Thursday, February 02, 2012

 (begun Friday 3rd February at 3.10am...) 

*I've temporarily abandoned my gardening efforts in order to oblige the pitiful woop woop of my Controller's newest remote, which sounded ten minutes ago.... *

I have to smile at the number of people I know who still persist in using the old 'Keep it between us' or 'just between you and me' routine when imparting what they deem to be some juicy gossip or top-secret titbit via my gmail or over my phones...  How many times I've hastily interrupted to remind them it's a shared line/service, only to have my warnings completely ignored.. *eyeroll...
Hey, you can tell me anything, so long as you remember it's as good as plastering the news on the front page of the local tabloids.. Ain't that about right, BigEars?   *teeth.. (At this point I must apologise for the odd spacing on my published blog.  It appears that my Controller is busily doing a bit of his own editing in the background)

Trying to convince anyone that you're the assignment handed to a purported Special Agent for the Intelligence Department hasn't gotten me anywhere over the years.. Try telling them you're simply the entertainment factor for the hordes of otherwise bored-stiff Monitors employed by the Wireless Surveillance Project and you'll get more than a few sideways glances.... *shrugs...  You can waffle on ad infinitum about how the Area Controller you're assigned to, takes his brief so seriously that it's become a sick obsession, and still the disbelief persists...*yawns...
After all, who in their right mind would find a 66 year-old crone worthy of any surveillance at all? I guess the clue lies in the 'right mind' bit... *grins...

If I'd had any doubts that the Wireless Surveillance technology had reached Gauteng, they were swept away by Rayleen Haan of Fourways and her letter to the Editor published on Page 14 of yesterday's Times.. 'Stop making us powerless, Eskom'.  Ms. Haan was bemoaning the fact that while Eskom insists we make sacrifices, the lights on the freeway are left to burn 24/7.
And there you have it.  Fourways is wired for sure, making the attacks on Ms. Dorny's home in Craigavon a simple matter to achieve and confirming that she's going through what we've been enduring here since 2005.

Course, in the Mast Fighter's case there were no tentative exploratory attacks via her powerlines, but a full-on and immediate assault, once the iBurst tower came down.. A no-holds barred and ongoing 'You're going to pay dearly for my humiliation' onslaught arranged by the purple-faced and furious Master of Telkom Strategy himself, in order to assuage his hurt feelings.
It's likely that our Ronald/rooigevaar knows the Area Controller for Craigavon already, and more specifically just who it is that's installed in a home near to Ms. Dorny, and who has been handed control of those powerlines and ordered to flood her home with the devastating wireless transmissions....

Why pick on Ronald when he's been through so much shit already?  Despite the tragedy he's experienced so recently, he still has to keep a roof over his head and feed his family, and I for one would not have expected him to speak out against the abuse he must know is being carried out against the Mast Fighter and her family...  It's actually a crying shame that so many otherwise good people are being forced to stand by silently and watch while these criminal activities are being carried out, though I've no doubt a regular pay cheque goes a long way to easing any pangs of conscience that may occur....

What can I say?  Only that if you've not been recruited to the Project but are interested, start checking out your local freesheets and the letters pages in the tabloids to get a clearer picture of which suburbs are now wired with the magical Surveillance technology.. Ongoing powercuts, copper 'theft', burst water mains, and trees destroyed, are just a few of the signs to watch for, before you come to realise that you're OWNED...  You're keen as mustard to join but haven't been approached?   Find out if there's a LAN operating in your neighbourhood and beg to be allowed on board.. Alternatively, log on and  head over to efnet's IRC #trivia channel and ingratiate yourself with the foul-mouthed FlipDeezy and you're IN... *eyeroll...

LATER at 4.30am

I'm frankly astonished by the sudden caution being displayed by Balliram and his use of the noisy wirelessed signal enhancers in our yard... When I'd taken the dogs out to pee at bedtime last night there'd been a few insect-like sounds, but most certainly not the usual culprits nearby... *blinks... This morning it's pretty much the same thing, apart from a faint intermittent ticking outside by the courtyard and a background whine here where I sit writing.. A whine that has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the little portable fan that's running next to me, and that fades and disappears each time I remark out loud on it's existence.. *chokes...
Face it Balliram - As a Stealth Operative you're a dead loss, though your sadistic streak may continue to have you employed one way or another for a long time to come...

