Monday, February 07, 2011

(begun Monday 7th February at 2.20pm...)

*This morning, on boot-up, I find google running a delightful Nautilus-style logo on their home-page. You can actually use the joystick to move around.. Oddly enough however, hovering the curser over the logo, gives no indication of what it is they’re celebrating today… A little tweak from our gracious Network Administrator, or the real deal?*

By 12.30pm I'd published Slated then Feted and had gone over to mybroadband for a squizz… I'm off out for a while this evening, so it's easier to check out the Forum that much earlier than usual..
Believe it or not, the modem held rock-steady and the signal stayed solid at 100%, while the BF ran at it's least offensive… *keels over… A breakthrough?

At 12.45pm there came a great whistling and hooting at Bali’s gates, and I went to check and said aloud there were people visiting him… By the time I sat back down at the PC the modem was up to it's old tricks, and the BF had escalated… *sighs..
Both settled down again fairly smartly, though not before Himself had thumped noisily into the Wireless cable behind the telly… *yawns… Why do I bother repeating myself, post after post? The tech-minded users out there would probably know the second they had an intruder visit their PC.. It’s to the others I speak..
To those that know only the basics, and are therefore the most vulnerable to these stealthy take-overs.. Your initiation rites, when you joined the local WUG, included learning to hack into someone nearby’s system, amongst other things… Did you insist on being shown how to tell whether YOUR laptop/PC had an intruder?  Or do you feel something may have been exluded during that particular lesson?

Fascinating to find that those staunch freedom fighters, the ShaikBoyz, would've been collaborating with the Americans as far back as the nineties… Juggling and manipulating between them, to prevent the country from going to the dogs?   Their first recommended choice, Mbeki, didn’t work out, so they tried again with Zuma, and now it looks as though he too, has a mind of his own.. Who knew?

Never mind – It won't be much longer before the Project Authors here, and their USA counterparts, have everyone neatly parcelled up and labelled in little boxes, to be controlled at will…
Did Scotland Yard ever hear my cries, and did they check on the Controller managing their version of the Project over in Lichfield?  My sister sounds utterly disheartened at the moment, and though I tell myself it's just due to her circumstances and possibly the foul weather, I'd be obliged if the PTB could check the frequencies being used in her home.. The Broken Hands is a given, but I'm aware of another more damaging frequency that can lead to severe depression… If this is being ‘inadvertently’ flooded into their modest home, may I request that it be stopped?  She doesn’t need any additional misery right now…

Tuesday 8th February at 3.20am…

I was early as usual, so I hauled a chair outside onto the grass, and sat watching the kids playing soccer in the cool evening air… He'd said that just maybe, when the madressa and mosque are finally done, they'd find some proper goal posts for the youngsters to use, on the bit of field that’s left…
Can you imagine their faces when they arrive there to kick the ball around and find actual goalposts? *grins…
Not that, it will make much difference, if the field lights aren't working, as is so often the case these days… *spits at the Controller…
For our little exec. Meeting last night however, we had the full, blinding tooties running… Did the sudden decision to stay outside and hold our discussions in the open, cause a problem for the Listeners up on the Hill? *curious..

*It's 4.35am and suddenly a muffled car alarm sounds nearby.. A totally unfamiliar alarm, and one that I'm betting the Knob kick-started with his remote*

I was sitting, backed up to the wall of the little room that’s so heavily wired, and sure enough, by the time we began the Meeting, the BF had arrived out of the blue..*winks.. Millie may be the single most revolting sight in my world, but by golly, she’s reliable…* and there goes ChopBoy’s first nunu of the morning*

OK – Can I jump ahead of myself here?  Has the Crumb been told to prepare the Station for the return of the Sex-Offender at the end of March?  By prepare, I refer to the deliberately unacceptable behaviour against two of our community members over the past week?  Will there be similar outbursts over the weeks to come, in an effort to have you believe Dodge needs a man at the helm?
I use the term man loosely of course, when I refer to the Balletic Nose-Dive artiste who suddenly, sans his service revolver, had attempted to hide under his own desk..*cackles…
Is this what's behind the sudden flurry of abuse of innocent residents? *peers at the Theatrical Director.. Are you following orders to create a climate at Dodge that will ultimately have the One-Eyed Women-Abuser re-instated on his throne to ‘restore order’?  *falls over choking…
However far-fetched this speculation may be, I ask that you tuck it away and hold onto it for the next few months, until after Nayager’s final Hearing on the 26th March…

