Sunday, June 06, 2010


(begun Sunday 6th June at 4.10am...)

I particularly love this time of year... Day after day there's this enormous expanse of blue sky, while out to sea huge banks of cumulus march along the horizon as far as the eye can see.. If you're up before sunrise, you can very often watch as sheet-lightning plays behind the clouds... *looks at the Strategist... YOUR Masters are in town?

How many others like me read the new report on the front page of MyBB of September's departure and the fact that Telkom needs a tight fist to save this sinking ship?  Well okay - my immediate thought was they'd be better off with a tight klap, but my second had naturally been Jannie van Zyl...*winks..
The Strategist IS Telkom and always has been, though it wouldn't have done to arrive at mybroadband wearing that particular mantle... A site ostensibly created and dedicated to revealing the giant telecoms corrupt practises?  No, it was way more expedient to wear the vodacom disguise for the exercise...
The Chicken or the Egg?

Did mybroadband already exist when Jannie ambled on in to worm his way into your collective hearts?  Or had he chosen and approached rpm to specifically create the site?  Did he fill rpm's head with tales of a wondrous scheme to save the country from ruin, and that all that was needed was a Forum to be created which could operate under cover as a recruitment centre?   If the Big Brother Project was to be successful they would need dozens and dozens of IT friendly controllers criss-crossing the country, and what better way of finding these so-necessary stooges than studying them at length on the Forum before making them an enticing offer?  *grins..

Did TheRodent simply wake up one morning thinking he should start a WUG up his way?  Skydog? Was the idea your own or was the seed carefully planted by voda3g?  What a coup it must have been when you finally persuaded the little Activist to join..*falls over.. From that moment on she was pretty much OWNED, only I'm guessing she didn't realise it until much later in the day... *sighs...
Hey, its all water under the bridge, and if you care to turn your heads either left or right, you'll probably find a river of water running down your road as well...

Will the Strategist return triumphantly to take the helm at Telkom and save them from potential disaster?  A disaster that has most likely been carefully engineered to fool you in the first place?
*Its now 4.45am and suddenly the pressure in my ears increases... Mornin, Creep...*
While it appears on the surface that Telkom are falling apart, they're in fact doing no such thing, but have merely *coughs* 'diversified' their interests... Who do you think has the contract to link up the entire country with fibre?  Cell-C? *falls over cackling...

I stood under the avo tree branches waiting for the dogs to pee at bedtime last night.. From that vantage point I had a much better view of the Convent and in particular the building that the Sisters call home.. Since that establishment's initial enrolement as a base-station there've always been THESE powerful lights running out across the valley...
I'll need to get the binocs out to establish which one it was that last night was burning a deep hectic orange at bedtime... THIS one on the wall outside the Sister's quarters, or one of THESE two on the enclosed verandah?
Only those among you who have been privileged to know how the most innocent-looking lights may now be manipulated to give off astonishing amounts of power, will grasp what I'm on about...
This particular light was still running a deep orange when I sat down here at the desk just after 4.00am this morning..
Since the sudden ear-squeeze however, I see it's faded miraculously to a dim yellow and you wouldn't give it a second glance.. Magic?  Or as the GW has taken to saying to cover so much of what he can't these days logically explain - a tokoloshe?  *laughing...
It's a given that any one of you will have the grey matter I lack, to work out the reason for this particular light's odd behaviour...

I've told you countless times that the deeper the orange the more it disturbs the dogs.. And if the canine population involuntarily sound the alarm, is there unseen damage occurring to humans?  When did Sister Maureen's knees begin to bother her?  AFAIK she's had both knee-replacement ops, though she looks the least likely candidate to need such things.. Luck of the draw, and could happen to anyone? Man, I'd love a private chat with her about the aches and pains that occur when she's tucked up in bed in that little upstairs room in DLOS to so much potentially harmful crud...
Off at a tangent?  Grasping at straws?   Maybe.. But then isn't that the beauty of this amazing technology?
That it can cause untold damage to your health in so many ways that as yet remain unprovable?
What do you do? Head for the hills to escape?  The beautiful pristine countryside, dotted about with pylons and masts whose emissions are cranked up a hundred-fold to compensate for the greater distances between them?  Right...

