Sunday, June 20, 2010


(begun Sunday 20th June at 3.55am...)

He insisted he needed to go outside, so I reluctantly heaved myself from my cozy nest and obliged.. Turned out it wasn't a call of nature he'd been after, but first dibs at the fresh mole-hills that had sprung up on the front lawn overnight... *teeth chattering...  Now I'm up, you wanna chat, as they say?

Fixated?  Obsessed with curiosity over something I'll never fully understand?  Sure I am.. It's hard enough to grasp just one of the technologies used, never mind the astonishingly clever combination that's being employed to OWN the population totally...
I still veer from Wi-Fi to Wimax to WUGs without a clue... *grins.. You've never understood why I don't just research it on the web, as it's all out there, right?  Would that I could folks, but you would be correct in labelling me a Retard.  I need pictures to understand, and words alone don't work, pretty much ensuring that I remain a simpleton...
Odd how my disability hasn't stopped me from figuring out your ultimate goal hey?
My first-hand experience *coughs* covers the Zone only, but it was always a given it was designed to include the entire country.. When news of the smart-meters drama broke, and then subsequently the Craigavon Mast fiasco, it was all the confirmation I needed...

What totally stumps me is your easy acceptance of the many institutions being rigged up as base-stations.. That you're happy for your 10 year old to sit at school each day within mere feet of a mast.. It's just one of those things and it doesn't appear to affect the child, so what's my problem?   Like the rest of the sheep in the area, I never gave the mast in Barnard Road a second thought.. That is, until B.Snr. got nailed in 2005 and the pieces of the puzzle began to fit...

To this day I'm baffled by the sheer zeal and enjoyment displayed by the likes of Allen Spence and even Mike Oliver at the misfortunes of those clearly affected by this technology.. You can guarantee neither of these gentlemen lost/lose sleep over it...
The huge losses incurred to those residents who's homes go up in smoke due to the fumblings of a local Controller, and the steady decline in health of so many, will never be acknowledged...*blinks.. It's "progress" so STFU Tard, and take the knocks you deserve?  Right..

I had to smile at reading the 'over-share on social sites' thread at Mybroadband last night.. The suggestion that there are those whose delicate sensibilities are offended by revelations that should in their opinion, be kept private... How ironic then, that this somewhat distasteful practise is what Balliram and his bride used to sell the Toady Show... Oh come on, don't be coy!   Admit it!   Your delicious combination of revulsion and fascination as the Pervert next door revealed each bodily function that occurred in our little home..*cackles..

You simply couldn't get enough of it, could you..*spews.. When I pointed out repeatedly that the pilot light on the Telkom Multiplex box facing our bedroom window was going too far, even for one as sick and twisted as Balliram, it was 'vandalised' in a rage... *grins.. Who was it that finally got through to our Controller and explained to him cautiously that he was going to have to forego that particular delight?  My bet was and remains, the Sweeper herself, poor thing...

Back then, the boxes afforded the best results did they not?  Subsequently we were somehow upgraded, and now the Pervert has access to every corner of our home and every sound uttered, but is no doubt rather more circumspect as to who he shares his juicy little anecdotes with these days?  *winks... Party-pooper that I am, I've taken away a great deal of his perverted pleasure and regard him as a fixture who listens to my pearls of wisdom far more keenly than my poor husband...*roffels..... *At this point, having had several errors saving AND a dropped iBurst connection, Copied and pasted only to find a mere third had been saved, it would appear our Network Admin has lost the plot totally... Any particular reason for this Balliram?  The truth bites?I guess I'll have another and final shot at typing this out and if this Crooked yet officially employed Creep continues to cause mischief here, tis a clear indication that it's time to quit sharing with you all... *shrugs...*

Still, he can and does feed his bizarre appetite by hopping into any amount of homes spread throughout the Zone and doubtless he, Nayager and the Crumb have their particular favourites..*gags... Could it be YOUR home they visit?  Could it be your nocturnal activities that have these disfunctional creatures breathing heavily while insisting they are merely following orders?  You'd know if they were in your space?  How?
*There's thunder rolling out to sea as I scribble here at the desk.. Your 'people' are back, Jannie?*
Any strange noises you hear would be written off as the house expanding/contracting as the air cools and nothing more than that.. Brilliant hey?   *winks..

