Thursday, January 26, 2012

(begun Thursday 26th January at 4.20am..)

When I woke this morning it was to find I was wearing a full bodysuit of pain..*blinks.. Pick a part, any part, that hadn't taken a systematic beating overnight...
I'd had a senile moment earlier on in the afternoon and had sent the sms to the Good Cop and then hit Erase instead of Save.  IIRC, it went something like this:  Nayager knew EVERYTHING about the Intelligence Depts Wireless Project and it would've been easy to kill him using the wireless frequencies.
Ag, if you're interested, ask our Controller to show it to you, being as how you know he owns our phones..Unusually, there was no response...

It's not the first murder that's been committed using the Wireless technology, and you know it's not going to be the last by a long shot... Poetic justice ja.   Taken out by the very means he'd had his IT Monkey employ so cruelly on so many innocents here in the Zone, and yet it looks as though he never saw it coming...
If I'd not experienced at least a couple of instances of the Rapid Increased Heart Rate frequency myself, directed by my Area Controller, I might just have bought the heart attack scenario... Oops...
As it is, to be laying on Cloud 9 quietly reading, when my heart-rate suddenly took off for no rhyme or reason, merely added fuel to my assertions that the wireless frequencies ARE being employed as full-on weapons of war...*shrugs...
You can rest assured that I'd probably spoken aloud to Balliram at the time, and that he'd most likely backed off in favour of a more painful option....

Where had Nayager been staying over the last few months?  Chats, or still holed up in that flat on Mayville Hill?  Blocks of apartments that will have been wired to the hilt for at least three or four years already, right Al?
Had Nayager noticed anything odd about his heart rate at all, prior to the night of Monday 16th January, or had that been the first serious attack made on him, via the powerlines?  Come Tuesday, and he'd been so rattled by his chest pains that he'd taken himself off to hospital, much to the delight of his detractors, myself included.. *sighs..

After all the hours that Tweedledumb invested in the Wireless Project on behalf of the Druglord, Earl Michael Barnabas, I'm willing to bet that not a single soul will check out my theory...*yawns...
Did he admit himself to Westville hospital on the 17th January, and which doctor was involved?  What was their diagnosis, and what medication did they give him before he was discharged days later?  Had said medication been tampered with, prior to hand-out?  Majoor Groenewald could tell you how easy that would be to achieve..*winks at the ex-Head of Technical Services at St. Augustine's.

So Balliram - Were you frightened into it, and told that in order to prove that you'd genuinely crossed the floor to the other side, you were to flood your ex-buddy Nayager's abode with that nasty frequency from Monday night 16th January, onwards?   Personally, I'd rather believe that one of your equally callous counterparts was imported to attend to Nayager, and that you may have been sufficiently distracted as to have been unaware of his arrival in town..
Rezah?  Anyone you know that's easily able to match Ballirams 'skills' with the radio frequencies? *curious.. Hell, you can squeal as long and as loud as you like, that I'm talking kak, and that it was stress alone that took out the ex-Sydenham Station commander, but I'm not buying it....

Very few of you knew more than Nayager about the criminals operating the technology, and he'd become so unstable, that he simply had to go.. *shrugs... Not a difficult decision to make in the end, hey Earl?  When the suggestion was first put to you, I'm betting you agreed unhesitatingly, as you've a great deal to lose...  You think the message has gotten through to Balliram by now? That he's walking a tightope, and he'd best not step out of line in any way?
Judging from the beating I took overnight, the fellow is as flaky as his erstwhile working partner became, and his name could crop up on your list at any time.... How ironic is it, that were the devastating frequencies to be used against our Controller, it's doubtful he'd recognize them for what they are... He's been dishing out pain and suffering since 2005, and yet I doubt he's ever endured a taste of his own bloody medicine...

See now - If Nayager had suspected anything at all, and had had half a brain left uncooked, he might have thought to call me as soon as his ticker started playing up, and I might just have asked him whether the problems only occurred overnight once he'd gone to bed ...
I might also have suggested that he get the hell out of wherever he was staying, and that he holed up in an area not quite so heavily saturated with the wireless technology.. Ag, look at the time... *gone..

