Thursday, June 07, 2012

(begun Thursday 7th June at 5.10am..)

By the time I'd gone through to pick up the newspapers from the lounge floor, he'd had the BackFire frequency running off the scale..*wipes eyes... I'd had the time to spare, so I fetched the Olympus and began snapping away in the hopes of catching another indoors hologram...
I'd been at it for less than a minute when my pain suddenly vanished..*blinks.. What a bonus!  What does that tell you, FFS?  C'mon guys, keep UP!
That at the height of these engineered physical assaults, I could get lucky and capture the source of my pain on film?  Balliram certainly appears to think that's the case, and he's crept swiftly back under his rock for the time being... *applauds..

Man, who knows what wonders I'm going to find next, on those two little screens?  I'm way too slow to have figured out that the more the pain, the better the chances of catching something on camera, and I have the Sicko himself to thank for that bit of enlightenment... *curtseys creakingly...
How many more details of this stupendous technology can Balliram give away, before the Druglord recognizes he's become as big a liability as Nayager ever was? *teeth... How's about that small rebellious community buried somewhere out in the middle of Siberia, that needs to be made to toe the line?  An ideal post for my Controller, who could spend many happy hours acting out his cruel fantasies, without fear of leaking the Project's trade-secrets?
I've little doubt that Missus C would be highly successful in the second-hand sleigh/sled business, while her dear husband could practise his vindictive arts to his heart's content, without the possibility of giving away more than he's already done?  A thought, Earl?  A one-way ticket to the snowy wastes of Russia would be somewhat kinder than Nayager's brutal termination, though I understand it's not in your nature to employ compassion unless you're after something? *eyeroll...

I dare to think I've struck gold twice in the past twenty-four hours, and you won't get much luckier than that.. Capturing a hologram indoors before dark has opened up a whole new world of possibilities, and for Balliram to have dropped the levels of BackFire so smartly and dramatically as soon as he saw me wielding my camera, is a further gift to this Idiot.... *dances...  There's no way this fortunate breakthrough is set to change anything much for the better here in this little corner of the Zone, though I dare to hope that it could improve your lot, wherever you are?  That it could give you a reason to rise up against the pain you're suffering, and to purposefully begin to hunt for the source?

If it's your old folks who appear to have had their aches and pains escalated since wire-up, then get them a digital camera and encourage them to hunt for holograms in the dark, instead of sitting there hoping and praying for the end...  In my case, knowing my 'enemy' has made this drawn-out test of endurance somewhat easier to bear, and I bet the same would apply to you...

LATER at 7.15am

I've just booted up the PC and tried signing in to gmail to find we have some brand new mischief, folks... A Temporary Error (500) screen tells me that my account is now temporarily unavailable... *blinks..In the shower Master?  Taking a dump?  Hey, you keep it, it's no trainsmash... *shrugs...

Friday 8th June at 4.25am

It was Knives to the Back for pretty much the entire outing with the GameWrecker yesterday, and under the circumstances, I can't pretend to be surprised.. *winks...
*Millie has been growing increasingly irritable as I sit here scribbling, so I whipped out the Olympus, blew out the candles, and snapped off a few shots around the dark room. Whoa!  We have lift-off, folks!!  Will you check out the now give-away swirls of smoke hanging above the curtained side-windows between me and my Controller's house, just yards away?  *does a rabid jig....
WhatTF has changed so remarkably that it's making it a walk in the park to pick up both the laser smoke and the holograms indoors?*

That would be a rhetorical question, guys... The only visible change has been the stunning green glow now given off by Balliram's streetlight, as opposed to the standard yellow/white given off by the rest... We'd headed off out of Sherwood yesterday around 8.30am, and THESE two streetlights up by The Gatehouse on Garbutt were still active, and emitting the same ghostly green appearance as our Controller's light..  The Gatehouse owner is among the Blessed Chosen, and I've pictures in my album to show the enormous water run-offs that have flooded out from his property in the past...  Telkom's FFTH perchance?  *nods...
I've blogged in the past of how the elderly couple living right next door to The Gatehouse were clearly being tormented via their powerlines, and the old guy had told me it had become a mission just to cook their dinner on the stove top, with their power supplies doing all manner of mischief...

