Friday, February 18, 2011

(begun Friday 18th February at 4.30am..)

I told you the other day to forget about the Tobacco Industry and the methods they resorted to, to hide their guilt?  Now, I'm betting if you did just a little research, you'd be horrified at the lengths they went to, to fool Joe Public into believing smoking wouldn’t kill him…
You want to compare it to the Information Theft Project, currently being installed across the country, and the parallels are astonishing.. Lies and Secrecy abound..*shrugs..
Tell me this – Do you seriously consider I'm too thick to figure out that dissing the likes of the ShaikBoyz and the Guptas, openly,  isn't the wisest of moves to make?  *squints…

I guess you can thank the Strategist for creating a perfect Catch-22 situation here.  I'm betting that from the getgo he found me to be good for a laugh, and that he's encouraged Mistuh Balliram to torment me on a regular basis, purely for entertainment’s sake…
I’d also lay odds that he's promoted the smear-campaign all along, and he's led the shrieks of mirth at my lunatic struggles to figure out what was happening… *sighs…

Then the unthinkable happened, hey Jannie? Out of the blue, I started making more sense.. Not much, I grant you, but….
Someone out there did a little fishing about of their own, and found my allegations to be valid… Ouch!  It was way too late for you to back-pedal and rescind your claims, and now you're stuck with me here, as I shriek my futile warnings of things to come.. *beams…  To shut me down would confirm that all I say is true, and you can't claim that I'm anti-Government, as I've made it blindingly clear that I'm apolitical..*dances…

I've repeatedly said I'm not against the ANC, DA, IFP, or even for that matter, the Minority Front..*waves wildly to the Wig…
I'm bloody well against corruption in ALL walks of life, and you know it…
*It's now 4.50am and Kitz has suddenly jumped up onto the windowsill to see what's happening across by the Playing Field.. There's a lot of barking going on, and even Spanky has joined in…*

I've suggested often enough that I be allowed to fill in the likes of Nathie Mthethwa on the finer details of the monitoring technology.. A technology he's well aware of, but I would aver, is a blank on several of the finer aspects and options available.. Yes?
Let me fill in those officials who foolishly think they're running the country, to what’s really happening, and give everyone the same opportunity to clean up their act, before their dirty laundry is revealed to the Public…

That’s not how it's supposed to work though, is it Janneman?  We’re all collectively supposed to be distracted by these daily revelations of wrong-doing, and the murder and mayhem that surrounds us, while First-world countries jostle to see which of them will fund the next stage of this grim experiment…
The USA and our own Freedom-Fighter, Mo Shaik, along with Telkom, have set the ball rolling nicely with their cozy alliance, though we don’t appear to be fussy where the funding comes from.. *glances towards Libya and it's crazy Dictator….

Our country is packed with bright young people.. Sadly, not bright enough to realise they’ve been conned on an enormous scale… You think smoking is bad for you? *doubles over hacking… Man, the tar on your lungs will seem like small potatos, compared to the results achieved by the unregulated frequencies and power now filling the very air you breathe… Just saying..*shrugs and lights up…

What am I bitching about FFS?  It's inevitable, and it's called Progress… *yawns…
My beef remains with the employment of Felons to control the technology.  Yeah, yeah, I know the Authors needed a specific character type to run the thing.. A total lack of moral fibre, and a singular absence of tolerance, are highly prized and desirable traits in prospective Area Controllers, are they not?
The more callous you are towards your fellow-man, the more likely you are to be hired..*belches..

Jannie has spent years trawling the irc channels as he hunts for suitable candidates.. Not so?  Mybroadband has produced more than just a handful of excellent recruits as well…
What did we get landed with?
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, but the very bottom of the barrel!!  Crooked cops, who obey a Druglord?  A psychotic Area Controller who sees himself as a Cracker par excellence, and answerable to no-one? *chokes…
May I predict that despite the Mast Fighter and the Rocket Scientist’s best efforts, nothing can stop this behemoth, and the enormous cull it will exact on the population.. Nothing.
The technology is astonishing, and I still consider myself fortunate to be around to see it.

