Friday, April 08, 2011

(begun Thursday 7th April at 4.30am..)

*Morning Missus C - Am I glad to see you're still home at 9.36am.... Oddly enough, it appears your SO tempers his torture methods while you're around.... Yay? *
Who could ever have foreseen that the country's Saviours would ride in behind a cloak of corruption and lies created for the purpose?  Not me..  I've been watching all this time for the light on the horizon that didn't cause me pain and discomfort... Foolish toad!  *snorts...
How could I not see that the complete removal of Human Rights is in our best interests, and that handing the  surveillance technology over to the Seriously Rotten was a brilliant ploy?  A clear example of why YOU are the intellectuals, and I shall forever remain the Village Idiot... *curtseys...

Are Telkom's little white multiplex boxes tacked onto your streetlights yet?  The smart new cowlings with the lemon light-sensor on top?  I wouldn't fret if they are, for they'll be used to access your neighbour's privacy, and never yours.. *fat wink...
Besides, you've dutifully hacked into the computers on both sides of your property, as instructed by your Area Controller, so you're one of the Team and as such, who would be tempted to VOIP your private conversations, remotely?
That depends... If there are still many residents in your area that are dragging their heels about hopping aboard the Scheme, something will have to be done to nudge them in the right direction...

Which is about when the officially employed Organised Crime Bosses come into their own... You'd best cross your fingers that Wugger/Chosen or not, they don't decide to use you or your family to persuade the slackers to at least add a shitload of lights to their properties... *winks...

Friday 8th April at 5.35am..

I'd climbed into the GameWrecker's car just after 10am yesterday, in time to catch the tail end of Paul O'Sullivan chatting on 5fm...  Articulate and assured, you'd be forgiven for thinking he was an okay kind of guy... So why klap the girl?  Such a small thing ja, but it jars with the rest of the image, and must therefore be noted... *shrugs... *At this point in editing, it's now 10.09am and the BackFire has picked up dramatically.. I trot down the passage to find that ja, only one car remains on their driveway... Batten the hatches!*

I'd heard my old man chirping not long after he got up, and it turned out his precious new pretty glass kettle had lost it's blue lights... Well, not quite.. I'd been up as usual, hours before, and had boiled the kettle at least four times since then, without a problem.. It must have been a fairly neat spike to take out just the blue LED lights and yet keep the kettle functioning?  *applauds...
Much like a couple of days ago, when I'd picked up the cordless extension to make a call and was met with roaring static instead of a dialtone.. *blinks.. I'd reset the wall plug to no avail, so I'd gone through to the lounge to find that the primary handset was working just fine..*belches...

My Controller's skills at isolating specific items on specific jackpoints is by now, legendary..*pats Balliram proudly... Am I a lucky toad or what?  Of all the thieves and criminals now crawling across the land, who knew that this gibbering Idiot was to be handed on a plate to Colin P. Balliram and his chommies as a plaything?  *grins...
A fluke, that they arrived next door in 88/89 to unsettle the neighbourhood?  Nope - It's pretty much as I've blogged all these years, and my Charmer next door had his brief from the get-go... Ancient history by now.. *yawns..

My little banger (now partly-owned by Royal Security's Roy Moodley), went like the clappers yesterday... I'd done my rounds and had finished at the Farmer's Market in Westville and was heading home.. As I rolled her forward to pull out of the parking lot at Jimmy Bellow's, a shrill noise began coming from one of the wheels... *blinks... I drove down the little road, did a U just before I reached the brightly lit control streetlight at the end (!) and pulled back onto the grass... There I walked round to see if one of the wheels looked different to the others, and of course it all looked fine...
I called the GW and said I'd be limping home.. Needless to say I had no more problems, and didn't hear the noise again....

Why then do I bore you with this seemingly insignificant event?  I guess it's all about survival and self-preservation right now..*grins.. It was only much later in the day that I finally got a chance to sit and read the latest newspapers, and there on Page 3 of the Weekly Gazette, Issue 568, was a good enough reason to share even the smallest of things with you, here...

