(begun Tuesday 19th June at 7.12am..)
Did Stef Roux design his astonishing quantum laser communications system knowing exactly how it was to be employed? Was he fully aware of how the beams would be used to precisely pinpoint an area on a victim's person, which could then be hammered repeatedly into destruction?
Was he genuinely unaware that his 'discovery' would be adapted to include this killing option, or was it his colleague, Francesco Petruccione, who came up with that particular brainwave?
The mere fact that Petruccione had anything to do with our corrupt ex-City Manager Sutcliffe, is enough for me to believe that our Francesco is as culpable as the very worst involved in this crime against humanity, that masquerades as the Project..
Balliram made a serious attempt to muffle the double-woop of his remote some fifteen mingues ago, but the brutal Knives to the Back that followed almost immediately was anything but stealthy... How long before he blows himself right out of the water, just as his erstwhile good buddy Glen Nayager did? It'll probably take a while, and I figure he can get away with his sloppyness indefinitely, as the Project Authors are keen to demonstrate that despite all the information I've been handed on a plate, it's not going to make one iota of difference to anything at all...
That my attempts to warn you will never be regarded as anything other than the ravings of a seriously disturbed Idiot, is a given... A title that I've earned through my own diligent efforts, mind you...
Am I bothered? Well ja, occasionally I'll still have a go at myself for my innate stupidity, but I've come to realise that doesn't actually help, or change anything, so....
LATER at 12.30pm
I'd been out the front, hacking away at the enormous acalypha, when he'd strolled by, knowing that I couldn't miss seeing him.. Sans headgear on this occasion, but still a team member of the BackPack Collector's Club, and a quite possible Roof Climber to boot... He ambled off up towards his hidy-hole by the playing field wall, and I've not looked for him since.. *yawns... The tell-tale whistles from higher up the valley not long before his fly-by, tell me he's not working alone after all, and he's probably the drop-off point for the easily portable items stolen in the area by several thieves working together... *belches.. Call the Station again? For what? He'd see the van long before they saw him, and he'd simply duck through the gap in the playing field wall and disappear.... *shrugs...
Are you snorting derisively at my ponderous lack of speed? Did my Controller tell you that yesterday I'd asked the GW to google cadmium and cobalt and see if they were connected to lasers in any way? Ja, ja, you can stop laughing right now if you please.. Naturally my SO did no such thing, but informed me instead that cadmium was a poison that had been found in Chinese milk supplies some time ago... After that fascinating and distracting snippet of information, I pretty much forgot about it, until after I'd published The Tatler this morning..
Lawd knows how my cooked head functions, but for some reason I'd typed 'Cobalt and lasers' into the search engine, and of course you probably all know the results by now..*chokes... How painful were my thought processes to arrive at that point?.. It had been a hangover from art school that got the terms cobalt blue and cadmium blue into my head in my struggle to identify the powerful turquoise substance found in the screw heads on my inside door locks and on the courtyard wall and the paving stones..
Man, you could've knocked me down with a feather when all those pages of results appeared, and it was nice to see that it's answered another piece of the puzzle...
When the Aviator had so kindly upgraded my blogger format for me, in the hopes that I might earn a few badly-needed dollars from Adsense, I'd been sitting next to him when he'd clicked on Stats.. Due to the change-over format Balliram probably hadn't been able to corrupt the page, and it appeared that I had readers in Germany FFS... I was baffled and said so, as Germany's participation in the Surveillance Project had never entered my tiny mind..
I checked the map on blogger today, and find that it's back to showing a readership in North America and little else, just as it had prior to my upgrade... No flies on my Controller, and he's made sure to close that little gateway to the truth, in spite of it once again being too late... *winks...
So - I have Cobalt AG's attention? The Board of Directors, of the floor monkey's? Anyone care to do a bit of proper research and find out who's doing the importing from Germany? Is it to be the poor darned rate-payer that covers the cost of the technology required to remove their own darned privacy? Is the cost heavily subsidised by the manufacturers themselves, as their contribution towards this inhumane experiment? Who signs it off when it gets here? Allen Spence? Van Zyl? Our friend Francesco Petruccione?
