Wednesday, September 14, 2011

(begun Wednesday 14th September 3.15am..)

I didn't hear the first rumble of thunder.  The one that got the little dog scuttling back down the passage to land on me with a thump as I slept..  A wake-up call with a difference, ja....
I remember how terrified I used to be, and I can sympathise.. It's the assault on the eardrums that does it, and of course you can easily triple that effect for canines, and appreciate why so many become frantic at the first sign of a storm... That's about right hey Balliram? *teeth..

Though I'm still inclined to be jumpy, I've learned to mostly deal with it....
Was this rain predicted, and thus the reason for the sudden rush to clear the stormwater drains down below?  Better safe than sorry?  Anticipating a problem perchance?
Naturally the rain is going to affect the work being done on the driveways right now, as well... I've done a quick check and discovered to my delight that I've got everything I usually buy for Penny, so I've no real need to go out to the shops tomorrow anyway... *beams...
The GameWrecker thoughtfully stocked me up with enough stuff to see me through a siege, and between the rain and the roadworks that's pretty much what's happened.. I guess I'll decide in the morning what to do....

LATER at 4am..

The dog's livers and rice are cooked and cooling on the verandah already, and the little beasts have both braved the storm to go out and do a quick pee, and now, despite any extra attention the obsessive Sadist cares to send my way, Cloud 9 is beckoning.... cheers....

LATER at 9am..

It was pitch dark down on Jan Smuts when I put the trash out after 5am.. The rain can be blamed for that outage, and a sneaky bit of load-shedding achieved, right? *winks...
Haven't you wondered what's happened to the regular Park's crews that used to arrive in your neighbourhood four or five years back, and leave the area looking spick and span at the end of the day?
That was before the Project required their priorities to be changed, and they were re-deployed to destroy trees for LOS and to clear away undergrowth from cabled areas.  Not much time left over to tidy up the suburbs after that... *shrugs...  Besides, unkempt grasslands and verges fit in nicely with the desired air of neglect and decay so preferred by the Project Authors...

When I'd gone up to the gates with the dog's food earlier, the unmarked white bakkie had arrived outside No. 17 and discharged it's crew, who began shovelling stones out onto the pavement.  I strolled up and had a word with them and said they shouldn't worry if they didn't get my drive done, as it looked like more rain was on the way... A jolly bunch, and I guess happy to be earning a wage, however small...

There was a guy posing across under the gumtrees at 7.30am, waiting stoically to be noticed.. I dutifully obliged and fetched the glasses, to find a shaven-headed fellow wearing a long-sleeved red knit shirt.. It's been my experience that the brighter the togs these guys wear, the more likely it is that they have another shirt on underneath, in a different colour altogether... *yawns...
Whip the red shirt off, plonk a beanie on his head, and he's someone else entirely....*shrugs...

I'm starting to lose count of all the fingers dipping into the rancid pie that's the Wireless Project, now operating countrywide... You've got your corrupt City officials with access to stolen information, for starters.. *looks at Herr Doktor Sutcliffe....
Then you'd have to include the millionaire sponsors of the ruling party, who will no doubt have acquired their own suburbs to ferret about in, via the powerlines..  Not forgetting Mistuh Beeg himself - The now outwardly squeaky-clean Druglord 'Earl' Michael Barnabas, who metaphorically speaking, sits at the right hand of Mo Shaik, in his capacity as Overseer of the Zone, and Consultant to the Information Thieves...

How the hell they all keep track of who is selling what stolen information to whom, beats me... *eyeroll...
It's frankly nauseating to speculate that the so-called Special Investigating Unit includes the likes of the Sadist next door among their ranks of contributors...
Hopefully I'm wrong and they're onto Balliram and his cronies, and wouldn't touch their input with a barge-pole..
If the SIU were to adopt the attitude that Balliram's criminal use of the powerlines is unprovable, and therefore he's in the clear, I'd have to consign the Unit to the same steaming pile of filth that comprises so many that have been given charge of the technology...

Despite my strong urge to stand up and cheer their sterling efforts so far, chances are they're just another outfit with an agenda that condones the nuking of innocent residents in their homes... Sort of selective judgement, wouldn't you say Ms. Muller?
You've got to wonder whether Marika Muller has the time or the inclination to hunt down Karl Muller's dire predictions, and whether she can figure out that the entire wireless-based Information Theft Operation is truly democratic, in that it can pick members of her team off as easily as it could their targets... *shrugs...
I'm thinking it could be as little as five years before the truth becomes unavoidable, and you wake up and begin to realise why our country was chosen for this magnificent experiment...

Greed, massive egos, and sheer ignorance?  The huge under-the-counter handouts siphoned in, to get the ball rolling, from Russia, Libya and even Japan?  (Or did Kyocera merely give you a good discount, Jannie?)
The joke is that many of you will point my way and say how bad can it be?  The old cow is as mouthy as ever, and the only cancer she has is self-inflicted, so..?
Come, step into my shoes for a while.. Or Sue the Book's, or Missus B.Snr's.. Let this Turd of a Controller destroy YOUR immune system and cook off YOUR cartilage, and we'll see how long that disbelieving sneer takes before it vanishes and becomes a rictus grin of pain....

Someone has gone to a great deal of trouble to depict Colin P. Balliram as a respectable, patriotic, if occasionally over-enthusiastic employee of the Information Theft Project.. Spare me the bloody cover-up! It simply won't wash.. If this laughable attempt at a Silk Purse had stuck to assaulting me and only me, via our powerlines, there's no denying that you'd have happily looked the other way..
He hasn't, and any cautious attempts you may have made to rein him in, have failed miserably...
You've already heard how the agonies Missus B.Snr suffers vanish magically when she leaves town for a few days, and that alone should have had the alarm bells ringing...
Prove it?

Why not book us all in for the same scan that I had on my thumb?  Let's scan the twenty-something's knees, and the forty-something's spine, and the fifty-something's wrist, for starters...
Let's try and pretend that the astonishing loss of cartilage revealed in residents both male and female, ranging from their twenties to their eighties, has absolutely nothing to do with Balliram's reckless and sadistic use of the wireless over powerlines, over a period of six years....
Then let's sit the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban down with Karl Muller for a chat...
See to it that Allen Spence reveals to the Rocket Scientist EVERY last facet of this wondrous technology, but make sure you provide a large bucket for the Educator at the same time...

For I would hazard were Muller to hear the details of the abuse so many of us here in Harris Crescent continue to suffer at the hands of a rank criminal, he would fill said bucket to the brim..

LATER at 10.35am

The Sad Creature is bored... No doubt by now he's settled in at the Wireless Station on Ridge Road and seeking to amuse himself... I've just had a missed call from the regular no-number caller, and a small jabbing pain to the back of my neck tells me of his renewed interest... *gags...
Balliram, and quite possibly young Rezah, are the only two that could possibly confirm just how startlingly receptive I am to their attentions... Why would they admit this to you?  Not bloody likely... *shrugs...

I took a call ten minutes back from my kid in Bucks., and it sounds as though my old man is having a ball... They visited not one, but three museums yesterday, and though it's never been my cup of tea, he will have been mighty chuffed... *beams...
Though the GameWrecker was fortunate enough to miss the initial assaults of EMR, which began back in 2005, and he only retired a couple of years ago, it's a given that Balliram will shorten his life-expectancy by a good few years...
If the pain that Sue the Book is suffering now is anything to go by, the chap will be more than ready to leave for good, by the time our Controller has worked his dark magic... *vomits..


PUBLISHED ON Wednesday 14th September 2011 at 12.02pm