Friday, January 06, 2012

(begun Friday 6th January at 4am...)

*As I opened my gmail five minutes ago, our Controller let off one of his new remote's odd *woop!* sounds....*

I swung off of Cloud 9 at 3.30am and headed for the kettle before I realised I'd quite forgotten that I was a cripple... I hadn't rolled gingerly off the bed with grunts of pain as I'd tried to stand, but had simply gotten up and walked through to the kitchen.  A miracle?  No ways... The only miracle here is that the Sadist had temporarily stopped pumping the Broken Hip frequency into our home overnight, for whatever reasons... *eyeroll...
There's more...

It was Penny's first day back at ours yesterday, since her Christmas break.. I was in such discomfort I'd already told the GW I wasn't going to attempt to take myself out to the shops, as last Thursday had proven to be an exercise in total misery, and I said I'd rather hitch a ride with him in the Polo...  (No, you didn't hear me say that Balliram, as I wrote it down for the GW, you knob).
When, by 8.30am there was still no sign of Miss Ndenga, I'd called her daughter to see if there was a problem.. A gutteral (sp) man's voice had answered and said I had the wrong number. I rang Penny's cell and it rang endlessly before going to what sounded like a fax machine..*blinks.. Both are numbers I've used successfully on many occasions in the past..
It's not a trainsmash yet, as maybe she's chosen to spend an extra week down in the Transkei, and had no funds to call me..*shrugs...
Once I'd accepted she wasn't going to pitch, I'd said to the GW that hip be damned, I was going to give driving my car a shot after all, and I set off up my fifty two stairs one at a time, thinking I could always hang a U and head back home if the pain got too bad...

If I told you that by the time I got to the Village Market on Hofmyer my leg was already feeling better, would you consider me nuttier than ever?  That there was little to no debilitating frequencies flooding that shopping centre for a change, nor at the Farmers Market, or the Westville Mall?  That I even managed to cross up the quad at Sydenham SAPS without dragging my leg too badly?  *startled....
The first hint of BackFire struck as I passed by Owen Johnson's house and the cellmast on Harris Crescent, and an hour after I'd arrived home I was limping as badly as ever.. It's bloody magic I tell you!

Still, the pain was bearable right up until the afternoon when I took a call on the wired landline from a Community member I'd not met previously... I subsequently made a few calls of my own, and it was downhill all the way from then on for CrippleJill..
It irks me mightily to think that from the top ranks down, this bunch of criminals will shrug off their culpability by insisting they're just doing their job..
That the pain and suffering (*as I type here in blogger at 8.11am my harddrive is going nuts.  Kaspersky?  Nope, the icon hasn't moved for quite a while) caused to my friends and neighbours is nothing more than bad luck and unavoidable.. If that's the case, may I ask Sabeera up at No. 18 whether she or her family endure ANY of the horrific symptoms I've described here in detail over the years?
May I ask our ex-Ward Councillor's cousin at No. 31 the same question, or the Paramedic three doors down from her?  No?  No health problems that you're aware of, despite your heavy investment in the Wireless project?

If that doesn't convince you that the attacks on selected homes via their powerlines here in the Crescent, are premeditated and deliberate, nothing will...*yawns....
My VC had tried a third doctor in an attempt to unravel the mystery of his agonising feet and ankles... A doctor who yesterday admitted him to hospital for tests.  Will he ultimately be told he's joined the growing ranks of diabetics here in the Zone?  *fascinated...
Missus Bernie and her daughter up at No. 17 are enduring remarkably similar agonising symptoms.. The daughter (already a diabetic) since some time before Christmas, and her mother two or three weeks later...

It would appear that blogging the Good Man and loyal CPF member who lives in Michan Road, and the strong probability that their home has also taken a battering via their powerlines at the cost of their health, hasn't pleased him in the least.  Ambiguous as my references were, I suspect some 'kind' soul has drawn his attention to my words, and has stirred more than a little deliberate mischief in doing so..
You may recall how a similar attempt was made a few years ago, to drive a wedge between me and my good friends down at no. 4, and of how miserably it had failed...

