Tuesday, September 06, 2011

(Monday 5th September at 6am..)

Is not PAGAD's entire premise based upon the eradication of banned substances, and the filth that peddle these drugs to the community?  At what enormous cost have they now compromised their agenda to work alongside one who is currently and without a doubt, the country's most powerful Druglord?
Am I to respect this organisation in spite of the childish games played by several of their members in support of the Project and it's Overseer, Michael Barnabas?  I don't think so... *shrugs...

The Good Cop insists that 95% of the Durban chapter of PAGAD are genuinely committed to their Cause, and yet I fail to see how this can be so, as long as Barnabas reclines comfortably next to our Head of Intelligence...
Is their belief that once all the Mosques and Madressas have been erected or refurbished, and the promises made to the Islamic community fulfilled, that PAGAD will then be free to topple Barnabas himself?  Whichever way you look at it, it's bloody compromise, and it makes a mockery of what I took to be PAGAD's agenda...

How many of you were aware of the seemingly insignificant fact that the new young DA Councillor for Ward 31 suffered a perforated eardrum a few weeks ago?  Did Balliram not consider it a worthy snippet to share with you?  Thrown in the deep end as he was, Lefevre had nonetheless gotten off to a flying start, and had enchanted the body Corp over at Block B, Sydenham Heights, with his seemingly genuine desire to assist them...
An achievement quite likely to have been deemed punishable by heavy doses of the Earache frequency to his residence?
I've blogged often enough of that savage frequency for you to know that it exists.  Not so, Rezah?  *waves...

There's no doubt in my tiny mind that levels of this particular frequency could be increased to achieve a perforated eardrum... After all, the young Councillor is treading on Barnabas' own turf when he liaises with the Sydenham Heights community is he not?
If I'm correct and this extremely painful lesson was administered from Balliram's work station on Ridge Road, will the unfortunate victim ever come to know the reason for that particularly nasty experience, or will he be left to return and continue his efforts to assist Block B, each time being 'punished' more severely via his powerlines?   *looks at the wireless expert.. What are the odds there, dewd?

LATER at 9.15am..

You can come back now Laz  -  There's something else I'd like to ask you... How many months ago was it mentioned on my heavily monitored phone line that there'd been a shuffle in Management over at Blue Jade?
Come now Crumb, you would have us believe you're not privy to my tapped phone conversations?  *chokes...
You will most definitely be aware that the conversations included the fact that the newly elected Supervisor at Blue Jade had offered his services for free, and that he runs a highly lucrative drug sales operation on the premises... How do I know it's lucrative?   I've just heard (as have you), that he's recently purchased his third Unit in that complex alone, so he's certainly not doing too badly...

You were going to get the Special Unit to set up a sting operation when you first heard our conversation?  What happened Laz?  Where'd that plan fall down?
Laying so much as a hand on that bloke would be tantamount to slapping your Boss in the face?  Ag, shame man... In that case, I fully understand your reticence in getting involved over at Blue Jade... *spews sideways... Is it to be excuse No. 2?  You're aware of his activities but may not touch him unless you receive an official complaint?  Don't bother trotting out the usual crud to me, mate, as I've not been in the market for your brand, in a long time....

Tuesday 6th September at 3.30am...

Despite having stripped both the bed and myself down to the bare minimum last night, it was the heat and the Backfire that had me lying awake at 3am.. *shrugs... Half an hour later, as I sit here at the desk, I've my slippers and a thick jersey on, to keep me warm.. The magic of wireless? 
I'd been settled on Cloud 9 for less than five minutes last night, when I was nailed ferociously by Monsewer le Chop... *blinks.. An agonising and brand new pain struck me in what I guess would be the gall bladder region and I cursed aloud and told him to bugger off, which he did instantly .. A practise run, Balliram?

A soupcon of what you have planned for me the minute the GW has left for the airport on Saturday?
Did it occur to you to wonder why it was I that insisted he go over and visit his kids in the UK, and despite our appalling financial situation, it was I that paid for his ticket?  *studies the Sadist...
You and I both know that the only thing that has stopped you from employing your power to the max in the past, has been your cowardly terror of getting caught, and the GW's presence...
From next Saturday for 10 days, I will have removed at least the latter obstacle from your path and I'm guessing that true to your previous lily-livered form, you will take the gap...
Every bit of mischief that occurs during the GW's absence will be noted, both real and imagined, and there will be no-one more astonished than I, if I emerge unscathed by the time my SO returns...

