Tuesday, February 08, 2011

(begun Wednesday 9th February at 3.25am...)

Tracey-Lee Dorny is, according to the article on page 6 of yesterday’s Times, the Chairman of the Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of SA.  I didn’t know that, but probably should have.. *sighs…
I’m stumped for the moment, and inclined to be overwhelmed by doom and gloom, and all it took was seeing her name in print, and what it is she’s busy with…
Add to that the disappearance of the Part-Time Activist, and I feel I've been hung out to dry…
I’ve no-one to blame but myself and my total incoherence, but my Tormentors may happily rest assured that it BITES…*blinks…

Moving on – I've been fretting for some time about the length of the calls I make to my kid up in the sticks, and the fact that she keeps her phone against her head for the duration.. Despite repeatedly suggesting she put the thing on Speaker Phone, old habits die hard..
Reading the article in the Times, I find that I've not a leg to stand on, either, as I myself am using the cordless phone this end..*falls over…

Did I ever tell you that since my garage was accessed, and my little Nissan tampered with, all that time ago, what appear to be the deliberately left signs of a Watcher still continue?  That inevitably each morning, I'll find some fast-food packaging or a cooldrink container left on our verge, where I can't miss it?
Whether it's sheer, amazing coincidence, or a message, escapes me, but I do find it interesting.. *grins..

LATER at 4.15am

We’d had weeks and weeks of my Controller’s valley-facing frontage sitting in pitch darkness, when I'd gone out at some point a week ago, to find Bali’s Servant’s quarter's inside light, and one of the outside lights were once again activated..
I'd wondered briefly what had brought that change about, and then forgotten it altogether…

Seeing those lights running again when I went out after 3am this morning, got me to thinking, and yes – It would've been about the same time I told you recently how I'd drawn my bedroom curtains and pulled the bedside lamp plug from the wall, that Bali once again began activating the lights down there.. I've told you already how my actions certainly never kept him out of our home, but that the gesture of pulling certain plugs made me feel I was making a stand, however small…*cackles…
Under the circumstances, I guess I can now conclude that it does have an effect on his monitoring after all, when I pull the plugs… *beams..

Course, he's still in the main power supply, and can ‘get me’ via the ceiling fan, but apparently that’s not enough…
Nice to know that when he smacks the TV screen off once too often, and I in turn pull all those plugs out of that wall jackpoint, including the cordless phone, and leave them out, it affects his listening skills in some way, however small, after all….
His work-around has been to activate the lights in the servant's quarters nearest my front rooms, but hopefully even that doesn’t fully compensate for my plugs being pulled…
I've not noticed our lights dipping over the last few evenings and our TV has behaved properly.. Did S N RETIC creep back into the suburb and rectify the problem in the dead of night, or will blogging the matter here, see the swift return of those faults?  *interested..

My Monitor will have heard me say to my Vice Chair on the phone yesterday, that he is the only one I trust completely.. Mark my words, this will have them re-doubling their efforts in that area..
Were he to be successfully turned against me tomorrow, it wouldn’t change my opinion of him in the slightest, though a wave of relief would sweep over the Wikked…*winks…
It’s a damning indictment that such a truly Good Person is most definitely on the receiving end of these Criminal’s attentions..
While you apparently have no problem in judging me as deserving, I'm fairly appalled that you include Gandhi’s great-grandson as equally worthy of being attacked, however stealthily it's being done..

The blatant tampering with his vehicles on his property, was a major error, caused by over-enthusiasm, and resulted in Lance Lamborghini (Moodley) and the Jeweller's son probably getting more exposure than they would have liked, on these pages..
So instead, I would suggest that far more insidious methods are now being employed to harrass him, and they're taking their toll, slowly but surely…
How I babbled on to him the other evening, that since his cellphone was repeatedly nuked at some point last year, and he was forced to return it to the agent for their attention, it will now contain the program so beloved by the Project Monitors..
The ability to be remotely activated to Speaker Phone where, even tucked into your pocket silently, it is now able to enhance and relay your private conversations back to Listeners…

