(begun Monday 7th February at 3.15am...)
Disappointed? Surprised? Not bloody likely! *grins… Our Controller, in his obtrusive role as third leg in our home, has heard me voice my misgivings for months already.
The astonishing 180 degree turn made, to court and woo my Chairman? From slated to feted overnight? *winks… Politics – You’ve gotta love em… Sadly however, I’m inclined to judge people by the alliances they make.. Not all people, you understand.. Just a few….
The thready squeak of el Monstro’s wireless device kicks in just outside my window, and me and the Controller go into our familiar early morning tango… He squeaks, I spit, and he gradually increases the BF, so I don’t forget whose running the show… As if…. *eyeroll…
Tell me this Crumb – If I'd not bumped into Ms. M in the SAPS Parking Lot (bearing in mind that she too is apparently a mischief-maker, and only looking out for herself and her family), did you have other cards up those voluminous sleeves of yours, ready to play when the time was ripe? *teeth..
Am I foolish to think the incident wasn’t planned, but seized upon opportunistically, as one not to be missed? Oops!
You called mommy in front of the unfortunate Ms. M, to whine that I was at it again? At what, precisely? Listening to someone voice their misgivings, is a crime?
Is that one of the reasons you sit carefully tucked away in an office at the back, behind Admin, conducting the real business out of Dodge? Ensuring the local rags are liberally sprinkled with pictures of yourself doing Good Works, and then demeaning a Community member when she’s directed to you for assistance? Of course we only have her word for what transpired in your hidden away office last Thursday, and she’s a stirrer, according to your latest recruit.. *falls over shrieking..
Anyone who dares question what's going on up on the Hill, is automatically a Trouble-Maker? *teeth.. That was the previous regime's attitude, and it appears you are carrying on the tradition.. I'm fairly flattered that you find me nuisance enough to act in such haste.. And there I'd been thinking I was less than a flea on an elephant’s arse… *roffels…
Can I ask you something?
Did you even notice when you morphed into Glen Nayager last week? When, instead of sticking to your role as a patient and reasonable Communications Officer for Sydenham SAPS, you lost the plot and instantaneously became a clone of your bullying and thuglike former Boss? Once again, I only have Ms. M’s account of what went down, and of course, the record of that particular phonecall she made to me..
It’s gone missing? Not? Would you care to play it back for your Superior in it's entirety, or is she unaware that ALL my calls are monitored and recorded?
It's not all bad though, is it? I'm certain you managed to recover the bit of ground lost, and scraped together enough to have made the effort worthwhile, and that whatever I say now, can and will be used against me? *laughing…
I'd asked her why she thought my blog hadn't been shut down a long time ago, if it was such rubbish, and causing anger among certain members of the Community, and she'd replied that she didn’t know, unless it was being regarded as entertainment, for the moment..*winks…
I’ve had a good run for my money so to speak, and if all I've achieved is to have gotten just ONE of you to sit up and think, it's been worth it.. *waves to rpm…
Did you know that the minute I open mybroadband, my little iBurst modem starts behaving badly, and I can watch the lights and signal fluctuating wildly, until I eventually sign out? For all I know, it’s the norm for a signal to veer from 50% up to the 90%’s and back down, repeatedly, though oddly enough it doesn’t happen on other sites.. God,for a brain…*sighs… The increase in the BF frequency during my visits is another story, and along the lines of Pavlov’s experiments, not so Jannie?
If it is consistently made physically unpleasant for me to visit mybroadband, I’ll eventually stop calling? You think?
As a Strategist, it's surprising how little you know of the female of the species, and how you continue to underestimate them….
At which point I feel it necessary to remind the Part-Time Activist that it goes without saying ALL her communications are being monitored closely, however vehemently this is denied.
That were she to arrange to meet someone at a particular venue, once there, she should move on to another unannounced site, to conduct her conversation…
Even then, may I suggest that cellphones are left locked in the boot of the car and that they sit outdoors to chat?
If her mode of transport has been in for repairs or a service over the last year or so, she may safely regard it as Live, and I kid you not.. *grins..
Technology is as much as 20 years ahead of what your average citizen is aware of, and that’s all you need to keep reminding yourself, as your Wugger friends carefully hoot with derisive laughter at each suggestion I make…
Who is it that has guarded me from shut-down for so long? *curious.. Though they’ve not been able to lift a finger to prevent the pain I now endure, nor call off the Cur next door, the mere fact that for the moment at least, I'm free to carry on shrieking warnings in your direction, is an indication that I'm not alone after all…
Salacious Crumb is now making a determined effort to close me down… *interested.. Do you require further confirmation of where his allegiance lies? You do not.. *eyeroll…
Once again, I'm treading a mine-field here, and employing unfamiliar caution.. You noticed? *grins widely… Dammit, you weren't supposed to see me tippy-toeing carefully around that particular subject, and hopefully my sick Controller and his colleague the Crumb, have missed it altogether…
Anyone looking out for the genuinely Good cops out there? Can anyone in power be bothered to check on them regularly? I speak of course of the Colonels Marillier and Mngomezulu.. Both hastily transferred to areas where their noble intentions can't harm the criminals overseeing the Project, here in the Zone…
You'd forgotten all about them? Sies vir julle… I like to pretend that once the Filth is finally toppled, these two policemen will finally be given the respect they so richly deserve…
It’s a mark of the rot, that they were so easily made to disappear…
Are YOU on the Team that applauds each time the Sex-Offender’s smug face appears in the Press, to announce that the latest charges against him have been dropped? Do you seriously believe the fellow is innocent, or have you finally noticed that the Prosecution have made an astonishing amount of minor errors? Errors that the quite brilliant Criminal Attorney, Anand Nepaul, has picked up on with ease…
The next, and I think the last, Hearing, is due to be held on 26th March, and I would be astounded were this pattern to suddenly change.. I'm confident that whatever the charges are, they too will fall away on a technicality, and that the convicted Sex Offender will emerge triumphant from the Court, braying that he is an excellent policeman, and that he was set up by his enemies... *falls over cackling...
Will his counterpart, the ex-Head of the Mountain Rise Station up in Sleepy Hollow, be grinding his teeth jealously at the enormous protection afforded his colleage in crime? You betcha! *roffels.. Badul just wasn’t important enough to warrant the effort, was he Earl?
Whereas your puppet Nayager has everything you need, to control the Zone..
On first name terms with all your Runners, and I'm betting he even treats your youngest Lieutenant in the Field with a certain amount of deference these days? *winks..
Did anyone whisper to Booysen to suggest that he try the Woman-Abuser in his search for the Blue Light Stalker, Ismail Sheik? Worth a shot hey, though of course without Barnabas go-ahead, Nayager won't be able to assist, no matter how delicious the bait offered… *winks..
Be good and be kind..
Monday 7th February 2011 at 12.30pm.