Last night’s little gathering provided both good news and bad.. The good is that my Chair has not yet after all, taken the bait he's been offered so winningly, and says he’s still considering it… *dances… The bad?  The unfortunate resident who's only been living in the area a couple of months, and was manhandled up at Dodge City yesterday afternoon, by an Officer in possession of the Dean Park Complex gate remotes… *waves to the Constable in question…
I backed you because you were kind to little Penny when she was in dire straits, despite that I've a Press photo of you flanking Tweedledum, as he strolled down the Court steps several years ago..*shrugs…
And Captain Murugen?  With his beautiful smile?  Wassup dewd?  Some days I feel really sad for the majority of people working up at Sydenham SAPS Station.  Never mind the day-to-day pressure of the job, when they have to deal with the enormous tension and undercurrents that abound among the Staff themselves… *eyeroll…

If indeed a deliberate attempt is being made to make Dodge ungovernable, in order to reinstate the Pig, it's no wonder several officers are taking strain..*sighs… I told you it was going to get interesting, did I not? 
Oh – and it turns out my man Captain S has even more arrows to his bow than I'd thought… None of which yet lead me to change my opinion about him… *waits…

It had gone 9pm by the time I cruised slowly homewards down the Crescent, and it seemed as if every single property had it's own Wireless device cricket that activated loudly as I passed by…*falls over cackling.. Geez Bali!  So busy enhancing our private conversations you forgot to de-activate those little buggers?  Either you're slacking, or you're just so full of yourself right now, you didn’t see the need to bother?
The latter would in fact fit nicely with my current speculation on a possible change of Admin at Dodge, in the near future… *winks…

As I sat, early yesterday morning, plodding my way through the list of recipients for our CPF Minutes, I was startled by an immediate response from the Station, querying the dates for our AGM.  An early morning meeting up there?  Did I misread the tone or was it amiable? (the GW didn’t see it as such, so maybe my head stalled there for a bit)..No name was given, and for a second Id thought it to be the Crumb having a bit of sport..*blinks..
It’s a sorry situation to have to say that the merest whiff of a friendly tone makes me more uncomfortable than I care to admit…
Behaviourists?  I'm guessing that’s about right for the victim of ungoing abuse? *interested…Whatever.  Whoever it was that mailed me from Dodge should know that I'm not in the market for friendliness on any level.  I have my unpleasant image to maintain and cannot be seen to be soft…*snarls…
You only need take a look at what's happened to those I judge as my real friends, and even my own family, and you will see why I'm to be avoided like the plague..
No-one has ridden to the rescue of the innocents I've tainted by my friendship, and no-one is going to, so if you don’t mind, I'll just sit here solo, and keep you posted on many of the finer aspects of this ambitious effort to enslave you all…
Aspects that were omitted from the fine print, when you signed up to this grand scheme…

When I got up this morning after 3am, it was to walk straight into a nice fat pocket of BF in my passage, which was maintained for some time, before he dumbed it down a bit.. An hour later, and I'm still conscious of it's presence..*gobs at the Controller..
The toppies are chatting out in the predawn light, and despite the windows all being open, this little house is like a sweat-lodge… February in Durban has always been a killer, and with the added presence of our Area Controller, the heat indoors can rise astoundingly.. *shrugs…

LATER at 9.15am

I'm on overload again…
I remember reading in yesterday’s Times, of Constantia residents down in the Cape taking a stand against a proposed vodacom cell mast.
Today’s Times on Page 6 is proof that Tracey-Lee Dorny was the wrong person to mess with.. *dances…  See “Cellphones a threat to Unborn Babies” and weep.. Yes, Mr. Boorman, but the frequencies currently being used here in the Zone at least, are nothing LIKE those within internationally set guidelines, now are they?  Not even close…
And that my dear Watson, is the one factor that won us the million-dollar (literally) award to run this giant experiment, that is the Project..

The ShaikBoyz and the Guptas, along with Telkom, saw no problem in exposing the population to this crud, and signed the dotted line with a flourish…
Which reminds me.. I hear the Whisperer has taken to hanging out at our Westwood Mall!  A long way off the beaten track at 343 Innes Road?  I'm guessing he regards it as his personal stomping ground, now that he’s free to come and go as he pleases?
And that, along with the rest of the Zone, it most certainly is…

My poor Controller follows me relentlessly.. As I stood at the till earlier, at Franks Nursery, I had a sudden noticable change in pressure and frequency in my ears… Want a cabbage Bali? 
How’d the monitoring go up at Engen, before that?  Any *coughs* problems?  *keels over laughing… Kindly excuse the extreme incoherence, but I've just a tad too much on my plate right now…
Peace.. *And now, just as I'm about to sign out and shut down?  I'm assailed by a dose of extreme toothache in my right jaw... Nailed once again by the Charmer.... *snorts...*


Tuesday 8th February 2011 at 10.41am..