Friday 27th January at 4.35am

Turns out even the GW had noticed the bizarre heat build-up in my bedroom last night.. Whether the Casio clock/temp.gauge would've registered the intense heat is immaterial, as that sturdy little device lost it's screen weeks back, and has been laid to rest forever.. *winks at the killer...
It's fairly touching that at a time when you'd imagine Balliram to be preoccupied with grief, his obsession had him posturing in ours, as savagely as ever... *shrugs...
I'd taken it upon myself yesterday afternoon to call the Merc. Pinetown Dealership on my cellphone and to leave a clear message for Tamara with the Front Desk.
I asked that she be told that I wished to share the costs of having just the downed branch of coral tree removed, and I'm sure she'd be happy to tell you why I made the offer....

By now many of you will have read the various Press reports published yesterday, on Nayager's demise.. (Try Page 3, Daily News, Jan 26th) and if you're a durbanite and have been following, chances are you'll realise immediately that I'm right, and that his death at the fairly young age of 48 was a contract killing..
Commissioner Richard Lister?  A new Player, or an innocent walk-on part, due to disappear straight back into the woodwork?
Nayager's cardiologist suggested he be RUSHED to Westville Hospital? *falls on over....
Get this guys... It's midday on a beautiful sunny day down here in Durban.. The drama unfolds at the Elangeni Hotel on the Golden Mile, during lunch time traffic, and on a day when I'm guessing it was more than usually busy down at the beachfront, and yet his Cardiologist insists he be taken to Westville Hospital? *blinks..

Did anyone lean over to the ambulance driver and suggest they took the scenic route? *looks at the Paramedic....  It wasn't long after you'd moved in to your home opposite the little Park that I'd blogged of driving past in time to see what appeared to be three mafioso gentlemen arriving to visit you.. All of them were clad head to toe in black, including black leather bomber jackets that had screamed Curry Mafia at the time.. *grins...
Were you on duty on Wednesday, and did you take the call to pick up the stricken ex-cop, who was doomed to croak well before he'd reached his destination?

As notorious as I am for barking up the wrong tree, I have to consider the possibility that the Ruler of the Zone had decided it would be neat if the so-called Good Guys were allowed to make the hit.  Not a problem, as our Earl has an excellent working relationship with both sides, does he not? The Squeaky-Clean have easily as much to lose as the Seriously Rotten, were Nayager to have shot his mouth off, so it was anyone's guess which lot were finally chosen for the job...
I'd attended a CPF Meeting up at Dodge City on the Wednesday evening, and I was back again the next morning on my usual Thursday fly-by to find that the air of relief among the staff I encountered was palpable... Nayager had dirt on many of the officers stationed at Sydenham, and I've little doubt he'd been pestering them with threatening phonecalls for a very long time..

All way too circumstantial?  Hell yes, and there's no ways anyone will care enough to check out my allegations..*yawns... His 'heart problem' would've been created by using the Wireless frequencies to flood his hide-out, and when his genuine stress on Wednesday at the Hearing kicked in, who knows but that he swallowed a pill prescribed for him by his Westville cardiologist.. A cardiologist who had insisted the ambulance by-pass all the other hospitals that were closer, and drive all the way out to Westville in lunch-hour traffic..
What took place in the back of the emergency vehicle during that interminable ride will never see the light of day, but personally I have to wonder whether in his last terrified moments on earth, a little white dog didn't dance across his failing vision, and whether he'd have known who she was straight away...
I guess that if there is a hereafter, she'll also greet her ex-owner with the same delight she used to show anyone that paid her attention, were it good or bad....

Yesterday I'd considered attending my first-ever funeral, if only to shake the ex-Missus Nayager's hand.. I've since changed my mind, as it looks to be an all-day affair and more than I'd be able to manage..
Our landline remains down, despite having been issued a Fault number and making several follow-up calls.. We'd pulled up alongside a Telkom Project tech parked in Cullingworth yesterday morning and I was delighted to find that I have a terrific portrait shot of the dude in one of my earliest albums, taken some years ago in Brickfield Road... He'd obligingly scribbled a note on his work sheet, but I hadn't expected anything to come of it, and it didn't...
Your landline has been down for 3 weeks and still no sign of it being restored?  Why should ours be any different?  You dare ask that, knowing what we've endured?  That since 2005 we've been systematically cooked on medium to high by a sadistic psychopath, with the full knowledge of the Telkom Strategist?  Sies vir julle almal...
What are the chances that we have a powercut later this morning?  If our Area Controller is to attend his ex-buddy's funeral, who will he leave in charge of us?  Easier to simply cut the power, but we'll have to wait and see....


Friday 27thf January 2012 at 9.17am...