A New Age Hitman?  It has a certain cachet to it, I grant you, but like the Wizard of Oz, behind that creepy title lurks a trembling and insecure Sicko, ready and willing to sell his skills to the highest bidder.. Sticks and stones my boy.. Sticks and stones...*shrugs...
I'd dropped into the Bluff Meat Supply butchery up in Pinetown at lunchtime yesterday, only to find the entire road had their streetlights active.. *spews... Chances are high that the letter writers who dare to express their dismay at this blatant hypocrisy will be singled out for some 'special' attention by their local Area Controllers at some point down the line...

The mischief and lies surrounding Ballito's water supplies (or lack thereof), have me picturing Neil MacLeod in his orange boiler suit, and neatly incarcerated alongside his equally corrupt cronies the ex-City Planner Michael Sutcliffe, and the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, young Allen Spence...  There are simply no excuses good enough to cover the crooked behaviour of eThekwini's Head of Water and Sanitation, and that's the bottom line... "The whole of Durban is at risk of water shortages in the near future" yaps this ardent supporter of the Wireless Surveillance Project, blithely.... Am I reassured to think that a doubtless qualified Engineer such as MacLeod will have been researching the effects that all this technology is having on the population?  Anyone tried pointing him to Karl Muller's posts for an easy-to-read insight on the dramatic effect this is already having on hundreds of community member's health and well-being?

No time to waste on that scare-mongering rubbish Neil?  Like your cronies Spence and Sutcliffe, any spare time you have will be spent counting your shekels and figuring out which country you'll retire to, oppie ou einde?
I'm as baffled as I ever was at how so many intellectual bright sparks have been led to the point where they appear to believe their own lies... More archived studies donated by the Russian Behavioural Scientists, Jannie?   Studies fallen on and devoured greedily by Vodafone in the nineties, when it was decided that South Africa was ripe for the plucking?
A country with just the right mix of those who desperately wanted to protect their existing wealth and those who wanted to become wealthy by fair means or foul? *nods...

I've seen and accepted the sheer futility of my efforts to reawaken the courage you once had, and still I stumble on, bleating in the wind...
The thing about being an Idiot is that you simply don't know when you're licked.. You think? *winks...
Something tells me (the Voices?) that it wouldn't be wise to cease reporting on Balliram's unique 'Management' skills, and that writing regularly of the ongoing sadistic methods this Sad Creature employs to entertain you, may eventually give his Master cause for concern...
To continue retaining an employee so blatantly precoccupied with his own self-gratification has to raise doubts on the veracity of his Employer.. Well, that's the general idea folks..*winks...

LATER at 6.30am

*I've just been permitted at least twenty totally pain-free minutes on Cloud 9.  Further uncharacteristic and inexplicable behaviour from my Controller...*fascinated..*
I'll never know what prompted the nauseatingly gaggable letter on Page 19 of the latest Weekly Gazette, 2nd February, Issue 611.  'Time to celebrate Nayager's Life'.. Written by an ex-Chairman of the Reservoir Hills Sector Policing Forum, who it appears was oblivious to the contemptuous derision with which he came to be regarded by the very object of his belated praise...
A contempt that Nayager made no effort to conceal at our Motherbody Meetings, when their relationship finally soured, and a tradition that was continued happily by the new Manager at Dodge City, once the Sex Pest had been removed... *waves to the Crumb....

Anyone notice the dramatic increase in crime up in Westville since the hasty redeployment of their Station Head, the redoubtable Cln. Emmanuel?  You hadn't connected the dots?  Constable Clark?  You going to come clean and admit that there's dirty work at the crossroads, or are you going to continue kidding yourself that the Good Guys are in any way in control of the Surveillance technology? *snorts... Have a good one guys..


Friday 3rd February 2012 at 9.31am