(begun Monday 18th June at 7.10pm..)
I must have raked and filled at least eight blue bags this morning, and by 11.45am I was sprawled on the verandah in Harry's old cane chair, catching a brief patch of warm winter sun... A double-woop sounded from the ChickenCoop, with a third, hot on it's heels, and astonishingly, I had no discernible reaction whatsoever... *blinks.. The inevitable BackFire arrived during my stint on the computer, but other than that I was left pretty much alone until bathtime, when I'd hazard a wee bit of payback was exacted? Brief and painfully to the point, it was nothing I couldn't handle... *shrugs..
The GW insists that the paths I bleat on about are made up of proper paving stones, and not Slasto... There's a difference? I'd hosed down my second effort this afternoon, and this time I'd forsaken the paraffin and sugar soap in favour of a heavy-duty sandpaper, and hopefully the camera will pick up some change to that dark grey surface once it's dried out..
Tuesday 19th June at 4.30am..
Who knows why I suddenly started closing my curtains? All the years these two bedrooms have looked out across the valley, I've rarely drawn them together. It's quite funny really.. A knee-jerk reaction to the realisation that we were on some sort of Truman Show, via a live-satellite feed? Even now, I tell myself that it maybe fuzzies up the quality of Balliram's pictures when I pull the curtains...
A couple of nights back, I went to bed and left them open... I figure if you could see the amount of white markings that have been made on the rafters just above the window where I lie, you just might realise that little exercise took a certain amount of will-power to achieve...
I'd gotten out of the habit of glancing over to the orphanage building through the bedroom window, so I was fairly startled earlier, when I saw a red light shining out from behind the smart-finished windows above the old foyer, though I vaguely recall seeing it there once before.. What exactly is it's purpose, and why is it inside the toddler's dorms, and not on the outside wall? Does it speak to the corresponding tiny red light HERE on Balliram's streetlight?
It's hard to imagine anyone could be callous enough to run the signal enhancers from inside a dormitory housing two and three-year olds, but that's exactly what's been happening here since 2005.
It's an experiment after all, and who better to act as Labrats than those orphaned youngsters and their Carers, not to mention the older kids over at the Senior Boys Hostel, who face straight onto the Barnard Road cellmast... *gags..
Now maybe you'll understand why my Controller's character is so perfectly suited for the job? It makes no difference to him at all, whether he's treating oldies or little ones to the excessive wireless/laser technology.. This is a chap who enjoys nothing more than to pin his victim to a board, and watch them writhe in agony... Fact.
Do you still go through the motions and kid yourselves that you have a conscience? In a couple of years time you won't even be bothering to pretend.. I've taken to watching Reno911 on the Comedy channel in the early afternoon, and I guess it's for the shock factor, if nothing else... The cast use the C**t word freely, and despite that I can hold my own with the foulest of mouths (FlipDeezy?), I confess that's not a word that I've ever promoted... Sure, there's the obligatory 16-year age warning, but how many parents know how to enable the sensoring, and how many actually bother? It's such a tiny thing, and will be shrugged off by the most of you as irrelevant, when it's not at all...
You've seen the show? Give it a try and see why this closet-prude sits with her jaw dropped to the ground at the antics of the cast...*grins.. The more I watch, the less shocked I become, and I guess that's the point of it all... I'd barely registered when a small window had flashed onto the screen asking whether George Lomax is looking chubbier than usual and if so, I should adjust my screen set-up.. WTF? Was that Multi-Choice telling me that their HD option may be causing problems with my viewing, and that I should risk fiddling with the basic set-up? For R600 a month I swear I took offence right then, albeit briefly...
It's now 5.20am and the Sadist is steadily raising the BackFire emissions while he can... *mops eyes and removes cardigan...
I read Arthur's comment yesterday on the 'Is cellphone radiation killing you' thread at mybroadband.. He's really articulate, and pleasant with it, though he said he finds it impossible to believe that such a huge cover-up by the telecom's giants could be maintained... Clearly he has no idea of the decades of work that have gone into this culling exercise, and of the teams set up simply to pre-empt every possible glitch that might occur...
Why, the Strategist, Jannie van Zyl himself, caused a momentary flurry of panic when he let his carefully maintained facade of amiability slip during the iBurst tower fiasco, but he recovered to continue with his strategically planned agenda, quite soon afterwards...
Our ex-Station Commissioner, Glen Nayager, wasn't so lucky, and once it became obvious he was more than just a minor liability to the Project, his days were numbered... Again - I must ask you Earl, was his request to me for assistance, the straw that broke that particular camel's back? Had the fellow grown so desperate that he'd resorted to approaching his victims for help?
As Devout as he is, Arthur appears unable to conceive of the lengths that are gone to, to keep this mammoth culling experiment under wraps... Here in the Zone, the Project Authors, along with their willing puppet, Mo Shaik, saw fit to engage a known druglord as Overseer for the Wireless/Laser Surveillance over the powerlines system...
Clean him up, send him to church regularly, and that forgiving community won't see it coming, hey Jannie? *winks.. When he waxed on about how this remarkable and perfectly safe technology was set to topple the corrupt in the Ruling Party, and create a better life for all, who among you weren't enchanted by the concept?
Anyone can have a Road to Damascus moment, right? Even the most hardened of low-lifes can miraculously change for the better? Sure they can - Except that in Michael Barnabas case he was given the job for his sheer callousness towards his fellow-man, and not some pseudo-Born Again desire to atone for his sins, by allowing his own Community to be the first to trial this astonishing technology... *spits... My tales of the ongoing horrorshow carried out on the witless Labrats here in the Crescent, should have warned you of things to come, but it turns out you were easily persuaded to believe that we are somehow deserving of our fate, and that in itself, coming from a devout community, is pretty amazing..
Turns out that Arthur, as clearly intellectual as he is, has overlooked completely just how easily people are manipulated, one way or another... You're offended by the mere suggestion that your thoughts could be steered in a particular direction? You're way too sharp to allow such a thing to happen? Are you absolutely certain of that, o Poisonous rabbit? DJ? While you may continue to insist to yourselves that you're unique individuals and will remain as such, from where I'm standing, you've shape-shifted into part of the mindless pack...
Godwilling there's a corner of your brain that still operates under it's own steam, and that it's raised some niggling questions... Bring those queries out into the open and you will find the Telecom's Strategist goes out of his way to reassure you... How did he even know there was so much as a flicker of doubt among your private thoughts? Magic? Naa - It's his job, remember...
To flit from pillar to post, defusing problems before they get out of hand, hey Janneman? You know your recruits so well by now that you can literally sense a change in the air around them, should they begin to doubt you.... See - despite the protestations that you were no more than a self-serving telecom's industry lackey, I never under-estimated your worth the Project Authors...
You lost the plot once, but that won't happen again, though it's always possible you'll burn yourself out with all your pre-meditated juggling...
LATER at 6.40am
Hard to believe that the raucous hadeda could ever be an ally? I've just been through and cleared the newspapers up from the lounge floor, as my Controller predictably clunked into the Telly corner.. I went out onto the verandah and wriggled my fingers at the dead-appearing overheads, in greeting, at which precise moment Balliram upped the signal, causing a nearby roosting hadeda to protest loudly... *chokes with mirth... Secret Agent se VOET! More like the local Tatler....
My Controller continues, with his severely limited thought processes, to delude himself that I plot some sort of escape from my cage?
He simply can't conceive that I've accepted my imprisonment, and that I simply make the most of the magical discoveries he hands me so regularly... Does he think it was his intellect that got him the position he holds today? Shame. *chokes....
Tuesday 19th June 2012 at 9.11am.