Will my one-time friend from Michan Road forgive me for using them to illustrate that Balliram's attacks are by no means restricted to the unfortunate guinea-pigs here in Harris Crescent, or will he allow himself to be persuaded I'm no more than a rubbish would-be shit-stirrer?  *interested.... Will the Good Man ever come to realise what's being done to the Community by a so-called reformed Druglord and his criminal henchmen, or would he, as Barnabas so correctly predicted, prefer to keep his head down and mind his own business as the fall-out from the Surveillance technology takes it's heavy toll on the residents?
While the loss of his friendship would be a blow, there's no way it will stop me from continuing to sound the alarm as best I can.. *shrugs....
I'm fortunate to live in a community filled with wonderful, kind and caring people, who it turns out were chosen as the kick-off point for a truly horrendous technological experiment, all thanks to a local druglord and our Head of Intelligence... If my babbled cries of warning serve merely to alienate me from the very people I care about, so be it...

LATER at 6.30am

The charming Broken Hip frequency has been reactivated and enhanced for Balliram's listening pleasure, and I'm back to shuffling about grumbling and groaning...
I'd begun a Kaspersky Full Scan at 3.38am, and have just checked almost three hours later, to find it's only completed 90% so far...*blinks..
The last full scan we ran a week ago, completed in an astonishing hour and a half, and the GW merely shrugged it off, as he tends to do now when something is beyond his ability to comprehend... *sighs..

Reaping what I sow is a term I'm more than just familiar with btw, and I've pretty much always taken responsibility for my actions, even when it's been carefully explained to me on occasion that I'd had nothing to do with a particular problem.. *grins... Having a life-long issue with my self-image has led to me willingly shouldering the blame for any and all misfortunes that come my way, or yours for that matter...
Sometimes with due cause, and I suspect, sometimes not... *shrugs...
With hindsight, I allowed the convicted Sex Pest Nayager and his buddy Balliram to feed off my self-loathing for years, to their delight.. Oops!
Enough.  Me and the unpleasant toad have finally learned to get along, albeit in a shaky fashion, and as long as I remember right from wrong and give a shit about my fellow-man, I figure I'm doing okay....
These days my apparent ongoing self-absorbtion is designed to show you the results of what can happen should you choose to speak out on criminal activities...

Were you to search the Zone for other out-spoken critics, chances are you would find them laid low in similar fashion to me and my friends.... In time you will learn that even muttering your misgivings in your own home could prove detrimental to your health, and you will fully support the sheep-like tenet of head down and FFS mind your own business, as so many here do already...
The ultimate goal Mr. van Zyl?  An ambitious project, watched by the world as would-be dissenters are picked off with ease by the wireless weaponry?
Exhausted and nauseated as I am by the ongoing physical attacks perpetrated upon so many innocent people by your No.1 Area Controller here in the Zone, I continue to be fascinated at how easily the population have allowed themselves to be conned.. And this from a dyed-in-the-wool Simpleton, nogal..

LATER at 5.40pm

We have a new development.  Our Controller's Beemer still sits day in and day out on his driveway.  Whether a red-herring, or whether he is home or away it doesn't appear to have deterred him from causing ongoing mischief...
Just before 12.30 midday I was watching the box when I noticed some electrical interference on the screen and I could hear the buzzing as well.. (As if a hair-dryer had just been plugged in near to the set?)
I went down the passage to check whether I'd left something running and by the time I got back the interference had stopped completely.  I settled back down and *blam!* we lost the screen and the sound.  Despite resetting first the decoder and then the wall plug, it took a full half hour for the Channel to restore...

Since then it's run totally hassle-free right up until 4.55pm, when out of the blue the same electrical interference kicked in, and you just KNOW it's source is nearby..*vomits... Whatever tweaks and additions the Chop had done during the two weeks after the installation of the solar powered geyser, they are definitely affecting our power supply over and above his physical attentions, en ek maak sterk beswaar.... *snarls...
You think that's funny?  Seriously?  How many people have already had their assets and even homes cooked, in the name of this bloody Wireless project, never mind their health severely compromised?
And how many of those inexplicable electrical fires were genuine errors caused by an Area Controller, or were judgemental payback scenarios delivered by a power-drunk and unqualified goon, with a flair for hacking?  Lord, do I sound peeved or what?
Peace julle...


Saturday 7th January 2012 at 8.47am.