Course if you were really paying attention properly you may just notice that certain of the sounds you hear regularly in the dark come from near your bigger appliances ie. the telly or even the jackpoint by your kettle... The involuntary and apparently unavoidable noise as your Controller activates his monitoring via a particular jackpoint..  The early hours of the morning are the most likely to achieve results, as the house has settled by then and it's that much easier to hear the arrival of the psychologically disturbed, employed by the Cunning, as a purported Monitor...*beams...

The more you continue to buy the party-line that mine is an isolated case and mere revenge, the more amused I become... In fairness, many of you have only the picture carefully painted for you by the Dream Team. A picture that would have been endorsed by several that you admire tremendously.. Ain't that the truth Jannie?  *waves to voda3g....
In reality you have no idea of our Network Admin's real character and affiliations at all.. If it's on the Internet, it must be true?  I guess many of you fell into your own trap at this point and bought the bullshit wholeheartedly...*dances..
Have ANY of you woken up yet?  Or will it take Booysens to reveal the criminal you've supported so keenly all these years, before you concede that there may just have been a bit of injustice carried out?   Will there ever be an apology sitting in my inbox?  *falls over snorting... Not bloody likely!   I've gone out of my way to offend every last one of you, and certainly don't anticipate any mercy as a result... *bleeds profusely..

As complex and yet as boring as the average toad-in-the-street, I'm OK with being a martyr as long as I get through to one or two of you in time.. Hopefully one or two that are in a position to kick up dust and insist that the practise of hiring criminals as Monitors is stopped, however efficacious it's proven to be for the BB Project..
If you haven't yet rooted out the Twit handed the powerlines and mast over in Craigavon, may I suggest you make that your priority?  I'm betting it's someone every bit as vindictive as Colin P. Balliram, and most likely with similar connections to the underworld...
If you could just stop sniggering and nudging one another long enough to ask some questions of your own, you may persuade the PTB that it would be wiser to use an honest and principled Controller in your street, instead of a cheap goondaboy, prone to rages and irresponsible criminal behaviour... A cowardly thug who has NO qualms at all of working alongside the likes of Nayager and Earl Michael Barnabas the Druglord...*vomits...

I guess much of this amazing monitoring technology is already installed in many other countries, the UK included... The revelation that the SA Internet cops have offices just down the corridor from their British counterparts in London naturally had me wondering whether my sister would become an unsuspecting test-bunny for the Brit equivalent of the BB Project...  The fact that for so long she's mentioned problems with her wrist joints leads me to believe it's not a genetic flaw at all, but that she too has drawn the attention of a sicko officially designated as a so-called Monitor...  The fact that Balliram has seen fit to block my communications to her merely adds fuel to the flames...

Come Jannie - If my assumptions are as wild and unfounded as you insist they are, see to it that our Network Admin is ordered to leave off his nonsense involving my communiques to Lichfield (or anywhere else for that matter)*spits....
Let me speak to her and see what she says, that I may prove to myself that I'm barking up the wrong tree?  Fark, you owe me that much at least. It's far more likely she will have the GW's mindset of see nothing, hear nothing, so what have you got to lose?  *waits....

LATER at 9.45am..

Check out Page 12 of today's Sunday Times.. 'Lack of funds put strain on facility for the disabled'.  The Saint Giles home in Kensington, Johannesburg, quite obviously isn't in a spot that can be utilised as part of the Big Brother Information Theft scheme and has callously been overlooked by those dishing out the National Lotto funds in one of the most backhanded charitable programs you will ever come across...
How many of the carefully chosen 'lucky' recipients of this astonishing largesse are situated on hills or koppies?  I'm betting pretty much all of them... *grins..

How's about the Committee tasked to divide up the spoils and create so many useful base-stations, go in and rectify their error.  Wherever the Saint Giles institution is situated in Kensington, it wouldn't hurt to toss a few million in their direction even if just to dispel the growing rumour that the Lotto funds are being used in the most calculatedly callous and corrupt fashion imagineable... Bliksems..! *and for the second time my iBurst connection disappears...*spits...  It's a to-die-for day down our way but alas, I'm stuck indoors for the moment.. No matter, as tomorrow will doubtless be as beautiful.. I guess I'll try catch 40 winks...Peace..
PS.  The malicious interference as I attempt to type up my blog has increased 10-fold.  If I don't publish blogs in future, it won't be for lack of content, but entirely due to Balliram's uncontrollable temper.  Your call I believe...?


Sunday 20th June 2010 at 2.36pm.