Wednesday, June 27, 2012

(begun Wednesday 27th June at 4.05am)

I clicked on the link he'd provided and taken a look at the results before heading off for the hills at a trot... Written for the bright, by someone who might as well be speaking Mandarin for all the sense it made.. Go back and read it again, but slowly?  I've tried that ploy before, and sometimes it works, and sometimes not...
Electromagnetic Mind Control?  Hmmm... HowTF would I know if such a thing was working on me?

The best I could come up with, are the two remotes that Balliram employs so freely.. The standard chirrup that he's used forever, and the latest woop! special that arrived after he'd had the solar geyser installed, along with a whole bunch of other changes to his setup..  Like a dog with a clicker device, I'd learned quite quickly that a double-woop very often meant almost immediate and unpleasantly painful results, mostly associated with Millie the Gross..
Being Balliram however, he quickly began overdoing the whole thing, and it turned into a joke more than anything else, to the point where now when I hear it, I'm sort of embarrassed for him.. *grins..

Does the sound of that woop give away his presence next door?  Not necessarily, as it would be easy enough to leave it behind when he heads out, and then to call No. 25 and get her to employ it randomly at some point.. So no, if the intention to scramble my head further was ever there, it would have to be a FAIL..
Despite all this, I'd bet there's a few of you smugly satisfied that I've finally cooked my goose as far as Karl Muller's concerned..
That would be the reason I've never been considered a threat to the Project, and allowed to yap mindlessly on into the wind, without being shut down..
Given time, even the most patient of listeners will begin to question my sanity, and who could blame them, as my communication skills are simply non-existent..*eyeroll.. Anyways, it sure looks like I've sunk that little boat successfully, just as you probably knew I would, and I shan't be delighting the Rocket Scientist with my *coughs* expertise on the laser-friendly chemical compounds after all... *shrugs...
It's that old lack of expectation that's saved me all this time, and I'm grateful for it...

I'd gone out front yesterday, and had hacked away at the overgrown shrubs between der Bunker and his LOS across my Good Neighbour's yard to Freddie's little Wendy House up at No. 12.. I'd been pretty emphatic up to that point that they should be left to grow, and not pruned in any way, and though V had applied the black killer substance surreptitiously to a big chunk of the shrub nearest the front path, the rest had grown to reach about eight feet tall...
So high in fact, that I like to think my Controller had been forced to do some sort of workaround, and concentrate his efforts on the back garden instead, hence the contract killing ordered on my lemon tree...

After all these months and the plants growing taller by the day, it suddenly occurred to me that I was denying myself some quite possibly brilliant photo opportunities... And so it was...
When I'd stuck the Panasonic out of my bedroom window last night at 19.59pm I'd had no idea that I'd get THIS lucky, and I guess for sheer numbers, that hologram filled picture has to be a winner.. *beams..
More than a bit partial to the signal-enhancer on the valley-facing end of der Bunker perhaps?
The same light that very obviously retarded a large section of the hardy wild fig tree standing in it's path down in the valley?
I've no idea whether that lamp was visibly active last night when I took the picture, but you can't argue that something is causing them to swarm in that particular place, more so even than the Satellite dish on our roof...

The funny thing is, that my gardening efforts appeared to get my Controller's knickers in a complete twist when I first started out with the shears, and judging by the huge stab of pain delivered to my kidney area early on, he was seriously pissed off...
He'd delivered a second, equally fierce reminder of his ownership, about ten minutes later, and I'd had to remind him out loud that I was actually doing him a bloody favour, before he let it go and left me in peace...
I could see where he was coming from, and appreciate his concern.. After all, he has his own Puppet employed to manipulate everything in our garden, and here was the old bitch taking it upon herself to make a few changes of her own..*chokes...
If the gardening shears I was using had only been electrically or battery operated, we both know that I'd not have achieved what I did, but they aren't, though I'll be watching for them to somehow be broken or damaged in the near future, believe me... *winks...

