Saturday, April 14, 2012

(begun Saturday 14th April at 5am...)

For a technology that's 'perfectly safe', as Stef Roux insists, there's a great deal of visible evidence to the contrary.. How long has it been up and running in your area, and do you have to live on the Coast for the damage to be quite so severe?
While checking through my photo albums I'd come across THIS fellow up in the cherry-picker, diligently applying another coat of whiter-than-white substance to the pole supporting THESE overheads down by No. 2, on the 14th September 2008.
I'd blogged around then of the oddness of that particular exercise, but it makes enough sense now that Dr. Roux has joined our cast.
Karl Muller says that I should be able to SEE the lasers?  That sure ain't gonna happen, and I'd suggest that's why several of my night-time shots show an inexplicable amount of smoke floating across the screen, as the Wag Next Door tested whether they were visible to me or not.. *winks..

I can only guess that the massive advances in laser technology have so far eluded the Rocket Scientist, and that very few casual observers, if any, would be able to actually see the beams... Sure, I see the odd flashes of light here and there, but I put that down to my aged and rapidly failing eyesight, and certainly not to laser beams...
Let's face it, Joe Public would freak out if he stepped into his yard on a dark night only to be met by a blinding laser-light show... So, no worries guys - No amount of mist or smoke is going to give this Game away...
I did on the one occasion, come pretty close to catching something, when I'd gone out onto the front lawn at 7.17pm on the 27th March and snapped off a couple of shots next to the birdbath.. Only later, when I'd checked through them, did I come across THIS startling result.
Check out the cloud of smoke hanging in the air to my left, and THIS blindingly bright apple-shaped object hanging in front of me..   I was oblivious to both at the time, and I find that pretty remarkable, don't you?

The severe corrosion to so much of the metal inside and out on our property, has of course taken it's toll on us physically as well, and both my hearing and sight have gone for a ball and chalk over the past year.. Natural degeneration?  Bollocks to that.. *snorts...
Will the Pervert be forced to curtail his jump-into-the-bath-with-me sessions, that he makes on a daily basis, since my camera revealed the energy field running along THIS plastic hosepipe behind the washing machine, and THIS startling rainbow effect on just one of the two bathroom windows?  Personally, I doubt this revelation will lead to any changes being made to the Sicko's agenda, and he will continue to insist that his brief requires him to stick with me every waking moment...*nudge, nudge...

He didn't see that coming, did he Jannie?  *falls over... That right now he's as trapped as the guinea-pigs he owns, and is forced to eat, sleep and think Village Idiot, 24/7.. Ouch..  Has our charming Monitor finally drawn the interest of those with the power to shut him down?  No - Not you Janneman, nor you, little man..*looks at Earl... One, if not both of us, is about ready to spontaneously combust.   Care to guess which it is?

The Principal has twice requested that I join him on a Social site, almost as though he is oblivious to the limitations set on my interwebz movements.. How can this be, when it's common knowledge among the Chosen that I'm no more than a dancing, chattering monkey, chained tightly to my Master's grubby wrist? *curious...
Was the Access Denied to the bblounge designed to be a slap in the face, or a prudent move, suggested by someone other than young halicon or Prom?  Tis true that my yapping has reached fever pitch, but it's hardly likely that anything will change as a result... *snorts at the thought...

It's grown light outside, and several sudden savage Jabs to the Back could denote that my Controller wishes me to leave off scribbling here at the desk, and entertain him in other areas of our home.. Do I dare argue? Are you kidding me?  *staggers off...

LATER at 6.38am

I'd gone down to the boundary wall yesterday, and covered it with a double layer of duct tape.. What?  Oh, the really heavy application of white compound decorating the lowest pre-cast panel HERE.  I'm well aware that he can employ any of the other hundreds of laser bounce-off points marking our walls to activate his painful call to my dogs, but it's the gesture that counts....
I'd gone and studied my handiwork after dark, and even without my spectacles, I could see the telltale greenish glow on the panel to the left of the duct tape I'd applied, and I've no doubt the animals will continue to be tortured every bit as much as their witless owners...

Besides, what might have shocked you about Balliram's behaviour some four years ago, now seems trivial and deserving?  You're morphing into a different breed of animal altogether, and are oblivious to it... *shrugs...
You had a break-in and still can't figure out why your three big dogs didn't sound the alarm?  A chemical sprayed at them?  A Dog Whisperer had befriended them? Or was their dazed demeanour afterwards, due to the battering directed at their ears?  Oh, come ON!  It took me long enough to figure it out, and you know it's the bloody truth... *snarls...