Check out Car Razed in Fire, and ask yourself who it was that Constable Duma had offended over at Dodge City... Tensions are running high up on the Hill, and if you think for one minute that her car burst into flames due to a genuine technical fault, you need your head read...
There's a message being sent there, and it's to more than just the Constable, who was fortunate to escape with her life... *shrugs...
So when my little Nissan behaves with anything other than the norm, you'll pardon me if I share it with you here, and should the worst (or the best, depending where you sit) happen, you will at least be able to make up your own minds..*grins..

You might also want to check out the Butcher Road Drug Bust piece on the same page, and ask yourselves why it was the Mayville cops who performed that particular bust.. *winks.. Way out of their jurisdiction, Butcher Road is firmly a part of Barnabas' Empire, and Sydenham SAPS as such,  will never be allowed to make inroads against the drugs that are rife here in the Zone...
If we're lucky, the Mayville boys will come in and do the job, and Barnabas will shrug and smarmily say he couldn't protect his Dealers from outside 'forces'.. *cackles...

Will we get a follow-up to that story?  The article says that both the Dealer and his brother-in-law were charged, but are they in the holding cells at Dodge as we speak?  And where is the confiscated cocaine allegedly worth R10,000?  Locked in the Evidence room at Mayville, or at Sydenham? *interested...
The Sexual Offender is, if I'm not mistaken, currently involved with the Mayville Station, as part of the Cluster, and therefore I would suggest that the lucrative stash  is probably up for grabs to the highest bidder, by now...

Cleaning up the police Mr. O'Sullivan?  You don't say... From where I stand, it looks to be another biased and selective exercise bent on nailing only the corrupt who bow to the ruling party, and no-one else, least of all the Real criminals...
I can't in good faith, step back and admire the bigger picture that you claim will eventually cure the country's ills, and I'm pretty sure you can understand why that is...

It must have been about 9.45pm last night when the text finally came in and woke me rudely from my doze..
The hang-glider dude had finally given up his battle to stay...
The MRI scans they'd done on Wednesday weren't good, and despite that he'd been managing to breathe partially on his own, and had feeling in his arms, the doc had to tell him they were taking him off life-support at 3pm yesterday...
That's got to be hard, right?  There was never any head-trauma, despite that the rest of him was irrepairably broken..
Anyways, it gave his family and friends time to gather round him and say their goodbyes, and my kid tells me he was chirping to the end... Hopefully, by this morning he's back up and flying with the eagles again...

As you may imagine, none of this sadness affected my Controller at all, and he barrelled on into my bedroom alongside that sms, and proceeded to excel himself in the art of pain-giving... *eyeroll... By 10.30pm I simply gave up, made some tea, and read some more, while staying silent through it all...  It's something I must simply accept, and I tell myself if he's channelling all that vicious spite in my direction, at least some of his other victims are pain-free for the time being.. What a SAINT!  NOT... *sighs...

The wind has finally dropped, and it's back to a grey and wet day here in the Zone, after yesterday's gale-force winds and sunny beauty.. Some of my spinach plants took a beating, and I'll have to go tuck them back in, and the birds are gathering in numbers to be fed...

It occurs to me to wonder whether the Once-Good realise quite how much they've enjoyed watching the criminals stick it to the Indisputably Stupid?   Ask yourselves truthfully whether something in your own value system has shifted fairly drastically over the last five or six years, why don't you?
That you can barely remember a time when concerted attacks on innocent citizens might have jogged you into raising your voice...
Come, admit it... You've been brainwashed!  A situation I've happily managed to avoid, for obvious reasons.. *waves cheerfully....  (and now at 10.19am as I come to hit the final Publish, it's anyone's guess who stayed behind at no. 6, and who went out... I'm betting they both went somewhere, and he's set the levels of BackFire deliberately on high... It's the least I would expect him to do... )


Friday 8th April, 2011 at 10.20am...