Saturday, November 05, 2011

(begun Saturday 5th November at 4.45am...)

I've been going through my two previous blogs in an effort to render them comprehensible.. A futile exercise, and with no internet, pretty pointless... No matter, as I regard them as my journal and can refer to them at any point if need be...

If I were to raise my hand and ask the DA Shadow Minister of Police why drug bust operations in Sydenham seldom if ever involve the local station, but are achieved by outside units, would she have an answer for me?  Is she aware of the power that our Earl wields here in the Zone, and of his total ownership?  I'll take that as a no...
Is Missus K-B aware of the Wireless Surveillance over Powerlines operations?  If she isn't, why is she wearing that title FFS?  How much of the truth has she been fed, if anything?
At the rate the Trough-Feeders are being outed, I have to guess she's been given an edited version of the Trojan Horse scheme, and that she believes this technological surveillance operation will ultimately bring the Ruling Party to it's knees...Pfftt... *eyeroll...

I was shocked to find yesterday, that my friend from Michan Road is in hospital with cellulitus (sp).. If I were to sit him down and pick his memory banks, would I find that his symptoms had begun overnight in his own home? That the pain would wake him in the early hours, but that it would improve once he'd headed out of the area to work?  Balliram?  Any ideas, or just the usual pathetic wide-eyed innocence?  Speak up lad, I shan't be doing the biting here! Were the attacks on his leg increased to the point where it became mysteriously infected, as both my elbow, and later, my wrist were to become?  A phenomenon that my GP simply couldn't explain?
Barking up the wrong tree am I, O Light of My Life?

He certainly fits the criteria you and your buddy Nayager consider to be worthy of 'extra' attentions via their powerlines.  A loyal CPF Member, and a truly good person would also fit both the Psycho Admin Head and the Sydenham Heights Rep, would it not?  *snarls...
Though the former left our Sector Policing Forum due to inside information that Nayager condoned drug-running and that several of his officers were heavily involved as well..  She wanted no part of the hypocrisy and resigned as Secretary almost immediately.
Is the Good Man over in Michan the latest to be sacrificed to these Sick Thug's appetite for sadism?

LATER at 5.45am

I'm doing it again.  Wondering what the likes of Double-Agent Sutcliffe is up to at this precise moment... When he began to hear rumours that one of the guinea-pigs chosen for the H20 trials was shrieking for help, did he settle back down with a smug smile, knowing that no such aid would ever be forthcoming?
Did he reassure himself that his Deep Cover role allowed him to sit back and ignore my outrage?
Is the Racehorse Owner aware that Herr Doktor Sutcliffe isn't really his friend? Sbu Mpisane and his bubbly wife Shawn? 

Barnabas would've filled Roy in, way back in 2004, if not earlier, as the Curry Mob were due to play an important role in destabilising the country, while enriching themselves...  Do Roy and Mikey surreptitiously wink at one another in the corridors of power, each one knowing secrets about the other and thinking THEY have the upper hand?  *choking...
By now the scurvy City Manager regards himself as a Hero of this New Age Technology War and ignores the fact that he's on a par with the lowest criminal rubbish that he employs... *chokes...
Are the telecoms giant's Behavioural Boffs Team not delighted with the way things are panning out just as they'd predicted?  How knowledge of, and control over the surveillance technology instils a false sense of omnipotence to the Controllers, to the point where they come to regard themselves as deities?

LATER at 8.30am

Weeding the veggie patch gives me ample time to reminisce, and on this occasion I chuckled to myself at how Balliram's Personal Assistant sought desperately to turn things round at one point, when she found to her horror that her husband no longer took her advice and was letting her down repeatedly by revealing more of his character than was good for their carefully cultivated image...
What did she do?   As always I can only guess, but I figure she tried to dress me in her husband's own Stalker outfit, until she realised that it was a pointless exercise, and that he'd crowed too loud and too long of his surveillance and particular obsession...

Right Peggy?  *waves to Ms. Allison wildly... You still keep in touch with the Oinker online?  FlipDeezy, if I recall correctly? If so, I must commend you on your strong stomach, and your ability to tolerate the totally depraved....   They're lovely people, and I'm demonising a perfectly amiable and honest erm, Cracker?  *falls over frothing... Come, come, Peggy... As much as you clearly enjoyed your own online privileges, and displayed a remarkable penchant for cruelty, do I find it hard to believe you continue to deny that you were hoodwinked along with so many other IT 'intellectuals'... *grins...
Man, here I am insisting that wimmen are better at most things than their male counterparts, and you persist in undermining my efforts?  While I'm not exactly a shining example myself, have I not grovelled and scraped to make amends?  Ag, I bet it's the 'once a Fool, always a Fool' thing that clings to me, no matter what I do...