LATER at 7.55am

I'd followed the GW into the bathroom while we were chatting.  Almost immediately, BigEars sounded a single *woop!* on his solar remote, to enhance our conversation.. Careless, but unavoidable?  *eyeroll..

Sunday 15th April at 3.30am

The neck thing again?  *yawn..  Almost as if the tendons/muscles in the right side have been badly bruised?  Every now and then the ache creeps up into the base of the skull.. Ja, and this morning the Beetle's chorus is more of a roar than a shriek in my ears.... It's all gripping stuff, though he pulled that one on Sue the Book a week or so back, and I've not yet checked with Missus B.Snr to see if her neck has also been playing up...
Can YOU see the laser beams?  It really bites to think you can, and that my eyes are so buggered, it's a treat I'll not get to enjoy... Old age.. *mutters...

The Panasonic is clever enough to pick up the holograms and the energy fields where they're the strongest, but it falls short when it comes to the actual beams... Maybe if I wore my specs when I bumble about outside, after dark?  Naa....
My friend across at No. 5 took an unexpected nose-dive in her kitchen last week, and is laid up with a damaged foot as a result, so I ended up going over with some shopping she'd needed, yesterday morning...
I must check when last those Moth Cottages were painted, for the first thing that struck me had been that her home looks untouched by the battering that ours has taken.. It could have been about 2005 when the Head of the Flame Lily Board of Trustees, Brian Osborne, introduced a new rule, and the tenants were ordered to clear all the shrubs and trees from their front boundaries... Osborne was an Electrical Engineer with the eThekwini Muni for most of his working career, and was clearly agreeable to this section of Harris Crescent being rigged up for the wireless/laser 'trials'.  *spews...

He'd thrown his weight around considerably, until pretty soon those front gardens had looked like deserts, and there was nothing breaking the LOS between the Moth Cottage tenants, the mast, the mini base station at St. T's and the microwave tower beyond, at Overport.. Is the now deceased Illuminati answering for his crimes in the hereafter? Not likely...

Ahmet?  You there?  Can I ask you something?  Have you seen No. 734 Jan Smuts Highway for yourself? Where Barnabas installed his now ex-Mistress and her two kids?  Check out the colour that the house is painted HERE.  Lilac? Violet? It's so darned close to one of the colours daubed about our property to encourage the lasers, as to be spooky.. Any chance that the colour of that house itself could've had anything to do with the now ex-tenant's reported illness?  Think about it.  I've not driven down past that home in a while, but maybe someone should suggest to the new owner that he change it's colour to something not quite so attractive to the lasers?  Maybe a similar wishy-washy lemon yellow, like the Moth Cottages? *winks.. Not a colour we've yet had applied to our brickwork and walls, although a couple of weeks ago, a large amount of bright acid-yellow appeared overnight on our verandah steps, and in the courtyard, when I wasn't looking HERE.

I'd been sitting on Sue's bed, showing her the pretty holograms on my camera, when the batteries had died.  Brand new the day before, that made it a total of three pairs of new batteries sucked dry in as many days.. *blinks.. Millie had announced the Pervert's arrival in Sue's bedroom shortly before that happened, so I shouldn't have been surprised..*shrugs...
Are you still sceptical when I insist he uses the same Party Trick to drain our car batteries?  While it's pretty darned impressive, I'm hard put to link this behaviour to that of a responsible Monitor/Tutor for the Surveillance Project...
Just kidding!!   The more criminal his antics, the more impressed are his equally crooked Superiors, and you can bet that our Balliram isn't unique in any way...
By now there'll be a hard-core band of similar thuggish Monitors showing the same symptoms of arrested development as our Controller.. Thugs who vie with one another in the background, to see who can come up with the best party trick, using the wireless/laser technology... All good, hey Jannie?
As long as the country ends up going to hell in a handbasket, they can do what they like, as long as they don't get caught?  Lovely... *spews...

Lately, my Master has been sticking closer to me than a tick on a dog's blanket.. Why?  To hastily delete sections of my interminable yapping out of sight of his Peers, who sit up at the Radio Station?  As it's unlikely my visitors number more than two or three at the most, I would question which of us is the more genuinely paranoid right now.. *grins..


Sunday 15th April 2012 at 9.30am