Monday, January 23, 2012

(begun Tuesday 24th January at 5.10am..)

A quick glance through yesterday's Daily News and I found Barnabas' colleague adorning Page 5 with 'Agliotti sitting pretty while Selebi battles'..  More blah, blah, blah confirming that he's got sufficient stolen dirt on the Top dogs to avoid prosecution... *yawns..
I bet you can guess what made this otherwise fairly dull piece interesting?  No?  His tweets apparently indicate that he has a 'bad arm' and that his GP has put him off playing golf for six weeks, while he undergoes rehab.
Arm, or shoulder? *curious..
After almost two months or more on anti-inflammatories, the GW still lets out an involuntary groan if he's careless and moves his arm a certain way... B.Snr. confirmed just last week that he too still has the identical problem with his shoulder..*blinks...

Want to bet that whoever has access to the Agliotti mansion via his powerlines, has flooded that home with the same wireless transmissions that caused these painful and seemingly unmendable problems down this end?  The Gauteng Druglord's doctor won't have a clue what's causing his wealthy client's pain and discomfort, and will have trotted out the usual trite tendonitis or arthritis line, and kept his fingers crossed that it would go away....
The Joburg Area Controllers must be easily as bored with their monitoring as their counterparts in Durban, so here's an idea.. Spend a couple of hours ferretting about among your contacts up there and see if what I say isn't spot on.. *grins...

The fellow is small-fry up next to our Earl, though he and his fellow criminals will have been considered useful enough to employ to get the Wireless Surveillance technology up and running in that corner of the world.. I figure Agliotti succumbed early on to the Deification Disease that seems to affect everyone given control over large swathes of powerlines, and the ability to thieve private information from whoever he chooses...
A disease that had Glen Nayager believing he was some sort of god, to the extent that he overstepped the mark and fell out of favour... *belches...

Will Agliotti have his powers removed, and will he too be demoted to running Organised Crime in the area, or has he in some way offended the PTB to the point where the tables have been turned and it's his own home's power supplies that are being used against him?
It's possible he didn't show enough deference towards our Earl, and that this lapse eventually reached Barnabas' ears, resulting in the loss of Agliotti's ability to enjoy the greens up in Gauteng... Will he be allowed to recover, or is the damage done irreversible, and he'll never swing a club again?  *fascinated...
You dudes and dudettes infesting the powerlines up in Gauteng could amuse yourselves by finding out if my guesswork in this regard isn't just perfecto mundo....

It would be a great PR exercise for the so-called Good guys in favour of the Surveillance technology to demonstrate that no-one can escape the Eavesdroppers, not even those on the inside of this filthy scheme...
Reassuring hey?  Eh, spare me the bullshit...
When I hear that Michael Barnabas has been seen limping about his Kingdom using a cane, or I see for myself that Collin P. Balliram needs assistance getting up his own driveway, only then would I begin to consider the tide may be turning, and that one set of criminals is about to be replaced by another...
As rotten-to-the-core as Michael Barnabas and his Lackeys surely are, they're still amateurs when it comes to Jannie van Zyl's Superiors, and the callous means they're using to enslave the entire country...

LATER at 6.10am

My Controller might want to tell his versatile Elim Pool employee (or was the dude from the now defunct Crown Pool Co?), that I'm pretty chuffed with the couple of pics I took of him yesterday at 2.26pm, and that I'll have a print made for him when I get the opportunity... *beams...
Considering I was teetering on top of that dodgy little ladder, on my one remaining good leg, when I took THIS picture, I guess I've reason to be pleased...
Though I'd been out in good time to stop the destruction of the rapidly growing mulberry tree that was doing so well just below our wall in the valley, Balliram's employee was having none of my protests, and slashed it to the ground in under five minutes...*grins..
Man, it was always doomed to die one way or another, being as how it ruins our Controller's LOS, and I guess using the pool guy to blatantly ignore my pleas gave our Sicko the most satisfaction at the time.. *chortles...

Besides, mulberry trees are on the Park's Hit List as invasive aliens, are they not Manisha?  Never mind that up against the wall of poison that now fills the air, any tree is a good tree, right?  It's like some sort of sick joke that so many qualified horticulturists have been easily persuaded to condone the destruction of trees, alien or otherwise, in order to promote LOS for the Surveillance technology.. They'll stand by happily watching as their colleagues in the Water Department uncap hydrants and run off millions of litres of precious water to alleviate the pressure build-up caused by the fibre cabling now stuffed through so much of the country's waterlines, while sanctimoniously insisting that this or that established tree is detrimental to the water table, FFS... *spews...
Would Wayne or Manisha care to come out and attempt to diagnose the disease that assails all the trees that border my valley wall, both inside and out, and including my avo tree?  Nope, it ain't the good old white-ant infestation that's killing them off, as much as you'd like to believe that lie... Those trees were 'dealt with' a good while back, and the results are startling, to say the least..
You've heard the rumour that your Muni employed crews carry around cans of Axe or whatever that poison is called, but as long as they don't actually apply it in your presence, mum's the word?

I guess that using the tree poison is a last resort, for in many cases a Monitor will establish that an area is deserted apart from the domestic workers, and a Parks crew will arrive with their power-saws and swiftly remove landmark trees from verges, to the dismay of returning residents... Hell, you've all read letters in the Press from outraged tree-huggers demanding to be given reasons for the eradication of long-established trees in their area.  And you just know the authorities aren't going to go knock on those doors and explain that it's in order to promote the removal of the community's privacy altogether, and quite possibly to ruin their health in the process... *vomits..
Right now the Blessed Project is seeing to it that we're breeding an entire society who are being encouraged to believe that lies and subterfuge are the norm, and that their own acts of corruption are for a worthy cause and therefore permissable... *yawns...

Yeah Missus Kazee - I'm still grumbling away into the wind down here, as your own driveway and the road it meets continue to be worn away by your copious runoffs...
Are you keeping tabs on your cousin up the road, and whether the ex-Ward Councillor and his family are feeling the effects of a roof stuffed with wireless boosters?   Any of your own family members experiencing crippling aches and pains, that your doctor will hesitantly diagnose as arthritis-related?
While it's a given that you're among the privileged, and therefore exempt from having your home flooded with the devastating wireless transmissions, chances are that your LOS to the Raftery/Harris cellmast and those fierce lights in the little park, could take their toll on your family anyways, and I'd be really surprised were your cousin and his family to escape scott-free as well...
I'll continue to insist that Mr. Essay's unfortunate demise last year was in part due to the situation of his home and Balliram's gung-ho use of those hugely powerful lights in the park to gain illegal access to the houses in the area...

We'd had a little social event planned for straight after last night's CPF Meeting.  As usual my Vice Chair was organising it pretty much single-handed, so I was dismayed to hear early yesterday morning that he'd been running some sort of fever and had been laid low overnight... *studies Balliram...
Testing just how far you can go and still get away with it, you Chop?  Fosho you are... I see you've finally abandoned all your attempts to appear as a normal civilized member of Society, and are simply going for broke?
Beware the Deification Disease dewd, although I guess my warning comes way too late, and simply bounces off of your cooked head like so much chaff in the wind....
I'd hazard that you will be remembered in the end, though not necessarily for the reasons you'd like... *shrugs...
My endless waffles have made me late, and I must go and feed the birds...
It's a beautiful if damaged world out there, and I hope you make the most of it while you can...


Tuesday 24th January 2012 at 9.34am..