Tuesday, June 05, 2012

(begun Monday 4th June at 6.45am...)

*The first double-woop! sounded as I signed into gmail, and the second quieter, woop! as I came on in here to blogger.com.   WHAT??*  Edit:  I'd finished my update by 8.56am and a full three minutes later it was still struggling to Publish. WTF? Problems with the archaic Internet Explorer we're now using? Ai, carumba!* 

It doesn't happen often, and it's sheer luck if you're at the right angle, but sometimes they slide like a golden line across the lower part of my eyeball, along the bottom lid, and when I went into the kitchen a short while ago, I'd also seen a tiny bright green light flash on the microwave's dial-face...
If I were deliberately looking for them, I doubt I'd get so lucky, but I'm happy enough knowing that when I do pick them up, I can at least identify them for what they are.. *dances..

Will the old lying by omission stunt have been pulled on the charming young Professor Els?  Has he been led to believe that I'm trouble and to be avoided at all costs?

LATER at 7.10am

As I'd tipped the seed onto the birdtray five minutes ago, Balliram sent me a resounding and in-your-face double 'woop!' from his newer remote... Is this Chop for real? Seriously? *chokes... His 'I wasn't being scarce with that device, and I'm still the Boss of you' attitude would be hilarious, were it not so pathetically lame...*yawns...
The Poor Creature doesn't get that I've long accepted his total ownership, simply because I continue to chirp like a rabid Duracell Bunny, stuck on Run... *falls over...  Does he need to tell himself that I'm a menace in order to justify the more appalling physical attacks he's made on my person?  I don't buy that crock, as Barnabas' prize IT Monkey isn't familiar with the word justice in any form..*grins..
Millie simmers angrily in the background, waiting to see whether her Master will ignite her further, and leave her a glowing ember on my back for the day... Our very existence is in his filthy hands, though it would appear that he often questions his own good fortune.. Go figure... *eyeroll....

LATER at 7.55am

The dogs had raced up the stairs ahead of me when I'd gone up twenty minutes ago to fetch the Times.. By the time I'd puffed my way to the top step they were both engrossed in the pile of dead leaves that always collects next to the wall in front of our garage door.. WTF, thought I, another dead mole? But no - Sophie was fascinated by THIS diseased-looking leaf.  There was absolutely no evidence to suggest that a passing cat had sprayed on any of the leaves, so what was it that intrigued the dogs so keenly?  I guess I was entitled to be curious, as they resembled something like plane tree leaves, and I've seen nothing like that round here...
I'd picked up a couple of them and then turned to find the cowling camera activated quite blatantly, as my Controller paid me close attention, so I figure I'll bag them to go with the rest of my 'collection'..

Tuesday 5th May at 4am...

Our lights were still flickering at bedtime last night, and I was already awake at 1.30am, when the same two fingers and thumb numbness kicked in, and Mickey Malice cranked up the BackFire to it's top level...*yawns... Straight after I'd updated my blog yesterday with Enslaved, I'd written a brief mail and sent it off to Professor Els, and then I'd called his Secretary and requested that she let him know to check his spam if he didn't find my note in his Inbox... I have yet to change my opinion that he's a kind and caring young man, but his lack of any response at all, is odd to say the least...

There'd been an interesting picture come in the mail from my Vice Chair.. He'd had his gardener scrub down his pre-cast walls in preparation for a new coat of paint, and he'd noticed afterwards that one section appeared different to the rest... He'd had the foresight to take a picture after dark, and though the results aren't conclusive, it certainly seems as if the familiar luminescent paint has been applied to that surface....
He's adamant that whatever it is, it's coming off before the new coat of paint goes on.. I wish him luck with that one, for if it is indeed the weird lumo application, it's pretty impossible to remove, especially on the porous surface of a pre-cast wall...
We've never bothered to paint our walls, and it'll be interesting to see how the lumo paint reacts to PVA, and whether it will stand out from the rest of the panels in the long run...