Does Leon Chetty of durbanite juggle his time between managing the site and monitoring his area?  Is he in fact tasked to control his neighbour's powerlines for the Metro Connect Surveillance Project, as well as keep durbanite running smoothly? *curious..
The mere fact that I was ever allowed to register and post, smacks of a behind-the-scenes deal, struck with my own Controller... *yawns...Am I seeing shadows again?

Despite that Leon has apparently shown me only kindness, I can't forget the occasion when I'd asked him to track down the Press article on the removal of a cellphone tower from the grounds of a school in Houghton, and his subsequent claim that he'd been unable to find the piece... (See Circumstantial, Published 20th June 2011 http://www.wretchedtoad.blogspot.com/).
A tiny glitch exacerbated by my rampant paranoia?    It would've been fairly big news at the time, and I do believe that Karl Muller referred to it in some of his subsequent posts, though in true scatter-brained fashion I kept no reference or notes at the time... Leon could have found the article I referred to with ease, had he wished to...
An article that had the Houghton pupils describing the effects the cellmast had on them, which in many cases had corroborated the symptoms we guinea-pigs suffer here in Sherwood.

Were Leon Chetty to have been chosen as our designated Area Controller back in 2004, I dare to imagine that very little of the suffering we endure would ever have taken place, for however hard I've looked, he simply doesn't have Balliram's mean-spirited air about him... A strange assessment to make, if as I suspect, I was allowed to register and comment merely as some sort of bizarre draw-card for the site? To increase the membership numbers by encouraging rubber-neckers to come gawp at the Circus Freak?  *winks..
Even so, were these wild speculations to be true, I can't help but regard Leon as a so-called Good Controller, and one that would be unlikely to enjoy harming those on his circuit for his own pleasure...
A habit that Colin P Balliram has indulged in since the onset of the H20-run trials here in Harris Crescent, in 2004.. *waves to the Mthiyane Contractors...

It's now 4.30am, and the pressure in my ears has just increased hugely, as some nocturnal beastie sets up it's squealing call out in the dark valley.. A fruit bat?
Young Leon's efforts to revive durbanite have succeeded to the point where he is now being suitably rewarded, and I'm happy for him... Naturally my cynicism has me viewing this latest development as a carefully engineered facet of the greater Plan made by the Project Authors... *shrugs..
Something that it would appear the majority of the 800+ members are aware of, as they sit silent and cautious, watching the small band of regulars who dare to speak out...
Leon urges me to continue commenting despite that I've told him of the increasing number of occasions that my Submit/Send button is now blocked.. I'm sure in retrospect he will understand and appreciate my lack of desire to attempt to communicate regularly as a result... What would be the point?

LATER at 11.15am

I was just heading along the front path to go indoors when I was stopped in my tracks by THIS blinding signal enhancer on THIS outbuilding at St. Theresa's school... I guess like most of them, it depends entirely on what they're being manipulated to emit at the time, but even on this squintingly bright sunny day, that light dazzled me...
A little over five minutes later, and I was back outside armed with the binoculars, only to find it had been turned off... An oversight, that was by a remarkable coincidence, corrected only minutes after I'd stopped on the path to study it?  *eyeroll... The Learners are surely due to spill out onto that area in another half-hour, and you have to wonder what will be lingering in the air to greet them...

Any other Absa customers had problems with their online banking this morning?  I don't recall the GW complaining that he had issues previously, and yet he's been struggling all morning to access his account..
My suggestion would of course be for Balliram to go out and get a real job..
One that didn't allow him quite so much free time to indulge his ADD, and channel it into spiteful mischief...

I'd been checking my diary earlier and discovered that the shocking assault and resulting infection to my wrist a few months back, had occurred while Balliram had been running something from der Bunker that would flash and pop as if a bulb was bursting.. Any of you bright enough to figure out why and how that had such devastating results on my wrist? *interested...


Tuesday 6th September 2011 at 1.38pm.