(If you could've seen me laughing at my camera’s bad behaviour yesterday, and the expression of pure bafflement on the GW’s face!)
The most I can do here is to chirp, and keep chirping, that it's time the Project Authors cleaned house and removed the worst of the offenders… Those Controllers who display a sadistic obsession with deliberately and repeatedly hitting their targets physically, with the very worst of the frequencies… *looks at Bali..
You'd be top of the list dear boy, as your repeated employment of the BF frequency, despite my voiced protests, easily confirms the picture I've painted of you…
Are you going to tellus that I've now become a problem, and it's forced you to employ the BF even more freely?  Pull the other one, dewd.. Problem se GAT!  
I'm the same Cretin I always was, busily digging my own grave deeper every day, and doing a fine job of it, without your bloody help… *snorts…

The sun is still below the horizon, and there's a North-Easter just touching the tops of the gumtrees, and I wonder at her words..
The Community are angry with me?  A sweeping generalisation, and one that could have fallen from the CollegeBoy's mouth himself.. *winks…   The only people that have a right to be angry, are those with something to hide.. Those who are in this for personal gain, regardless of the company they keep, and the lawlessness they condone…
According to Laz' latest recruit, this includes everyone.. *roffels.. Man, I struggle to see what benefits I'VE gained, by shooting my mouth off here, as I've pretty much alienated every last man standing…

I enjoy being reviled and despised?  Fark that.  Everyone wants to fit in and be loved, but for some reason I've had to give up on that, this time round… The label of Unpleasant fits me too well to simply cast it aside at this point… *shrugs…

The systematic destruction of so many of our appliances over the past five years or more, was not done in error.. The newly acquired ThinSkin status now held by several of us down this end of the Crescent, didn’t occur by mistake…  We’ve been bombarded with appalling levels of EMR, in a calculated and callous manner, by an Area Controller whose ties to the local Druglord and the Mob, should in theory, have rendered him unemployable..
In this Brave New World however, criminals of his calibre are prized and feted, as being just the man for the job.. *rolls eyes…

NOW 7.15am

That Balliram was not immediately relieved of his position, once you heard of his behaviour, and you were subsequently persuaded to believe my words were merely a tit-for-tat exercise, is a measure of the sheer calculated corruption that infests the Project from the very top down.. Indeed, as I scribble here right now, he has the BF frequency cranked to nose-running levels, out of sheer spite…
My unease at the lack of clearing LOS since the rains, persists.. Could it be that it's no longer necessary?  That with the addition of so much technology, recently added to the orphanage facing us, Bali can now pump out sufficient power directly from the mini-base station, as to preclude having the trees cut back?  A nasty thought, but a valid one… *sighs…

Here's a poser for those in the know.. Up at Kent Crane’s stamping ground on the old Main Road at Cowies Hill  - Check out No. 785 and tellus if you haven't got an Area Controller living there?  The streetlight was on at midday, and the two big carriage lamps on either side of the property’s gate were magically switched off as we drove by… Just asking.. *winks…

LATER at 11.35am..

Prior to publishing Intellectual Pursuits, I'd booted up the PC and tried to access Word.. My Controller was waiting for me, and clearly in a mischieveous mood..*gags.. I failed miserably at my efforts, but connected instead, and went to my gmail account..
I'd already sent the Minutes out to two or three members when a message popped up to say Unable to reach gmail. Check your internet connection or your company’s network connection.. I signed out (even the sign-out facility has changed overnight,  and the GW insists that google must have done it), and then I signed in again to carry on..

This time, every time I hit Send, the little Kaspersky icon on the bottom task bar went bananas.. I picked up my phone and called the Councillor, who answered straight away.. I asked if his Minutes had just arrived and he replied in the affirmative, at which I waspishly asked why our Area Controller hasn’t been removed, said goodbye, and hung up…
Needless to say, Kaspersky sat quietly unmoved for the next half hour, while I finished working my way through the list of Members… Does this behaviour give you the impression that Bali is trying to clean up his act, or rather that he still simply can't control his self-indulgence? 

It's now nearly midday, and I sat down here to scribble with barely a hint of BF.  Ten minutes later and it's reached epic levels… I told him aloud that it's enough, and that he's in the dwang, and sure enough he's dumbed it down a fraction.. You find this physical torture amusing?   What if, somewhere down the line, fate steps in, and you or yours are treated to similar crap?  That will never happen?  You think? *snarls…

It's way past time these sadistic savages were weeded out, and put where they can't harm people in any way.. Westville Correctional Facility?  Do a few weeks and pull a sickie?  *looks at Schabir…
This goondas callous behaviour reflects directly on you and your powerful sibling, and the choices you’ve made by employing Druglords and Sex Offenders.. Allow him to carry on and you might find the wind changing, young man…
I was going to ask you to autograph my butt cheek, should I bump into you at Westwood Mall, but the way I feel right now, chances are I'd sooner give you a klap alongside the head.. What?!  Oh come on now… You don’t think there's a former Miss Vahed nearby, that would silently applaud me?

Breathe deeply and…..



Saturday 19th February 2011 at 9.17am…