco..*mutters....

What lengths would be gone to, to water down my constant allegations and accusations against this travesty of a human being?  You're aware he has at least one house-guest?  Was it a month ago that the Gauteng Registered silver car first arrived at No. 6, to come and go at all hours? Whether it's been replaced or joined by the Royal Blue 4x4 (also a Gauteng Registration), I know not, but the fact remains that Balliram has acquired a very handy co-conspirator or two...*waves to hal...
At some point yesterday morning I'd heard them struggling with the remote as it chirruped and chirruped, while they tried to set the system just so....
It wasn't long after that, that both our TV remotes had jammed, and I'd muttered that our Controller was up to his usual mischief....   Ah, said the GameWrecker, that can't be, as I saw him going out with his Missus in her larnie new white Merc, a while ago....

Just the two of them mind you, and the Blue 4x4 had stayed on the driveway.  Can you imagine how useful it would be to have imported another Controller from out of town, to act as a decoy?  Let's say for instance, that on the morning of Saturday, 19th May, round about when I'd been swamped by the shocking Chills and Fever frequency, Balliram could prove that he was up in  Pretoria at a 'conference'.. That he stayed there throughout Sunday, (while I was being microwaved on high), and that he has a hoard of alibis to prove it...
That would pretty much rubbish my claims of his culpability, would it not? *teeth.. Mygod, if you allow yourselves to fall for that one after all this time, I'd have to question your own gullibility... The extreme assault on my person was carried out from No. 6 Harris Crescent, whether by Balliram himself, or his most timeously-arrived houseguest from Gauteng...
How many other claims that I've made of his ongoing mischief-making over the past four weeks, has he suddenly managed to produce watertight alibis for?  Had you even noticed?

I can't remember whether it was this Friday, or the Saturday morning that our internet connection took a nose-dive for the worse and was reduced to a joke... Though it was only on Saturday evening that I'd managed to stumble into the iBurst Forum at mybroadband to find no mention made of any problems with the Network... That little oversight was hastily amended, and by Sunday an ambiguous post had appeared asking whether anyone else was experiencing problems in the Durban area... *chokes...
While our PC was rendered almost inoperable as a result, neither the visiting Aviator, my kid, or the GW, had any problems at all accessing the interwebz on their laptops or phones...*blinks..

An isolated iBurst problem then? You betcha!   Are you finally beginning to get the picture of the sheer extent of the control that can now be exerted upon the victim of choice?
On a more cheerful note, the UAGuru established that Adsense has been unable to respond to my application due to the fact that all this time I've been using an out-dated template.. Despite all of the efforts made to thwart him, he stuck to it and finally managed to upgrade the template to one that can support Adsense Edit added at 9.04am:  Fat lot of good that did, as there was a mail in my box earlier to say Adsense found my blog to contain insufficient content, and it should at least contain enough text to identify relevant ads... Thanks guys.... *waves cheerfully.....
*It's now 2.15am and a couple of big dogs have begun barking somewhere out near the valley.. Gonna try for a replay, Balliram? *snarls...*
Will my Controller now whine that our garden has become too overgrown for him to monitor all the movements on our property?  Is THAT what this latest carefully engineered outrage is all about?
In a civilised world the Knob would call the GW and suggest the areas that it would be to our advantage to have trimmed, pretty much for our own safety's sake of course..*winks.. That's not how it works in real life though, is it Balliram?
Across the country, the population must be forced into compliance by means of murder and mayhem, and that's where you and your erstwhile partner Glen Nayager came in....

Are you really going to tell me that you had no idea of the projected plans for this Project, Mistuh Spence?  That you hadn't heard the whispers of the means that were to be used to facilitate the installation of the wireless/laser surveillance and theft technology, even after you'd handed our circuits over to Balliram and the now very late Nayager, in 2005?  You think a jury would swallow your answer?
Once the dogs had quietened down, I'd pointlessly taken them up the top to check the street, though you could hear the local animals in the distance, protesting as Balliram's hired help passed by, job done...
Admittedly, I'm notoriously thick, but not that simple that I can't figure out what you're after, and I'll see to it that the job gets done when Vincent gets back to work after the Marathon...  Once that's been achieved to our mutual satisfaction, it will be another gap closed to your lies... Edit: At this point, as I go through checking for the usual typos, I discover that the spacing appears to have gone haywire on the finished piece. How's about you keep your grubby fingers to yourselves?

As an aside - Do none of you find it odd that the would-be intruder chose the only room in the house with a light on, to attampt to gain access?  The desk lamp in the lounge is left on each and every night, and I guess Balliram had to overlook that in favour of the fact that it's the furthest point from his Chickencoop, and would therefore add some sort of merit to his inevitible protestations.. *vomits copiously....
It appears that the Droog had it all figured out well before we'd even gone to bed last night, as I recall fat Sophie growling endlessly as we sat in front of the TV, until I'd sent her outside to scout around..
He'd taken the little make-shift cat's ladder from under the lounge window to climb onto the roof.. A few rough planks nailed together, which I've since fetched back down off the roof where he'd left it, and chained it up with the rest of the ladders... Another bunch of keys that 'mistakenly' got taken to the Palmiet jondolo at some stage or other, over the years since my trusted Landscape Artist was persuaded to renege on us... *sighs... Stupid old people, hey Balliram?

Interesting to find that my dear husband appears to be learning the rules of the Zone at last, and that at no stage since I first leapt out of bed at 12.15am, have either of us so much as uttered the word 'police'... I did however, send a text to my Vice Chair shortly after 1am, and I'll be checking later on to see just how long it took to arrive, if at all... Edit:  He called me after sometime after 7am, when he found it.
During this entire incident, the ghostly green light still pours out of the Polo's front grill as the power continues to corrode much of the metal under the bonnet...Do YOU have a vehicle that's forced to park in your yard, out in the open?  If you live here in the Zone, may I suggest you include it in your photography experiments?  That when you've finished turning 180 degrees, snapping off random shots in the dark with the flash, you kneel down and take a few pics of your vehicle's front grille work?  You may be startled at what you find when you go through the results later, using the zoom function... *winks... What to look for?  Tiny spatterings of the laser-friendly white emulsion, or carefully applied blobs of ochre or brown, would do it for me...
Has your car been at the Agent's recently, or at least within the last two or three years?  If I could be bothered, would I find that my VC's vehicle bore the same telltale evidence tucked into his grille?
Man, are we making it easy for these criminals to rule our lives, or what?  Go. Go now and switch the lights off, and start hunting for the holograms that blanket your area, and tell me they won't harm you in any way...
Maybe not, Stef my man - But I've my doubts about combining your stunning technology with that of your colleague Francesco Petruccione...

Right - It's now 3.30am, and some fifteen minutes earlier I heard some sort of thud from outside.. Ten minutes later and Kitz has come in noisily and set the dogs off again briefly...  Stress is a killer, is it not Master?  Stress, combined with a few of your choicer frequencies, can 'take care' of a lot of irritating problems, as I'm betting you've discovered while on your murderous nocturnal outings these past years...
I'm going to try and sleep for a bit, but very much doubt that will suit our Controller.. Cheers and


Monday 28th May 2012 at 9.37am..