Tuesday, June 08, 2010


(begun Monday 7th June at 10.05am..)

Take your seats, Suckers....
Hot on the heels of the blogged powercuts the kid's been having, comes the news this morning of an intruder on the property in the wee hours.  Sure I'm concerned, but totally unsurprised... Anyone able to establish if there's a WUG going up in Rosetta/Notties, and if so who's running it?  You might care to put your money where your mouth is and invite her to join, for have you not been selling the idea partly as a security plan?  *waits..

I see several lamps on the Mothership are active again today, including THIS fearsome overhead light next to the Freeway bridge... Some serious output there, that most certainly can't be fobbed off as being run during daylight hours to prevent cable theft..*snorts...My word, would there not be an outcry were Joe Average to learn of the real reason behind the astronomical rates hikes and the Muni lighting kept running 24/7, plus the huge and deliberate water losses... Would Mr. Average be delighted to find that it's all being done to allow the ShaikBoyz and their associates easy access to the privacy of your homes?

If the Blessed Project is being touted in any way as a Safety Measure, you have only to look at what's taking place in our little street to know that's bullshit.. That the recent beating about the head delivered to my ex-Treasurer's husband, and the four visits to No. 16 are more likely to be the results of the wondrous technology installation than otherwise...*spews...
The streetlight outside their home at No. 33 and the huge spotlights in the little park opposite remain inoperative. Would you care to give the real reason behind this, Mistuh Powerline Controller? *looks at Balliram...
The ex-Treasurer tells me she drove home later than usual one night last week to find all the streetlights in Garbutt were off.  Not the homes, just the streetlights.  A clear indication that Balliram is fumbling about in their circuit or his boet-in-law at No. 6 Garbutt Road has hit the wrong key...

In case you hadn't noticed, we need your help down here..  *waves to the Good Cops... I'm not asking you to risk your family or your bloody career, I'm just saying it's time you did SOMETHING!   And ja, I'm allowed to sound peeved on occasion, for if you were taking the amount of EMR that now floods our little house and garden, I'm betting you'd be ticked off as well... *coughs...
The GW?  He's begun to forget the oddest things, and falls asleep more often than usual .. Old-age?  Bollocks!  His old man was sharp as a tack into his nineties FFS...

The City Health lady from Hugo Road tells me they've had several breakins recently, with the thieves gaining access via the horse-yard..  She also said that they've successfully squashed the planned development for the green area behind their properties... I guess an achievement made almost single-handedly by the Principal?  *impressed..

LATER at 11.30am..

I've tried a little experiment this morning.. What should be the best time of the year to lounge out in my garden corner has for no apparent reason become fairly unpleasant of late... *curious..
The cordless phone that normally sits on the grass next to me has taken to chirruping several times during the morning and I assumed it was missing it's base.. Not so, said the GW, it's advertised as lasting up to 30 hours without needing a re-charge... So why does it call out so often?  I left it inside this morning, lying next to the GW and not on it's base... He said it didn't chirrup at all..*baffled.. I also did without the metal fan that sits next to my chair outside and, voila!
No unpleasant sensations the entire morning! *claps.. Now if some kind soul would run that by the Rocket Scientist and see what he comes up with, I'd be most obliged..
It may also give him further insight into the many opportunities now available via the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network system/Telkom's fibre network for the criminals to employ against their enemies.... I kid you not...

Tuesday 8th June at 4.30am..

Seems I was a tad premature with my admiration for the Principal's efforts in stopping the Development planned for behind Hugo Road in the horse-yard..  We had a CPF Meeting last night and as we often do, ended the evening at the garage shop over coffee and a chat...  It appears the City Health rep. has been overly optimistic in her use of the term squashed, and that the Developers are determined to go ahead anyway..
I was told that the Principal is strongly advocating that access to the planned complex be made from Harris Crescent and not Hugo/St. Theresa's Road.. *falls over laughing... I've no idea which version is the truth, but unless the Hugo Road Activist can pull off a miracle, I guess our view of the horizon will soon be changed forever.. *yawns...

One-Eyed Jack slithered into the garage shop as we stood chatting outside.. Once he'd done his shopping he came over and regaled our two companions with HIS version of the legal charges against him..*vomits.. I didn't pay attention as my mouth would have run over... He left some 10 minutes later, after convincing at least one of our number that he's not out of the Game by a long shot.. *shrugs..
It would be interesting indeed were *an error occurred while saving... he to be re-instated at Dodge among the sharply divided factions that man the Station.. I'm betting combatting crime wouldn't be high on his To Do list if he returned.. Instead, his hours would be filled with taking sweet revenge on those who'd shafted him... *belches..

