Saturday, June 23, 2012

(begun Sunday 24th June at 3.45am...)

Was that all my own effort, or was I getting some 'assistance' from His Shiftyness?  It wasn't the dogs that were barking last night at ours, but me..
QI had set me off, and it was downhill all the way after that.. A dry, chest-wrenching cough, totally at odds with my life-long smoker's richly-productive and juicy hacking... *blinks..  You'd forgotten about that particular frequency?  He's used it often enough...  Your chest and throat suddenly seize up and you go into a veritable paroxym (sp) of coughing..  Used, IIRC, very effectively on my Vice Chair, who would say that the minute he walked into his home his chest would inexplicably go tight and the dry, unproductive barking would begin...
I'll try and pace my coffin-nail intake today, but it's odd how at some point during the night it just went away and didn't come back...

I'd fallen asleep curled up in my corner of the lounge during the afternoon, and eventually woke to find it had rained..  After dark I went out and took a couple of shots of the still wet blue paving stones on the pathway HERE..  Is the Panasonic beginning to struggle at last?  Those stones now appear to be pitch-black HERE, though I'll take a few more after sun-up, and see if they've reverted to their original attractive blue, on camera at least...
At some point I'd discovered that the cloned Physcia Grisea lichen has been heavily applied to the variegated croton that's flourished next to the verandah steps for as long as I can remember.. I tried scraping some of it off with a kitchen scourer, but had better luck with the hose, though there's no way I can get it all off... *sighs..
For a change there'd been some fairly decent water-pressure, so I'd played it onto the trunk of the pitiful avocado tree as well, only to find great chunks of bark coming away under the heavy application of the cloned lichen.. You find this boring?  Why?
Have you been privileged to be given a list of trees and plants that can withstand the onslaught of the lasers and increased EMR, and those that can't?  Apparently lemon trees can handle it, but are dense enough to present a problem to the Operator, and therefore must be manually destroyed to maintain LOS... Something now fairly easily achieved by the well-rewarded droogs who now masquerade as your trusted gardener... *yawns..

How many members of the Rugby Club have been to, or have worked in Dubai? *The 'voices' told me to ask you that, though I've no idea why...*winks...
It's now close on 4.45am, and the Creep just activated his ticking nunu outside my window.. I clucked at it, and it STFU and retreated into silence..*

Do the Directors of Cobalt AG follow all aspects of this grim experiment with interest, and who exactly do they trust to give them the truth?  Are they for instance, acting in an advisory capacity to Jannie van Zyl and his revenge-fuelled attacks on the Mast Fighter's home in Craigavon?  It was interesting to note that she'd said despite a thorough search, they'd not found any signs of the cloned Physcia Grisea surrounding Ms. Dorny's home..
Is that particular lichen restricted to coastal areas only?  Will google tell me?  Were I to stroll about Ms. Dorny's house, would I be able to identify what alternative is being used to enhance the laser activity inland?

Are the Controllers up in the Fourways area restricted to employing nocturnal Wall Jumpers to apply the many blobs of chemical compounds vital for the lasers to work effectively?  Ronald?  *curious... Any increased corrosion to the pipes at your home?  Are you fairly astonished by the rust that's appeared on all the metal surfaces on your property over the last couple of years?    I'd bet any damage to yours is no rival to THESE burglar bars on our home...  See how it's the bars facing onto the mini-base station at St. Theresa's that have taken the very worst of the beating, while the ones at the back of our house still show minimal damage?
Check the wall of our store room that sits beneath our garage, and you'll be able to see the main path of the lasers in that area.. See how the wall on the left-hand side under the two windows has taken a great deal more hits than the right, and will you check out the curtains inside those windows?  See how the lining on the left has rotted dramatically, compared to the fabric on the right?  Remarkable?  Well ja, I suppose it's remarkable only when you play back Stef Roux's assertion that his quantum laser communications system is perfectly safe..
Does it irritate you that I constantly return to repeat that magnificent porky-pie, put out by a scientist who no doubt seeks respect from his peers?

