(begun Saturday 4th February at 3.05am..)
If I asked for a show of hands? How many of you are as awed and impressed by Jannie van Zyl's version of the Wireless Project's goals today, as you were when he first touted it? Cara? He's been a friend for years and would never lie to you, not even by omission? Do you seriously believe the Telkom Strategist is unaware that the wireless technology is being used as a weapon, and that he has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the ongoing and concentrated attacks on the Mast Fighter's home and family? *curious..
Just how far gone are you all...?
Indoctrinated and brainwashed to the hilt, or have you managed to save a little corner of your brain that's still able to function for itself?
There's no shame in admitting you've come to realise you've been conned, for you're in some fairly illustrious company.. Both the Struggle Activist and the Director are not short of a grey cell or two, and yet despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I'm betting they continue to believe that Barnabas is some sort of saviour.. I'm okay with that.. They're in too deep to even think of jumping ship at this point, and I wouldn't expect them to.. What I'm after is that they find that tiny corner that may just have escaped the tsunami of lies and subterfuge that swamped them pre-2004, and that they cherish and nurture it as quietly as they can..
By now they've seen what happens to the suckers who don't toe the line, and it ain't pretty.. Oh, and BTW, if you continue to think that the 48 year-old ex-Head of Sydenham Station died from a heart attack brought on by stress alone, and without any outside interference, you can stop reading right now and go back to sleep... A bee in my bonnet? Bullshit.. Anyone who poses any sort of threat to the Wireless Surveillance scheme, is dealt with harshly, and it just so happened that Glen Nayager was on the receiving end this time round...
I'd been sitting comfortably in my corner of the lounge yesterday afternoon at about 4.30pm, when my feet and shins suddenly began to feel unpleasantly hot... I got up and walked around for a bit, but as soon as I sat down again it was back.. An experience that usually occurs every day at some point between 4.30pm and 6.30pm. Whether that's when Balliram gets home and cranks up the transmissions automatically, or Freddie at No. 12 switches on, I've no idea, only that at the end of each day I can pretty much guarantee I'm going to be hit by the increased emissions.. *belches..
I'd been that curious that I'd sent a text to my VC to see whether he was home, and whether his poor feet had suddenly let him know of the signal escalation as well.. His reply came quickly enough and it turned out he'd been admitted to Parklands after his flue-like symptoms had taken a severe turn for the worse.. He also texted that the doctors couldn't figure out what was causing the extreme fever and chills, but of course we know, don't we? As a constant thorn in the side of the Seriously Rotten, the chap has to be persuaded to relocate, by fair means or foul... *shrugs...
Did the Druglord ever say Let's try dividing the Zone and creating another Sector Policing Forum to weaken my VC's efforts at assisting his community, and if that doesn't work, we'll resort to more drastic measures?
Was it the Crumb's continued irritable reports to his Boss, that my VC's tenacious persistence to do the right thing was driving them nuts up at Dodge City, that had Barnabas ordering the increased assaults back before Christmas?
Add to that my efforts to hook the Honourable Man up with the Mast Fighter and I guess it's no surprise that my VC was in a bad way last night...
The deliberate smear campaign designed to give the impression that S was anti-Muslim, and the division of our Sector Forum, didn't work as thoroughly as you'd hoped, hey Earl? And when it looked as though there was a chance that Ms Dorny could convince the man that the shocking downturn his normally robust health had taken, was due to wireless transmissions, the gloves were really off....
You have only the health and welfare of your community at heart, Mistuh Barnabas? Sure you do.. *snorts.
For all your outward make-over, you're the same miserable conman you always were. A low-life sans conscience who'll stop at nothing to get his way.. *vomits profusely...
Under the circumstances I'm caving, and will actively promote any suggestion that my VC relocate to a different province, for the air in this corruption-ridden city has become seriously bad for his health...
LATER at 4.35am
That odd ticking sound out by the courtyard that I'd mentioned yesterday? It's more like a squeak, and it kicked in as I walked into the dark kitchen, before I remarked out loud and it was hastily doused.. Gotcha, you CHOP... *eyeroll..
Sue the Book and I had stood nattering up at my gates before 8am yesterday morning, and I'd drawn her attention to what appeared to be a tiny active light inside the plastic cover on our streetlight.. It was right up next to the bulb, and she'd interrupted our conversation shortly afterwards to remark that it had just gone out.. The traffic going by, causing an illusion, or the real deal?
Like I said, Balliram's brash approach to monitoring has given away more of the secrets surrounding this deadly technology than you'd have thought the Authors would care for...
Two humble and battered guinea-pigs now aware of the highly sophisticated technology those innocent-looking cowlings contain, is surely two too many... So what, hey Earl? It's nothing that the so-called Good Guys didn't already know, and I've finally woken to the fact that my constant shrieks to the Rocket Scientist go totally unheard... Now, why aren't I surprised? *grins wryly.... Man, I've given him everything I've got, including the heavily customised wall lights and the streetlight cowlings with their miniscule extras concealed inside...
Did I over-estimate his genius in thinking there were enough clues for him to figure out how the system is being operated? Hell, we'll never know, as he's off and running after what he regards as way bigger game, which neatly explains Jannie's smug grin as he continues to post in the Cooked Conifers thread at mybroadband.. Of course Janneman can insist with absolute impunity that no nearby cellmast caused that barbequed effect on Ms. Dorny's fir trees... The cook-out was, I believe, achieved either by more than just one of the seriously tweaked wall-lights HERE, that may well face onto that stand of trees from an establishment nearby, and if not, then it will be a simple streetlight that's been recruited and upgraded for the job, just as the light in Crouch Road, Sydenham was used with such spectacular effect on the Sydenham Heights Rep, to cripple her.... Our Mr. van Zyl is well aware that I may bleat until I'm blue in the chops before anyone pays this confirmed Idiot any heed..
The Strategist's bitchiness that bubbles just beneath his amiable facade, came out briefly when he deliberately referred to hal by name, just in case anyone had missed it..*winks.. It's not like the youngster is attempting to hide who he is, Janneman, so there's another FAIL for you to suck on... Though you're his superior in more ways than one, I for one appreciate the carefully created and ongoing antipathy between you..*grins... Foolish hal likes to think he's with the Good Team, but you know better, do you not?
That at the end of it all there'll be neither good nor bad, but just one collective heaving mass of bleating sheep, to be herded and culled at will by wolves such as yourself... Too melodramatic for you? Way too much hyperbole?
I put it to you that I've more than earned my farking stripes, and I'd appreciate it if you had the seriously unstable Knob next door deleted from my sight.. Not your decision to make? Crapola.. You could bow and scrape your sorry arse before your shadowy Masters if you wished to, but I guess you're just having way too much fun to rock that particular boat... Besides, I don't show you the deference you feel you deserve, do I, mannetjie? A Fatal Error on my part fosho... *eyeroll... I must go...
LATER at 6.30am
For once he didn't even bother to pretend.. *grins.. Wherever he'd been overnight, he'd seen me go up to unchain the gates and stand studying the cowling, and just maybe that's why his Beemer came sweeping down the Crescent at about 6.10am, and pulled up outside my gates while he waited for his to open.. On this occasion studiously refusing to turn his head and greet me with his usual feigned amiability, as I stood just feet away...
Nobody else up there to impress, so why bother to lay on the act?
An all-nighter conducted from where? Hopping in and out of the heavily wired Parklands Hospital perchance? The Coward's refusal to so much as glance in my direction screams guilt.. Guilt for what? Will I find out soon enough? *fascinated...
Saturday 4th February 2012 at 12.51pm