No amount of reading up on cobalt itself and it's use with lasers is likely to make any sense to me, so I'll have to take my usual crazed flyer...
I'd guess that using that particular substance so heavily in our little Meeting room and inside my home, never mind the copious applications that appear to have been made on the paving stones (jury still out on that one), were never intended to be good for our health, and I would hazard that safety goggles are a must for anyone working in the vicinity of lasers and cobalt in particular?
Ahmet of could if he wished, tell me the truth of the matter, and whether I'm simply being an alarmist, but maybe he'll tell you instead, if you ask nicely?
Being the focus of so many so-called First World countries for all the wrong reasons, is just plain creepy.. I've remarked more than once of the sensation that I'm surrounded by a bunch of rubber-necking ghouls, and by golly, it turns out I was right on the money... *eyeroll..
Why us? A country whose Government was so carefully steered towards corruption on a vast scale, that it's remaining honest citizens would grab at any darned straw they were offered?
A nation who've become so innured to the daily organised murder and mayhem that surround them, they would find the wiring up of old-age homes and orphanages for this technological experiment hardly worth raising their eyebrows?
A people who have been encouraged to find amusement and entertainment in the sufferings I've documented here on these pages? *blinks...
If I knew of a handy and failsafe curse, would I toss it in your general direction about now? What would be the point? Take a deep breath and say after me: It is written, and you'll have the truth of the matter right there..
It's bigger than all of us, and there's no stopping it, that's for sure.. It's a shame that so many innocents have fallen and will continue to fall, before the final goal is attained, and it's a disgrace that so many criminally dysfunctional psychos have been employed to aid the roll-out, one way or another.. At least now you'll begin to understand why this choice of psychologically flawed Operators was so vital to the Project Authors... Anyone approached for the job, who still had a semblance of conscience, would have walked away in horror and disgust.. Ain't that right, Balliram, dear?
Barnabas was therefore the perfect choice as Overseer of the Zone, as were his two equally sick Lieutenants, Balliram and Nayager, and it's guaranteed that in every Province you'll find similar scum operating the technology, with the keen assistance of the local Munis, Copshops and Telkom. You may want to consider digging yourself a comfy little fall-out shelter asap, although tin might not be the ideal material to use..*winks...
Wednesday 20th June at 4.05am.
The usual spiteful jabs finally got me awake after 3am.. *eyeroll..
Microwaves cause cataracts? I'll have to go back and read Karl Muller's latest post on the 'is cellphone radiation killing you' thread again, but I'm pretty sure that the word lasers didn't feature...
Both the GW and I were diagnosed as having the beginnings of cataracts a couple of years ago, and that makes sense, when you consider how long we've been enduring the Needles to the Eyes special, employed by the Coward next door..
I've taken direct hits to my eyes on countless occasions, though I've no doubt the Slimeball will insist it's always been unintentional.. *snorts...
How did Stef Roux get away with claiming the quantum laser communications system as his own, when it's clearly been up and running in the States at least, for some time? What part of Roux's system made it different to that used by the CIA? The direct physical assaults on human beings, as opposed to concentrating on controlling their appliances?
Was it that fantastic addition to this technology that allowed the fellow to state it was something new, and his baby alone?
It's going to take a minor miracle to heave me up out of the doldrums right now.. Maybe the sight of the Paradise flycatcher taking his early morning bath will do the trick...Shallow? Ja, plus I'm just too darned thick to stay down in the dumps for long.. Go figure...
LATER at 4.45am
There are eight of those dark grey charcoal (almost black) paving slabs, concentrated on the side path by the lounge and verandah, and they all show up on both cameras as a paleish blue... There are another five up on the first terrace.
Mr. Logic and Commonsense, the GW, insists that the cameras have a fault and that they are recording the colour incorrectly. I'm not so sure at all...
Stick with me, Mein Herren, as this Village Idiot continues to struggle to identify the bars on her cage.. *waves..
Wednesday 20th June 2012 at 9.51am.