The basic premise may be safe Dr. Roux, but it depends entirely on the technology it's combined with? Ag, the devil's in the bloody details, right?  Man, if the amount of EMR and wireless required to infest the homes and lives of the world's population can cause this much visible damage to paintwork, metal and fabric, both inside and out of a home, WTF mischief is it causing to the innocent community members themselves? Oh wait!  That's why the Surveillance Project is being touted as an experiment?  You're still busy gathering data on the devastating effects this technology is having on mankind?  Ahh - Then I'd best STFU and let you get on with it, right?

It's now 5.30am and Cola just asked to go out, so I went and sat on the verandah steps to wait for him.. After the bit of rain we'd had yesterday, the sky appears clear and fresh, though glancing down south I see the now regular bank of cloud sittting over Isipingo and Prospecton....(sp) There's a reason for this cloud cover so often over the AirWing chopper base, or is it simply the horrific industrial pollution that's been allowed to blanket that area for so many years?  Fascinating to speculate whether the old Louis Botha airport now has a Hangar P-03 of it's own?  eThekwini's own Roswell?
Where are those blindingly bright blue-encircled balls of light being housed, that were spotted by so many in the mid-nineties, as they mapped out the route the technology was to take?  Gone back to Japan, or Russia, to be used when the next Project initiative kicks off?   *interested...

How's the soccer practise going, Coach?  Your knees with their well-earned damage still playing up, or are you actually contemplating a replacement op?  While it's true that Sister Maureen was delighted with her results, it's also possible that steps were taken to lessen the devastating emissions up in the Nunnery, whereas those over in Loon Road will no doubt be running at the top end of the scale due to it's topography...
Does your home not have LOS to the waterworks in Reservoir Hills, just as Fabian at St. Philomena's had?  Just asking... *waves...
I believe it was the cunning Strategist himself who'd said the emission levels had to be increased to cover great distances between masts and base stations, and who's to say your home isn't sitting directly in the line of fire?

When my sister's home in Lichfield, Staffs, began to be flooded by the wireless frequencies, the first effects, just like ours, were to her hands and wrists... Sadly, she was eventually persuaded by some greedy quack to believe that her agony was due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and she endured the standard op. to both wrists.  Both procedures proved unsurprisingly to be a failure, and she continues to this day to endure bouts of excrutiating pain in those areas.... You might want to consider that, before you agree to go under the knife? Unless of course your surgeon hails from Russia or Japan, and has a degree in microwave-related health problems?

The Rocket Scientist appears to think it will give me pleasure to be able to say I told you so, when that couldn't be further from the truth.. This fantastical technology is here to stay, and nothing can change that fact.. What could be changed however, is the continued employment of the severely dysfunctional criminals as Overseers and Area Controllers for the Project..
While I fully understand the reasoning behind this repulsive practise, with the system now up and running throughout the Zone and beyond, I'd suggest it was time to remove the worst of these felons from their posts, and to replace them with those as yet untouched by the Omnipotence Disease and the rampant cruelty that goes with it...

As I'd sat out enjoying the seemingly clear night air earlier, two of our Controller's noisy nunus had kicked in, and a sliver of gold had shot past my face and vanished... Clearly my Master has abandoned all his pitiful attempts at stealth, and is in dire need of a break from his hatred-fuelled vendetta... A vendetta that has resulted in a fair amount of sloppyness, and secrets being revealed to the resident Simpleton...
As a realist, I'm aware that Balliram's removal would no doubt hasten my own demise, but that's a risk I'm prepared to take, if it means my friend's engineered agonies will cease.. My Master has after all, been a far better listener to my endless muttered monologues than my SO, who learned early on to switch off as my mouth opened... *grins...
The Poor Creature has Millie the Gross protesting irritably even at this early hour, which indicates that his burning obsession hasn't abated in the slightest....
Take care and


Sunday 24th June 2012 at 9.34am..