I spotted her the other day as I drove by.. Was that a ZIMMER she was using? *pukes copiously...Balliram?  Do we have a sub-Controller ensconced at The Gatehouse itself, or are the attacks being made on those oldies, your handiwork?  When I'd first heard they were enduring similar 'problems' to ours, I'd guessed that the mischief was coming from the property behind them at No. 10 Friesland Road, where I'd been told IIRC, that a drug-dealer's relative was holed up... I figure it's time to pay that old lady a visit, don't you?
The rage and frustration I feel at this moment is directed at myself, for totally forgetting about their predicament for so long...

I'd been going through the pictures on the Panasonic last night, and had zoomed in on THIS box that's affixed to the pole next to the Stop Street.  I've already told you how on Sunday, the camera had gone crazy the minute I'd focused on that beauty, and it had died repeatedly, even after I'd replaced the batteries?
The entire box in the photograph I'd managed to take, gives off a pale blue colour, certainly not visible to the naked eye.. More of the pretty laser-attracting hue that was applied so heavy-handedly to the wooden dais up in the CPF Meeting Room? *fascinated...
That particular application had been put on so thickly as to appear turquoise in my photos, though I'd have to guess the box on the pole bears a watered-down version of the same substance?  Oh, for the freedom to stand under that pole with the Panasonic, after dark!  Would the photographic results show an even more stupendous result than the fiery blue rain falling vertically down the overhead outside the Meeting Room?  Would one in fact even be able to see the box itself, or would it simply be hidden under great swirls of laser-related smoke, rather like my avo tree, HERE?

My old head is literally bursting with thoughts right now, and it threatens to spontaneously combust, though strangely enough, Millie has gone back to sleep since I caught the laser-related smoke on the wall next to me a short while ago... *winks... You gonna have your streetlight changed back to the standard yellow/white, Creep, or am I to be allowed to continue capturing evidence of your mischief? *snarls...
It matters not that I know squat of how this technology operates, only that it's being employed as a serious assault weapon against innocent members of my Community.
By now you will have had to accept that we are not enduring some random and unavoidable fall-out, but have been singled out purposely for these concentrated attacks, via our powerlines... Attacks that, due to the inclusion of lasers, have been precise and premeditated in the extreme. *spews...

When Stef Roux and Petruccione set up their technology over at Howard College, with Michael Sutcliffe's drooling support, had they any idea of how it was to be employed against so many vulnerable and unsuspecting citizens?  I'd bet our Stef would like you to believe he'd been clueless of the depths of depravity that both his Sponsors and his pupils would sink to, but alas, his lengthening nose is a dead giveaway... Francesco?  May your cosy relationship with that most corrupt of ex-City Managers, Michael Sutcliffe, go down in the annals of history as the equivalent of mass murder.. Too harsh?
Crapola!  If you could ask Eddie Singh, Mr. Essay, and Glen Nayager, whether they'd been happy to end up as casualties of this one-sided, criminally operated technological weaponry, what would they say?
Do they rest contentedly in the afterlife, knowing they were martyrs to the Cause?  Hah!!!

Our driveway appears to be rapidly degrading.. Whether due to the increased mole activity at this time of year, or the careful ministrations of one of Balliram's Wall Jumpers, is still unclear... What I did notice however, when the GW dropped me off around 1pm yesterday, was the sudden appearance of a great deal of freshly minted Physcia Grisea lichen, covering the crumbling edges of the tar, nearest the top of our fifty- two steps... *blinks..
Something in Wednesday night's downpour that suddenly activated that miraculous growth-spurt? More magic in the very air we breathe?  Time to whip out your cameras folks, and to begin collecting your own records of our transition to the New Age....


Friday 8th June 2012 at 9.07am