(begun Saturday 23rd June at 3.40am..)
*A coincidence that Paul Doyon's blog update entitled Investigation of the spinal cord met me as I logged in here this morning? Read on....*
Somebody's giving me more credit than I deserve, and it's amusing me no end... There had been a car tucked away in his garage yesterday after all, and after the second set of double-woops in an hour, at 11.10am there came the familiar screech of his tyres as they hit the wet driveway and he took off for parts unknown... A bit of bad luck that was, as I'm sure he'd rather have made a silent getaway, but there'd been enough rain to cause his wheels to protest loudly at the steep slope, and any stealth had flown out of the window...*shrugs..
I'd made a couple of calls after I'd updated my blog, and you can bet he was relieved that he'd hung around to hear at least one of them.. I'd called Missus Bernie up at No. 17 to say I thought the Roof Climber was camping in the valley below, and to be on the lookout for him... Her old man's doing amazingly well, but I'd asked after him anyway, and lucky I did.. Turns out he'd had a shocking time of it the other night and had been doubled over with back pain. Care to take a bet it was the same night that Sue the Book's back was so bad she'd had to call in a Sickie the next day? Hell, I can verify it if you want, but what's the point? You know it's the truth...*spits...
It was a biggie hey Creep? Sue's currently on three different pain-killers just to keep her going, but Bernie was so bad he took to his bed and refused to eat...
As a diabetic with other pre-existing health problems, you can only imagine the hell he was going through.. When he'd fallen asleep and it had taken two of them to finally wake him, they'd panicked about his sugar levels, but neither of the two little battery operated devices to measure his blood sugar would work..*looks at Balliram..
You've had ample time since eavesdropping on my call to practise your righteous eyerolling indignation, but the fact remains that you have a 'thing' for batteries, and simply can't resist employing your mischief whenever you can... You never? You didn't? Quit your blustering lies, Buster, for it's no thanks to you that the old man didn't simply give up and croak at that point...
Hell, you and your fumbling with the emissions already led to them losing their son before his time, and now you're going after the old man? *spews....
Exaggeration and hyperbole on my part? Bullshit. There's no coincidence that both Sue and Bernie were laid low on the same night, both with excrutiating backache, while you saw to it that me and Missus B.Snr were enduring the Burning Hand instead... Different strokes for different folks, Balliram, and you thought that would put you in the clear? *snorts...
When it comes to the arrest of the twenty cops from the Cato Manor Unit, I'm stumped... Funny thing is that I keep getting a whiff of greasepaint from that direction, but I can't for the life of me figure out why.... Was it the mention made in the Press that they were all taken down to the AirWing base at some point, that had my old antennae up and waving about? Where does Col. Groenie Groenewald fit into the picture? Ag, you know - The chap that wired up our GP's aircon units over at St. Augustines, while disguised briefly as the Head of their Technical Services? Are the two young dudes that delivered the GW's tweaked computerised washing machine a part of the Cato Manor Unit as well?
Dare I hope that the smell of sweat floating out from der Bunker is one of fear, and that someone is finally rocking the Boat of Omnipotence that has carried the Druglord Barnabas and his IT Monkey so comfortably to such great heights? As if....
If a cop, the likes of Johan Stolz could find our enrolment as Test Dummies for the Surveillance technology amusing, what effing chance do we have of being rescued? Zip, nada, zilch.... As much as I wish for it, nothing's changed, and nothing will...
As I scribble here now, my home is thick with the BackFire frequency, and you have my word on it that it's malicious and totally unnecessary... *yawns...
You can spend thousands covering your home with EMR repellant paint and take all manner of precautions to avoid the fall-out, and still get nailed with ease... The blanket of crud that covers the Zone is bad enough, but the fact remains that Area Controllers of Balliram's ilk have the means to hop on inside your castle via your power supplies and flood your home with stuff your physical system can't withstand... You have the word of a Druglord and a Cracker that this won't happen? *falls over choking... Maybe not today, but what about tomorrow? Headaches much? Backache that won't go away, no matter what painkillers you resort to?