I see our unfortunate President has been chosen as the current distraction in the Press.. Will this mess slow him down when he next considers adding to his Bridal party?  Who is it that whispers in his ear to go for it?  No longer our boy the Shaikster I'll be bound, but likely someone just as dangerous that Zuma trusts implicitly .. An adviser that is himself OWNED and fed what is required to jerk the Puppet's strings?

Where will the Sisters be housed if and when this astounding 4-Phase Lotto-funded upgrade starts banging on their door?  It won't affect their quarters?  Or it will, and several will be moved down to the new rooms created at the Rec. Centre while the construction is underway?  Godforbid.  If this is so, they might as well have targets tattooed on their foreheads for the duration of their stay, and I would hope that safer temporary accommodation is found for them.. As always I'm aflame with wild speculation, that hopefully won't come to pass..

Has anyone bothered to point Johan Booysens in the direction of the SAPS Sydenham Shadow-Head, Salacious Crumb?  Or even better, my neighbour at No. 6 Harris Crescent, Colin P. Balliram?  The latter, who has abused his position as local WUG Admin for years?
Who has assisted by means of the technology handed to him by Allen Spence, in aiding the corrupt ex-Head of Sydenham, Nayager, to run a highly successful and personal vendetta against many of the residents?

Are Booysen's hands tied?  Have both Lazarus and Balliram been declared off-limits by Mo Shaik himself, in response to pleas by the Druglord Barnabas?  Does Barnabas insist that he needs more time to find a suitable replacement for der Kommissar and that the Crumb will do for the moment?  Does he report back on the successes achieved by Nayager since his deployment to run organised crime, using the Big Brother technology?
That electricians across the Zone can't keep up with the demand for additional security lighting as a direct result of One-Eyed Jack's efforts?   A good enough reason to allow these two criminals to go untouched as their colleague lurks nearby causing mayhem?  *vomits copiously...

Do not I beg of you, insist that our Network Admin has been reined in... Where one door is closed to him, he hastily finds another...
Tis the Cracker way...*snorts..
My brief forays on the internet are as restricted as ever, and the current tweak affecting our Kapersky remains.. I can only repeat that it ran perfectly until such time as our Network Controller made a few 'adjustments'... You may laugh it off as simply another User Error but it isn't..*shrugs.. Our system should run perfectly with all the plodding care it gets from the GameWrecker these days.. It doesn't, and though I report faithfully on our Network Admin's pettiness involving an often seriously erratic iBurst signal and the repeated Error 718's on attempting to connect, the pages refusing to load when I try to access #trivia, and the hysterical corruption of Word, the Kapersky thing is beyond me, and I'm bristling with indignation as a result... *roffels...

I still struggle daily with my own impatience and intolerance and believe it or not, can understand exactly how much I must irritate you all with my tardish efforts to tell you the means el Monstro employs to continue his Agenda... Not until he is settled into his cell at Kokstad's Maximum Security facility, sans any technology at ALL, will I be free of this Creep... *yawns...

LATER at 6.20am.. 

The sky is getting light as I use the binoculars to confirm that it's THIS odd light on the outside wall of the nun's quarters that's being manipulated so cleverly....
Remember when I met Councillor Pepler and Sister for a walk-about at St. Theresa's, to study where the last lot of Developers were threatening to build over in the horse-yard?  I got me some seriously interesting photos on that occasion, did I not?
Several of them include the lighting on that building itself, and I guess if you're an Electrical Engineer, you'll recognize THIS for what it really is?  *winks..



Sunday 6th June 2010 at 2.02pm