Dare I suggest that if I have a saving grace it's that I'm a Good Fool?  And you yourself, Ms. Allison?  Where do you stand in all of this?  Can you still tell the difference?  You SURE of that?
Who was it that was tasked to introduce the Trojan Horse concept to the Part-Time Political Activist?
Did young halicon turn Double-Agent for the event, and feign a fall-out with the Strategist to gain her confidence?   Despite the errors he's made, Jannie van Zyl is still top of the range when it comes to the Telkom Puppeteers, and he still plays many of you like a violin..
For every misgiving you may experience, like magic he will pop up to reassure you and remove your fears, ne Janneman?
He will insist that there's no way YOUR home would ever be flooded with huge levels of unregulated wireless frequencies via YOUR powerlines.. That is, unless he's not 100% certain that you've bought his careful spiel, in which case he will have your Area Controller activate the system to Eavesdrop on your private conversations until he's happy you're no threat to his theatrics... *shrugs...

LATER at 1.30pm

So our internet was finally restored earlier today, and I was able to update my blogs.. *curtseys...
One things for sure - I'd make your 99 year-old grandmother look like a speed freak... Slow ain't the half of it... *sighs...
Does Balliram still pretend he needs an excuse to whack me, or damage my assets?  There I was, watering the cabbages, when I saw that monstrous light suddenly switched off and I automatically gave it the finger... Now tellus if you would - Who was in the bedroom next to that light, and who stuck their hand up and pulled the curtains back and didn't bother returning my subsequent wave ?  *curious..
Could it have been the little woman whose cruel games I've  excused for the most part, all these years?  Could she have muttered to the Sadist that the old witch showed HER the finger, and that that stupid assumption was the reason Pigman spiked my lawnmower to death, and took down our internet?

Let me ask first off how I could possibly know that room was occupied in the first place, let alone who uses it?  Then let me say that if Missus C had any part in either our mower being blasted or our internet service being scrambled from early Friday morning up until today, she should be bloody ashamed of herself.
Just kidding!   I go on and on at length about how these criminals should feel shame, but in truth if I could, and did get over my embarrassment at being such a complete Idiot, the illegal activities practised next door certainly won't be causing them red faces any time soon...

Yeah, since he's moved over to the Wireless Station, Madame has clearly worked hard at fooling herself she's not involved with his criminal activities, and has donned her Injured Party guise full-time... Sorry T, you're wasting your time, and though you deserve an Emmy for your efforts, and always have done, I guess spiking my lawnmower and taking down the internet because I showed the finger to one of your husband's destructive toys that was operating way past sunrise, was the straw that broke this bleeding camel's back...

Am I wrong?  Is that not how it went?  Finance Manager of Merc. Pinetown, was it? (you paying attention there Willie?) You know very well that your Significant Other has been assaulting me and my friends deliberately over the powerlines for years, and yet you continue to bleat out the 'she's lying' excuse?    And your poor mum is still sure that you're a good girl?  Ai, shame man...
I have, despite everything, offered olive branch after olive branch, but alas, a belated box of Diwali treats offered in order to disguise your true intent, doesn't cut it at all... Moving on..

I asked him at our last Meeting whether he'd acquired his PC and he said no, and that he had no intention of ever going that route .. *blinks.. But, but, I mumbled.. You'd said you wanted my email addie as you were investing in a computer?  Not me, said he, and so I'd shrugged it off... Anything to do with the apparently well-off Owen Johnson who lives higher up Harris and who enjoys Mr. Sutcliffe's FTTH?  No chronic ailments or weird symptoms yet Mr. Johnson?  Living as you do, so close to the Mast?  No inexplicable outbursts of rage, or fits of depression?  May your ThickSkin continue to preserve you and your family then... Personal friend of Earl's perchance?
You might want to arrange to have the road re-surfaced just below your gates, as it's a dead give-away of the huge volumes of water you run off to facilitate the fibre stuffed through your waterlines...
I'm sure Earl has only to raise an eyebrow and the Muni Roads Department would have a crew out there to do your bidding, and of course my old man will contribute towards the costs as usual... *snarls...
Okay - I've caught up, and now you're excused..



Saturday 5th November 2011 at 3.14pm.