If it's an imporant discussion that you’ve arranged in advance, chances are you will get a missed call from a No Number, or someone claiming they dialled incorrectly, just prior to your private Meeting kicking off… You'll put your phone back in your pocket or on the desk in front of you, and not give it another thought .. Oops!
Whether you choose to believe me or not, that device is now relaying the sound of your conversation back to uninvited, but extremely interested parties.. *grins…

Depending on which Team you bat for, you might like to track down both the Rocket Scientist and the Part-Time Activist and inform them of this innovative option, and check whether their cellphones (if they own such), have been in the ‘shop’ lately… *winks.. The same applies to their transport.. Unless a kindly and trusted relative services their car, chances are it will come back with a minute extra added to it… Under the dash or inside the door… Not so much a tracking device, as another voice-enhancer for those conversations you hold in your vehicle… *shrugs…

LATER at 7.55am

The Boss is irritable this morning, fosho… Every now and then, for no reason I’m aware of, he ups the BF till my nose runs..  As it's entirely his choice to hang about till I've passed the dog's food across to B.Snr, and to listen closely for vital State Secrets to be exchanged between us, I see no point in these increased assaults, unless of course they're just for the hell of it?

In yesterday's Times article on Page 6, Tracey-Lee had said that ‘water attracts radiation’, so you can add that to the bit about cordless phones, and it's two points she actually got through to me for good, where I so often fail to hold onto things… *beams..
May I deduce in the light of that remark, this last had everything to do with the emptying of my Area Controller’s pool, and that of his friend's pool up at No. 12, within weeks of each other?
Has someone hinted to our ex-CPF Treasurer that it might be wise to empty out their pool as well? *doubts that very much…
Could Ms. Dorny find out exactly why the pools were emptied and explain it to me in a manner that I might understand?
Was Kasim’s pool down at No. 2 also emptied at any point, and if not, is it presenting some sort of risk to the Congolese family now renting that property?
Is this in fact something else to be anxious about, or am I over-dramatising Ms. Dorny’s words?

LATER at 9.05am

My Chairman shot past, up the Crescent, as I stood battering poor B.Snr's. ears with my mindless babble.  Dressed in his Sunday Best as he was, I leap to the only conclusion possible..
He’s heading to Dodge City to be stroked and patted in a continuing effort to lead him down the garden path?  Does his built-in alarm still sound, at all the flattery, or is it only in special circumstances that he remembers to be wary?  *curious..
If I could, I'd like to trot two paces behind him with a portable megaphone, to warn him of these advances made by the Seriously Corrupt, but it's hardly likely he'd pay attention to my magnified croaks…  *eyeroll..
Ag, maybe it's nothing to worry about, and the Whisperer has dropped by the Station for tea and cakes, is all… (If that’s the case, I'm fairly pissed off that he couldn’t have made it for Thursday mid-morning…*mutters…)

One here for the EE and Wireless Boffs.. I've been grumbling on about the wall of heat encountered in just my bedroom and this room, where I sit to chat to you.. I can no longer shrug it off as simply February humidity…
I guess Einstein is cranking the temperature up until by nightfall, those two rooms are like a tropical jungle..
The morning sun is off the windows well before 9am, and yet they're both now staying hotter than any other area of the house..
Is this in anyway connected to the lights now being activated overnight in his servant's quarters directly in front and to the right of my two rooms, and if so, is it supposed to be just uncomfortable, or detrimental to my health? *curious..
This is easily the equivalent of the wall of heat he would flood from the PC monitor, only on a much grander scale, of course.

What can the Genius expect to achieve by this latest behaviour? Naturally he will laugh it off as imagination on my part, but give it some thought, and you should realise quite smartly that whatever the astonishing heat generated in these two rooms is for, it ain't good for toads.. (This, with the stand-fan, the ceiling fan and both windows open all the time in my bedroom, and here at the desk next door, even a side window facing Balliram's home is open, as well as the two front windows, and the ceiling fan on overnight…
As you walk into the passage you can feel the drop in temperature, and in the lounge even more so.. The cool breeze blowing outside should have the front of the house way cooler than the back, by noon each day.. For the last week this hasn’t been the case.. Want to tellus why Bali?  *winks..

Peace julle..


Wednesday 9th February 2011 at 10.41am..