(begun Sunday 6th February at 4.02am..)
I deleted four of the ten scribbled pages that I'd begun typing into blogger last night, and hastily signed out. My sister had popped up in gchat, and that made it simple to scrap the whole thing and start again…
Did my Network Admin show you what I'd written in that short time? *curious.. He went into his sanctimonious offended mode, and smacked me with the BF repeatedly, after I'd climbed into bed, and again at 2am… *blinks…
Sometimes, I wonder if my words here come across as just one long protracted whine, and are of little interest at all, for they appear to result in nothing but painful thumps, for the most part.. *squints…
I have to remind myself that I'm in the business of telling the truth, and if much of that results in pain, then so be it… *martyred eyeroll…
So – where was I, before I hit Delete? I’d been saying that the potholes in the Crescent had been hastily patched at some point last week, and a few days later, the Contractors arrived to whack our verges into shape… Nothing like the up-coming elections to have our tatty little suburb suddenly looking spruce… *winks…
There’s been no sign of Mr. Dawood and his Roseann cc. starting the building operations for his planned development next to Hugo Road. I like to think Johan Booysens is currently investigating just how many by-laws were broken or simply ignored, to get those plans passed… It can't require rocket science to trace who it is in the Town Planning Department that’s on such cosy terms with Mr. Dawood?
*It's now 4.35am and the Sad Creature has the BF running full on, plus I hear the faint but clear sound of his wireless device outside… *yawns..*
Did you see the picture of the giant sink-hole in Manning Road, the week before last? I guess it's not that easy to run off the enormous volumes of water required, without people noticing, on such a busy road, and the results of this oversight were pretty staggering.
The last similar debacle was over in Musgrave Road if you recall, and there'll probably be more, before they get it right… *shrugs…
If it wasn’t for the Councillor’s cousin, and Mr. Haffejee’s regular overnight runoffs, I've little doubt that our over-worked section of the Cresent would collapse just as dramatically as has happened in Manning Road… *belches…
Missus Bernie rang me yesterday afternoon to say their tap water was running nearly black.. She'd filled her bottles earlier, and it had looked okay. *puzzled.. What exactly is going on up there, and who is it that appears to have such easy access to their water line and tampers with them on a regular basis?
It's not enough that they dance dutifully to my Controller's tune and regularly run the specific lights he orders activated?
If our Area Controller has developed a personal dislike for that family, no amount of obedience will help them.. *gags.. It's time for whoever initially enrolled their now deceased son, Gary, to the Blessed Project, to stand up and be counted.. You don’t see what's happening here? Speak up, and have this Thug put in line FFS…
It certainly illustrates what I've been on about for so long.. That it makes no diffrerence whether you're Chosen or not, if it takes your Controller's fancy to make your life miserable, he'll do just that..*vomits..
LATER at 12.01pm
My alarm system is on, and I'm too thick to figure out why… Something to do with my flying visit to Renaud Road earlier today? Important enough to have my Controller head out to a more advantageous position in order to monitor our every word, maybe? *winks..
What made it worth him going the extra mile?
And slowly it begins to dawn on this Idiot that however obliquely, politics are now involved.. *falls over laughing…
The phonecall made to my Chairman after the Crumb had had a go at Ms. M on Thursday, was rather more than just an attempt at mischief-making was it not? *teeth...
I have to stagger back at least 100 feet to grasp the size of this latest theatrical production FFS!
Even now, as I strain to see the picture clearly, the edges swim out of view, it's that ambitious…
Frankly I'd come away from my visit this morning, baffled by the double-speak and contradictions, with only one thing she’d said that had really stuck in my head.
The question had been raised as to how I could write about people the way I do, and yet be happy to see them in real life… (Gosh, that’s badly put).
Do you follow what she was getting at? I did, and I had no glib answer to give her.. *sighs…
It sort of makes ‘Two-Faced’ the under-statement of the decade, does it not?
I guess I really like people and it shows, and I'm always happy to give them the benefit of the doubt. Because I have a serious problem with coherent speech (a defect only fractionally improved by my writing), I put my thoughts (only ever remembered later) here on paper…
I figure I'm hoping that my blog could be viewed as an attempt to initiate a breakaway from the Lies and Secrecy that surround the Project.. To this day, there are those that I still hope will one day smile at me and say that I was right all along, and that it took my words for them to realise the full extent of what's being done to them…
That all the perks and tenders, and even sudden new friendships, were a ruse to distract them from the fact that they're becoming inescapably trapped by the net thrown over them..
The mesh that is the Information Theft Scheme, designed to remove their rights and their privacy forever…
Okay, that was a mouthful, and it probably made as much sense to you, as it does to me.. Back to earth…
I'm so far out of my league right now, I feel the need to break out into shrieks of laughter.. *wipes eyes… Politics? The latest idea from the AmDram Society’s Theatrical Director? *chokes.. Pull the other one Salacious Crumb! I don’t know the DA from the ANC, from any other party, and that’s been obvious from the start.
Though they may set out as idealistic and well-intentioned, that’s not where most Politicians end up at all…
I’m thinking promises have been made, right Crumb? Promises along the lines of, learn the ropes and we’ll see that you go right to the top? *keels over cackling…
The few people I've judged really harshly in these pages have earned it… Sutcliffe, Barnabas, Spence and Nayager, are thugs at the top of this steaming pile.. The Sad Creature that rules my life? Alas – if he'd managed to concentrate his vitriol on me alone, he may not have been relegated to quite so high a rank.. As it is, he is as much a Serial Criminal as the rest of them…
For the stragglers? I'm happy to wait for them to tell me that it's OK.. That I've not done too badly for a complete Simpleton, though my efforts haven't changed a thing..
Am I to be entertained by several surprises in the weeks prior to the elections? Has the ground-work for some of these surprises already been laid? *twinkles at the Creepy Crumb… Nice try dewd, but I'm not biting… I’m interested in PEOPLE, not Parties FFS..
Now I finally come to think of it, that was a bit of a shocker…
That anyone standing up to voice an opinion, is basically a mischief-maker, and in it for what they can get? *blinks rapidly.. Man, I'd rather stay the Dumbass that I am, than think like that.. *grins..
You take care now,
Sunday 6th February 2011 at 3.29pm.