Are you in a heavily wired suburb?  Have you spotted the tell-tale Physcia Grisea lichen on the trunks of nearby trees and walls?  If so, that would be an excellent kick-off point to begin your hologram hunting expedition, for the heavier the lichen, the more the laser activity in that area....  As luck would have it, Eskom are threatening more powercuts, which should provide the ideal situation for you to get out your digital cameras and start snapping away... If you think you're going to net a whole bunch of those spherical beauties on your first try, think again....  Like I said, you can be facing a point dead-on and capture nothing at all, and yet if you move two feet to the left or right and try again, the results may astonish you...

Due to our Controller's penchant for over-kill there's little luck involved at ours, and I can pretty much guarantee that 90% of my pictures will reveal at least one or more of the orbs, though in your case they might not be quite so prolific....  If you've found the lichen nearby, try taking some nightime shots of your nearest streetlight or overhead as well...
Wouldn't it be grand if rpm at mybroadband were to start a thread for hologram hunters to post their results, or does such a thing exist already? (Well hidden?)

Ronald?  Please tell me that you've at least recruited a family member to take pictures around your home in Fourways, and that you aren't blindly buying Jannie van Zyl's insistence that the technology is 100% safe?  If indeed Stef Roux's quantum laser communications technology has been added to the wireless-over-the powerlines in your neck of the woods, I'm guessing your home will be surrounded by holograms.. So what?  See, I figure that once you've seen visible photographic evidence of the sheer amount of laser activity, EMR and wireless that blankets your suburb, you can make an informed choice whether to stay or run for it...
Ag, silly me!  Of coure you can't, as you're as trapped as the rest of the population...*sighs...

Jannie will insist that if you're behind the controls, no harm can come to you or yours, but I'm not so sure about that, though if you're young and single, maybe it's that much easier to accept this game of Russian Roulette... *shrugs... Course, there'll be those like me who are anxious for their adult children, but who personally have nothing to lose, and can face each day with keen fascination instead of fear...
What were the odds that I'd end up in the midst of all this scientific genius?  An incorrigible Simpleton, thrown among some serious Bright Sparks, to gibber and cavort for their snide entertainment? I'm damned if I don't consider myself most fortunate..*beams... As determined as the Poor Creature Next door is, to make my every hour as miserable as he can, there's no way he can dampen my under-lying enthusiasm for the miracles I've been lucky to stumble upon....

This morning there's a nasty dull ache in my lower back, that tells me our Balliram is as busy as ever, doing his damndest to destroy us, one way or the other... *belches.... Back off, Buster! While I've no competition in the Idiot Stakes, you're going to go down in history as a contemptible and sadistic pervert, as easily manipulated as the very lowliest of gullible puppets involved in this mammoth culling experiment...
Funny how so much of my incoherent babbling over the years has been proven true.. Something you might like to bear in mind before you unleash the next wave of nose-running pain into the homes of innocent residents here in the Zone....? Or not...*shrugs..

What I'd give to be able to share my enthusiasm with the seemingly fearful victims, whose system's have become so vulnerable to the technology's fall-out.. To encourage them to rise up, despite their pain, and to whip out their Canons and Nikons to hunt down visible evidence of what's being used against them, by a nearby-ensconced thug... It beats the heck out of sitting back and waiting for the coup de gras to be administered, does it not?

LATER at 7.20am...

My efforts to find a laser-attracting substance applied to my Panasonic have so far proven fruitless.. Many of the tiny screws about it's silver bodywork give off the familiar ochre colour, but I'd have to guess that's due to the camera's age and the EMR saturated environment it's kept in.. There are several miniscule chips in it's bodywork, that give off blinding pinpoints of light when photographed.. Again, I'm inclined to think it's just coincidence... *temporarily frustrated....

Have a good one julle and


Tuesday 5th June 2012 at 9.16am