Saturday, April 28, 2012

(begun Sunday 29th April at 3.30am..)

The pitch in my ears has just changed enough for me to recognise his arrival, and the clunk as he activated the line behind the TV was unmistakable.. *yawns...
Surprisingly, the Aviator's efforts to kick-start Adsense had paid off after all, and there'd been a missive in gmail asking me to fill in a form, which I'd done.  Once I'd clicked on Submit, a tired little message informed me that there'd been an error their end, and they'd get back to me.. I shan't be holding my breath on that score.. *winks..
Maybe their bot exploded with the effort of trying to find suitable ads to run?  The GW had said rather snidely, that they would probably be along the lines of promoting Valium, but I'd be more inclined to think it'll be Self-help courses in How to Become a Secret Agent, or the Send $200 to this address to obtain your legitimate NIA clearance..   A bit silly really, when you consider that the latter is being handed out like free candy across the country...
Puffed up with self-importance-pseudo-Intelligence Officers, minus the main ingredient of their trade...

I'd bummed my kid's expensive little Canon off her last night, and had gone out to take THESE pictures of what they both derisively refer to, as the 'Orbs'.. *grins.. We now have the Panasonic, the Olympus and the Canon, all being tricked by dust particles into producing fake holograms... *snorts...

Tucked among the articles I now seem to get daily from was something titled Resonance Beings of Frequency, from a film-maker called James Russel, residing in the UK, who needs his work to be widely distributed... Could Karl Muller link it to my wild tales of laser-enhancing compounds, synthetic biology, and wireless frequencies being used as weapons of war?
The Aviator insists that using lasers to enhance stolen conversations has been around for ages, though I'm betting it wasn't until 2005 when this astounding combination of technologies was unleashed on South Africa's unsuspecting public, while the world watches with ghoulish fascination...

There's been a carefully controlled stream of water hugging the pavement for a week now, coming from under the concrete lid of a water access-point on the pavement outside No. 17. You barely notice it, until you turn your head to follow it's path down towards the stop street, where it crosses the road and runs down Kasim' s access lane..
On Wednesday at 8am, the water had increased to cover the road at the bottom, though it later reverted back to a steady trickle.. I'd eventually reported it on Thursday, though I imagine it will simply cease flowing when the required number of litres has been run off...
Our Neil MacLeod doesn't see himself as practising corrupt double-standards in any way, by allowing these engineered water runoffs to take place.. We'd driven through a lake on Stanley Copley outside the King George hospital, yesterday morning..  Water crisis? WHAT water crisis?
Are they designed to alleviate some sort of pressure build-up in the fibre-stuffed water lines, and how does this all affect the laser technology?
Man, I foolishly set such store by you, thinking you had the brains I lack, to research and answer my endless questions, and in the end I've been left to try and figure it out on my own.. *eyeroll...

Did you get to read wrathex' update on the Chemotherapy thread at mybroadband?  Were you not astounded by her indomitable spirit, and the fact that she can still be understood, despite the setbacks she endures? *sad...

I'd been up to unlock the garage early on Thursday morning, only to find a chap standing on the pavement across from No. 6.  Deja vu, and I'm betting it was the same guy that I'd glimpsed standing there in the pitch dark one evening recently, during a blackout... I'd smiled and greeted him, and his only response had been to scuttle across the road hastily and enter Balliram's gates that had suddenly opened to let him in..*winks..
It's likely by now that Balliram will have created a satisfactory explanation for this fellow's presence, just in case I mentioned him, though it certainly wasn't Patrick the Tree-Killer HERE.   Would Penny recognize this new face if she saw it?  Would my two dogs greet him with familiarity? *curious...  Would he be able to say how the glass turntable from our microwave came to be broken, and glass shards found near my chair in the lounge, and more lying on the concrete next to the bin in the courtyard?  A deliciously fascinating puzzle, and though the little trainee sangoma said on her next visit here that she must have forgotten she'd dropped and broken it, there was something odd about her explanation...

You've surely not forgotten that she's as susceptible to the wireless frequencies as so many of us are, down this end?  That the room she slept in next door at No. 10 bore the brunt of Allen Spence and Balliram's efforts at getting the technology up and running on our streetlights... Do the wireless frequencies play a part in what takes place here on a Thursday, once we've left the house in her care?   While working at No. 10 she'd acquired what I can only refer to as Mast Rage, amongst her other symptoms, and her previous employer reported that her personality had changed from docile and cheerful, to seriously aggressive...
I suppose I'd hired her out of some sort of guilt, that one so innocent should be subjected to the horrors that Balliram was unleashing in our homes, and I've not regretted it yet, though this may change depending on the amount of control exerted on her by the Sadist... *belches..

Curtailed his self-gratifying activities?  Are you joking?  Despite my family's presence, I'd had to resort to cursing him loudly last night as the sudden jabs to the base of my skull became unbearable, while I was sitting in my corner of the lounge.. He'd stopped his nonsense and it didnt re-occur, but his intent burns as brightly as ever it did....*vomits...

How's the Racehorse Owner doing these days?  Driving along Sparks yesterday, the familiar deep yellow Lamborghini flashed by with what appeared to be a youngster at the wheel.. Royal Security, or some other fortunate self-made millionaire?  Has Roy Moodley widened his business interests to include purchasing property up in Rosetta within the last 5 years?  *interested.. Sure it's a wild guess, but under the circumstances an affirmative answer wouldn't surprise me in the least...
And while I'm at it, how's about a twisted pair cable being installed along that section of the Rosetta Road outside my kid's home?  *studies the Telecoms Agent.. The stretch that had their cabling 'stolen' last year already?
Sure, the wealthier residents are all on some Bundu Connect, but there are plenty who can't afford that option, and as you've allowed my family to be included in this web of malice, the least you can do is to replace the landline...
I've got you pegged all wrong, Jannie?  You're actually a good guy?  Then prove it.. *eyeroll   Want to tell us who the Area Controller is for Rosetta?  Curry Mob affiliated, perchance, or did you point out a suitable vacant property on the hillside to our Earl, some years back?

I was amused to find that our old friends the Mthiyane Boyz were back in the area, working at the foot of the pedestrian lane that runs between Harris and Abrey.. Plant hire se GAT! *chortles...
The silence that's fallen over the Manase Report has me believing that Sutcliffe has achieved his aim, and has successfully threatened his detractors, using stolen information gleaned from the wireless/laser technology, into zipping their collective lips... No surprises there..*yawns...
This will have to do for the moment as I'm knackered,and off to rest my burning eyes for a bit...


Sunday 29th April 2012 at 9.09am.