Was it Shake n Bake that posted that thread at mybroadband that had me wanting to scream at him in frustration? To tell him to put as many miles between him and his home and workplace as he can, and see then if the pain is reduced? Would testing his white blood cell count reveal anything at all? Fingers crossed it's just an old sports injury playing up, and it'll sort itself out, hey Jannie? Once your recruits wake up and see how you've conned them so neatly, chances are there could be a lynch mob climbing the hill to your glass-fronted palace.... No problemo, right?. Your own innate self-preservation and the amazing early-warning system that the surveillance technology offers would have you safely schmoozing over in Japan with the Kyocera guys, or being wined and dined by the Goblins, and well out of harm's way.... We're all equal, but.....? *winks...
Once the GW had left yesterday, I'd had another go at getting the stuff off the end of the kist, only to find it looks like it's been applied to the television set as well... The brown ochre colour that showed up on the paper towels had very little to do with accumulated dirt and dust, and everything to do with the lumo substance that was applied to the outside of our kitchen door and our garden walls.. Sure, you can move it around with Handy Andy or sugar-soap, but get it off properly? Not a chance... Whether my efforts will result in making any difference at all to the assaults made on me in that corner of the lounge, is highly unlikely, though I'll not give up trying...
Which brings me to google's Adsense Crawlers, and their apparent inability to identify products to place on my blog... If I didn't know better I'd begin to think those bots have been engineered to play dumb, and you'd think that Panasonic and Olympus alone would be thrilled with the publicity I give them on an almost daily basis... What about Duracell and Energiser? Companies that are set to make a killing if our Area Controller's penchant for draining batteries is anything to go by? Do they all shy away from me, refusing to admit how vulnerable their products are, to this amazingly invasive wireless technology?
That you can spend thousands on top-of-the-range brand names and still lose your appliances at the whim of a crooked Area Controller?
My sturdy little Bosch electric lawnmower that never failed me, now dotted and daubed about with all manner of chemical compounds that have given total ownership to the Slimeball next door?
Were any of the comfortably wealthy chosen as guinea-pigs for these trials? You can bet that's a no, down our way.. Godforbid your victims had the finances to fight back, right? Turned out somewhat differently up in Craigavon though, and despite that I've lost touch with the Mast Fighter, it's hoped she continues to make inroads against the march of the Masts... *waves...
I've hunted high and low up by our gates in an attempt to find what it is that enchances our conversations and relays them so clearly back to Balliram.. The spatterings of white emulsion and the corrosive artwork applied directly to the metal gates themselves are one thing, but I guess the most helpful substance in that area would be the thick coating of lumo paint that I only discovered yesterday, which has been applied to the front faschia board of our garage.... Whether this was achieved some years back, or the day before yesterday, it certainly would box in and capture every sound made in that little area, and were you to glance up at our nearby streetlight, chances are that you'd see the little button attached to the inside of the cowling, behind the lamp itself, was active HERE....
The cellphone you've come to view as an extension of your own body can also play it's part in relaying stolen words back to an Eavesdropper, and may be remotely activated to further enhance the private conversations held on your driveway or property... All stuff that I've told you again and again, and still you shrug me off airily and insist you have nothing to hide.. That's not the point, is it Earl.... *nudge, nudge...
LATER at 7.30am
I find it remarkable that the bird life continues to flourish amongst the great throngs of holograms that fill the air... The ring-neck doves have muscled all the smaller birds off the tray, and the cloud of frets now take their chances on the ground beneath, or balance precariously on the hanging feeder...
I'd barely completed and published yesterday's Goblins in the Garden before I clicked on Stats, which insisted that over 40 people had already viewed my update... *blinks.. Do you understand why I choose to believe that those figures are manipulated and corrupted by my diligent Network Administrator? That the thought of forty+ fellow human beings reading my inarticulate shrieks for aid and not lifting so much as a finger to help us, would be a pretty soul-destroying concept? Oh wait! I forgot, dammit.. As the most wretched of toads, I doubtless don't own a soul anyways....
As unlikely as it is that Balliram's obvious problems (be it simply a mid-life crisis), have anything whatsoever to do with his savagely abused guinea-pigs, we are as always, paying for it dearly...
Saturday 23rd June 2012 at 9.19am.