I'd casually mentioned to the GW not long ago, that it was time to invest in a pushmower.  One that would have a safe corner inside the house or storeroom in between it's use... As I'm now familiar with the sudden arrival of the corrosive substance, I'd have to keep photographic records of any such appliance, but that's no trainsmash...

Has it been suggested to my seriously dysfunctional Controller that I just might be the one that got away?  Is that the thought that leads to his erratic outbursts of anger, and the resulting increased attacks on our home? Both the Roof Climber and the flurries of jabs to my head and ears that occur more often than not around dusk, indicate an insecurity that is frankly remarkable in one holding so much responsibility..

LATER at 5.20am

The power must have been cut about ten minutes ago, when I'd heard the dogs barking outside.. I'd not noticed until I got up from the desk to go about my business and I'd realised the desk lamp in the lounge was off.. The joys of candlelight.. *grins...
In fairness to the Unfortunate Fellow, he at least allowed me to finish cooking the dog's livers and rice, and they're safely cooling out on the verandah.. *curtseys grovellingly...

LATER at 5.40am

I've just lugged the trash bags up to our drive in the pitch dark.. As I crossed the path of the overheads, the frequency in my ears changed dramatically, and despite the darkness, I guess I'm still on satellite feed image.. *bows theatrically.. If ever there was an OWNED toad, I'm it, and for the life of me I can't fathom why His Shiftyness still has such niggling doubts...
Am I not behaving according to some sort of pre-ordained script?  Do I not fit the bill of how a target should react under these *clears throat* trying circumstances?
Would someone sharper than my Poor Creature care to explain to Balliram that I see my chains?  That in fact I see the chains before they've even been used, and understand that they will be employed as needed, to every single facet of my life?

He can't understand how anyone could accept such a terrifying situation with such equanimity, when he'd be the first to remind you of my innate stupidity?  Wakey, wakey, there, Creep.. It's my thickness that's worked in my favour so far, and nothing else.. It would seem that I'm simply too dumb to be overwhelmed by your diligent and vitriolic attentions...
I see my cage and how it's shrinking, but as there's efall I can do about it, why not make the most of it, and concentrate on the magical properties of this technology, instead of the appalling role played by the Supreme Controller of my Life, Collin P. Balliram?

LATER at 6.45am

I'd not anticipated getting lucky when I went out the front at 6.15am with the Panasonic, but I didn't go away totally empty-handed despite the ostensible blackout... Check the five orbs hanging over our satellite dish, and the moon-sized sphere with it's slightly smaller companion, lurking by der Bunker signal-enhancer HERE...

LATER at 10.15am

I've just sent a text to the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, though it's anyones guess whether it will reach it's destination..*yawns...
'Reported powercut 5.15am. It's still out. Load shedding quota, or more of Ballirams petty spite? Who outranks whom FFS. J'  No-one could accuse me of being anything but open and above-board, right? *winks..
I'd been chatting up at the gates to B.Snr as usual, just after 8am, and had pointed out the tiny bright light active inside the cowling.. Our Controller had pulled out ostentatiously a few minutes later and sped off.. Not long after that, the white button next to the miniscule light was activated as well, and I suspect the two of us were on some sort of Conference call and video...*snorts...  Best the community are kept in the dark on that miraculous little feature, hey Al?

Imagine their rage if they knew that the criminals were actually recording footage via satellite as their chums pistol-whipped the wife at her gates, before driving off in her Merc?  It'll be decades before anyone admits to those camera's existence, and even then it will be bleated that there aren't sufficient Monitors to man them... Only while actual crimes are taking place, hey Earl?
Someone has just picked up that I'm scribbling my blog, and the BackFire levels have increased accordingly.. His obliging stand-in, hidden away in der Bunker, who comes and goes unseen, or the Sadist himself?  I'd have to go with the latter attempting to make some sort of point... *winces...

LATER at 10.55am

The power's back on.... *dances...



Wednesday 27th June 2012 at 3.02pm.