(begun Tuesday 24th January at 4.30pm.)
Not twenty-four hours after my Controller's Pool Guy had despatched the pesky mulberry tree on our boundary line, a great wind sprang up and took down a big branch of the coral tree, (a tree that was indeed infested with white ants), killing our landline deader than a dodo in the process...
The gods certainly appear to be smiling on the Project, do they not? Well, one of them at least.. *winks..
By the time I finish clearing away as much of the debris on our side that I can, that powerful enhancer on der Bunker will pretty much have it's unrestricted LOS back again...
The last couple of months and all the lovely rains have seen my little garden flourish as it's not done in yonks, though I've an idea that's all about to change dramatically, and quite soon, as young V is really enjoying his DSTV over in the jondolo, and it certainly doesn't come for free...
I find I'm pathetically grateful that he wasn't tasked to cut down the mulberry tree himself, and it would probably be kinder to let him surreptitiously kill off much of my now sturdy jasmine, and see to it that my amazing thunbergia hedge dies back to within an inch of it's life, as has happened before.
Chances are that my accepting that these things are inevitable, may spoil some of Balliram's malicious pleasure, but it's not like he's going to actually call me and ASK whether V could improve his line of sight, now is it? *teeth..
Wednesday 25th January at 3am..
I'd switched my bedside lamp off at 8.32pm last night, and at 8.35pm I put it back on to note that my Controller's alarm had just gone off as he fumbled to increase the monitoring to my bedroom... Tsk, tsk... *yawns...
He's given me a couple of tastes of the Pain to the Ovaries before. Enough that I knew exactly what Sue the Book and Missus B. Snr were describing, though my experiences had been fairly brief and achieved in my corner of the lounge.
This morning, at precisely 2.35am, I came awake fast and drenched with sweat, to a serious demonstration of that particular charmer. Naturally the pain disappeared the minute I left the Sacrificial Altar, leaving behind only a dull ache in my lower back. I'd barely made coffee and sat down here at the desk, when one of his wirelessed nunu devices kicked in softly outside the window, and I tutted at it automatically...
How much skill do these assaults require? I would suggest that once I'd been aligned forever to Balliram's sights as I lie on Cloud 9, that even a half-trained monkey would have no problem hitting me with the frequency of choice. So, no skills needed, just the right amount of malicious intent.. What is it that runs through his fried head at that point, that drives him to such excessive displays of sadistic behaviour?
As he's been employing that particular frequency on Sue and Missus B.Snr. for some weeks already, what made him decide it was now my turn?
Would a full-on psychopath merely shrug at this point, and say it's simply because he can?
Did little shrooms from mweb's Studio 54 trivia channel ever follow through and specialize in disorders of the mind? I'd hazard he never in his wildest dreams considered the possibility of studying the effects that controlling such enormous amounts of power would have on so many of those chosen by the Project Authors to operate the system... *it's now 3.20am and Sophie has just been driven off my bed, flapping her ears frantically*.
Were studies done in the field of megalomania included in the archived data you were given, Rezah? *curious.. Are the Authors already well aware that a large proportion of their Controllers unavoidably succumb to feelings of god-like omnipotence, or were they chosen deliberately as already displaying a tendency towards this behaviour, even before they were handed control of their various community's lives? A fascinating field indeed...
I get the impression that Schabir is determined to thrust those shadowy GuptaBoys back into the limelight, and that he could if he wanted to, spill the beans on the reason for their move to South Africa in 1993.
Our Head of Intelligence and his siblings had to have been aware that Telkom/Vodafone had invited the Guptas to play a pivotal role in the Wireless Surveillance Project and 1993 would've been about when the first serious talks began on wiring up the nation... (See Daily News, Page 2, January 23rd. 'Who are the Guptas and why are they important?'.
The telecom's giants would've long been aware that the Guptas were seriously sharp cookies who were remarkably free of morals and scruples.. In fact, themselves the perfect patsys to have waiting in the wings to take over from the ShaikBoyz, once they'd outgrown THEIR usefulness.. *belches.. Our poor President would've been dazzled by the huge amounts of cash they flashed about, and easily persuaded that they had nothing but his best interests at heart.. *chokes..
I've never forgotten how the ex-Ward Councillor had said what a truly nice guy Jacob Zuma was, though that would've been well before he was put into the hot seat...
His failure was due to his complete inability to see the wolves that came skulking out of the woods the minute he was made President. Everyone wanted a piece of our Jacob, and he was happy to oblige..*sighs..
There'd been a mild mention made a week or so ago by my VC that we enquire as to whether we would be allowed to attend Nayager's latest arbitration Hearings, and it suddenly occurs to me to wonder whether that casual remark is what has him now as sick as a dog (his words), with what he imagines are flu-like symptoms? Lazzie? Is my VC's sudden illness in anyway connected to the Hearings currently underway at the Elangeni? A just-in-case attack to ensure he's in no condition to follow up on that fleeting idea? Were you left out of that particularly nasty little loop? I'd be surprised to hear that, for I guess your Mentor is well aware of how much you enjoy it when my VC is made to suffer as a result of his dedication to duty.. *gags..
The GW had finally attempted to report our downed landline last night, though his efforts had proved unsuccessful..*winks.. Will the techs be able to repair it from the valley pole, or will they have to venture onto our property to get it reactivated?
It'll be interesting to see just how long it takes, once the GW puts in an official report, to have our line restored, and I'll keep you updated...
LATER at 8.40am..
It appears we're back to square one and that when Balliram heads over to the Wireless Station on Ridge he leaves the levels of monitoring in our home cranked to maximum, despite all my audible protests. This morning it's all my fillings and a dull and persistent ache in my lower spine that tell me when it comes to our house, Balliram practises his usual over-kill...
LATER at 9.25am
Hot, sweaty and mildly irritable, I've manage to saw and cut the bits of tree that were actually lying on our phoneline and wonder of wonders, it still runs right to the telephone pole and hasn't snapped. Small mercies. Turns out it's an enormous branch that's peeled away from the main tree, and I was all for calling the Finance Manager at Merc. Pinetown to apologise for the problem caused by the 'wind'.. Until I realised that at the rate vodacom has been sucking money from my cellphone lately, I simply couldn't afford to call her. Instead I've taken a whole lot of pictures of our undamaged precast wall (apart from the existing cracks caused by Balliram's decking contractor, which I'd shown to Missus C once I'd noticed it) and the remarkably fresh-looking and white-ant free scar where the branch separated....
While the rest of the coral tree looks as strong as it ever was, would you care to bet that Balliram plans on having it razed to the ground to expose his home and family to yet more of the signal enhancers facing der Bunker from all angles?
I very much doubt that the little woman has much fight left in her these days, and that she's adopted a 'it's his business, let him do what he wants' attitude to keep the peace..*shrugs... Am I jumping the gun again? I'll keep you posted, as they say...
Peace julle..
LATER at 12.20pm
The Good Cop just called five minutes ago and you could literally hear how upset he was. He said that the evidence given at this morning's arbitration Hearing was overwhelming and that Nayager attended, only to collapse with a heart attack and be taken off by ambulance. How wrong was I, in assuming he was playing sick? It looks like another bad call on my part. Nobody wanted it to end this way.. Did I say nobody? Was Nayager himself proving a threat to the Project? You'll never know, will you.
Wednesday 25th January 2012 at 12.23pm.