(begun Wednesday 6th June at 4.30am..)
That weird sense of urgency I'd had has left, and I'm on a go-slow today.. Balliram is back with his version of all systems go, and I figure I'll just let him get on with it, poor dear.. It seemed like a week or more that I'd been left to take photos without interference, and then on Sunday the Knob had re-introduced the Let's Run your Batteries Dry stunt and it's back to stay... Nonetheless, I managed to get THESE two pictures at the time.. One of the pole by the Stop street, and THIS one by B.Snr's house. Check, it's even got a red button inside the cowling... Is pretty much everything being run off those two poles?
I'd managed to send off the CPF Minutes in the morning and I'd been delighted with the improved speed and had said so out loud to the old man.. Oops! When he connected later on in the day, he'd had to give it up as a dead loss, as the Connection was a dud.. Do I know you well, or what, Your Pettiness? *winks...
Another bit of genius this skillful pseudo-Agent of the Law is now practising regularly, would be flipping our TV Screen into HD, randomly, causing all the characters to suddenly gain 50lbs and lose height dramatically.. A talent that's clearly a must for all self-admiring NIA-affiliated Operators, fosho...
Just a bit of fun halicon? If you've the means to do it, why not brighten up a job that can on occasion become deadly dull? Under the circumstances, I'd not dare argue with you on that point...*shrugs..
Is there after all, anything unique about our version of wirelessing the SA population? I'd fixated on the idea that it was the ability to capture private conversations that had us standing out from the rest.. The app. installed on cellphones without the owner's knowledge, that makes is possible for a Controller to remotely activate that device and enhance any conversations being held nearby... How many of you have your cellphone lying on the desk near you during a private Meeting, unaware that your phone can now be used as a speaker to relay your words back to an Eavesdropper?
But no - In retrospect, I figure that bit of sneaky cleverness has been around for some time.. I'd have to guess that shamefully, if our country stands out from the crowd for anything at all, it would have to be the employment of the criminal element to facilitate the technology's installation.. *waves to Earl...
The deliberate and systematic encouragement of corruption among the Ruling Party over the last ten years, has played a vital role in the Project's plans for our future enslavement... *yawns...
*It's now 5.30am and the fillings on the right side of my fat mouth nearest der Bunker, announce Balliram's increased interest...*
You've gotta love how the purportedly Good Guys are sitting back, smugly satisfied at how things are progressing, as they watch the engineered mayhem taking place... Good Guys? Did I say Good Guys? There's plenty more than just a few eggs being broken to make the ultimate omelette dudes, in case you hadn't noticed...
Thursday 7th June at 3.20am
I've always insisted that Balliram can hop into ours, whatever his own location, and I'm sticking to that assertion... Whether or not he still has a house-guest holed up in der Bunker is unknown, but I've certainly not seen hide nor hair of either the GP registered silver car or the dark Blue 4x4 for a few days... Then who is it that sounds those 'woops!' from his newer remote, during the day? So often, precisely as I log on and sign into blogger or mybroadband? Is he training up No. 25 to be a Controller herself? If so, her timing with that remote is already quite awesome...
When I'd gone outside first thing yesterday morning, there'd been a heavy smell of paint in the air, and I figure I should add the Painter to the mix as well.... It was Missus C herself who'd told me that Balliram was tutoring, and I'd assumed it to be in the general art of hacking... Am I incorrect in thinking that our Vincent and his housemate are already familiar with the use of lasers?
Is much of the smoke that hangs over the Palmiet jondolo caused by cooking fires, or is it laser-related? *fascinated...
I'd used the Olympus to snap off a couple of shots of the newly installed piece of ceiling board, yesterday afternoon.. Like I've said before, the pictures give the time and date, so it's an easy way of keeping a record of events.. I'd checked the two shots taken, only to find that in one of them there was a perfect white tennis-ball-sized hologram hanging up next to the ceiling fan HERE... *startled...
While I've been lucky enough to catch the laser activity indoors, it's a first for me to net one of those spheres inside the house, and in daylight nogal...
On the strength of that lucky break, I'd gone out just before bedtime and snapped off a few random shots of the avo tree, and by golly, will you check THIS out.... The storm had moved on, and the rain had stopped, and the tree (or what's left of it) is wreathed in smoke, with a brilliant hologram just hanging there, high up... Then I'd trundled through to the kids room and taken a few shots of our Controller's satellite dish that's fastened to the wall outside his kitchen windows...
The results show the little piece of sky above their home to be literally teeming with holograms, HERE... You all know I'm simply too dumb to be alarmed by the irrefutable evidence shown in the pictures... The thing is, that I at least have a choice.. I could throw myself whole-heartedly into heckling my old man to move to a 'safer' area, or I could stay and make the most of the ride while it lasts...
I've chosen to stay. The way I see it, is that there IS no safer area, and that I have a front row seat which I'm loath to give up.. The GameWrecker? Have you any idea of how hard I've tried to convince him of the truth, since 2005? That after all my struggles, the best he could come up with is paranoid schizophrenia, and that I should see someone about it? *chokes...
Besides, the stress of a move would probably finish him off quicker than Balliram's systematic drawn-out and cruel administrations...*yawns...
Anyone actually bother to check whether the female of the species does indeed have multiple times the amount of pain sensors as those of the male? Yes? Does that not confirm why Sue and Missus B and I are so susceptible to the agonies flooded into our homes by the Sadist Next Door, while the menfolk appear to suffer to a lesser degree? Sure, B.Jnr's pain is on a par with ours, but I suspect he had a pre-existing condition, and he's also a diabetic to boot...
In the half-hour or more that I've been sat here at the desk, the at-first non-existent BackFire has arrived only to climb to nose-running levels.. Why? It's not as if the bottom-of-the-barrel Agent will hear or see anything he's not captured a hundred times before? So, how do you condone the use of this considerably more than simply unpleasant frequency? *interested...
There'd been another friendly invitation from the Principal in my Inbox yesterday.. This time, to view his pictures... Tempting as it was, I deleted it unread.. Once he and the Director have insisted that Balliram be removed from his post and incarcerated for crimes committed during his tenure as Area Controller, I'll be only too delighted to join them socially on the Interwebz...
Were I to enter into a debate with either of these two leaders in the Community, on the merits/dangers of this technology, I would fail....
Where is the proof of my claims? A few hundred photographs to show there's a thick blanket of some form of technology hanging over our neck of the woods, wouldn't cut it in their opinion, that's fosho... I doubt that even the young Physics Professor would be able to say with certainty whether those great clouds of holograms are affecting the community detrimentally, or not...
Dare I volunteer that too much of anything ain't good for you, Leonard? That too much of this wireless/laser technology in particular, is popping people off left, right and centre, one way or the other, and that as long as Joe Public doesn't connect the dots, the telecom's industry are going to continue getting away with it?
How's the Sparks Estate CPF coming along? Making dramatic in-roads against the drugs flooding into the Zone? Judging by the local gossip, I'd say that was a resounding no, and that Barnabas must be congratulated on his divide and conquer campaign having proved so successful... *vomits... Stay safe, and peace..
Thursday 7th June 2012 at 4.43pm.