Despite having been proven beyond reasonable doubt to be a criminal, his connections to Barnabas and Mo. Shaik may yet stave off his stay at a Correctional Services facility.... Does this bother me?  Hell no...
If he were to be allowed to return as Station Commander it would merely confirm just how corrupt the Big Brother Project really is, from the top down... So I guess it's a win-win situation from where I'm standing...*cheesy grin...

The cordless phone behind me has just chirruped as it sits on it's base.. Another unavoidable indication of the Pervert's arrival...*shrugs, pulls the plug at the jackpoint and switches off the two cellphones... Gaan kak mos Meneertjie....
I'd headed up to the Hall just after 6.30pm last night, via Garbutt Road, and managed to activate a 'cricket' on nearly every property I passed... *laughing...
Coming home after 9.30pm I'd driven down Harris Crescent to find that every last one of the little buggers remained silent..
They've not figured out how to isolate and activate individual beams yet, so the whole street was de-activated?

Does our Controller still insist that the enormous amount of money poured into the spying technology in our little area alone, is for test purposes only?  Or are Harris and Garbutt simply festering with terrorists and tax-evaders and once sufficient stolen evidence has been garnered, the entire exercise will pay off handsomely?  I guess you know the answer to that one alread...*grins... *As I type this blog here into blogger.com the peurile idiot considered responsible enough to manage power circuits persistently gives me An error occurred while saving and I've little doubt my connection will be dropped fairly soon... *

You have a cordless phone?  May I recommend that you put it out on your verge in time for the next rubbish collection?  *waves to Rafeeq.... Is that right dude?
Neotel's insistence that at signup you install their version of a handset is for a specific reason... You can insist that you don't require it, but you won't be allowed to use their services unless you accept that chunk of spy technology as well.. Competition to Telkom?  Se GAT!!

It's a clone created by the Beast to further invade your homes and the handset is vital to achieve this..
What technical reasons are given to obliging Wuggers for instance, to explain the daily requests for specific lights to be activated on their properties?
If this is to merely enhance the overall Wireless signal for your local WUG why is it that after 5 years? the perfect combination hasn't been found?  Could it be that activating certain lights on say, Number 22, allows improved eavesdropping access to the home opposite for instance?  You get my drift....
By complying with these regular requests to either activate or deactivate particular lights on your property you're allowing YOUR Circuit Controller to invade and access some other sucker's private domain nearby... *belches..
But that's okay - he'd NEVER arrive unannounced in YOUR home to listen avidly to YOUR banal conversations... Or would he? *winks...
Oh please!  Wake up and smell the befokte roses guys.. The Project Authors and their employees will spend years building up an enormous data base of the most trivial information about you and yours.. If and how this could ever be used against you is immaterial... The fact remains that you will be OWNED and if, unlike moi, you sit quietly, it's unlikely you'll feel a thing... *looks at Ian...

On hearing the cordless phone chirrup and pulling the plug at the mains I suspect I may have removed some of the added amplification of Balliram's invasive eavesdropping... Make a note guys, you may need to remember this somewhere down the line... (Though it's not as if you'd be silly enough to have a landline at all after reading these pages...*cackles..)
Would this keep Them out of your home?  Most assuredly not, as there are several other means of access available, though I suspect without a landline the quality of the stolen conversations leaves a lot to be desired...

Balliram's utterly peurile behaviour (being repeated diligently here as I type today) as I attempted to type up and publish my blog yesterday, indicates that he still considers himself Cock of the Heap, and I can't argue with that..*falls over laughing... (Yep, there goes my internet connection)...  In fact, never a truer word was said!

Why would a genius like Karl Muller pay me more than a derisive glance?  My rambling, incoherent reporting means that he probably won't... If however there are any among you with access to the Rocket Scientist's ear, I beg that you tell him to pay attention.. The masts are NOTHING compared to the abilities that criminals now have to flood your very home with EMR.. It's unlikely you'll ever get to hear the hugely increased stats on cancer-related illnesses, but it's happening already... Has Leonard Els already dropped Karl Muller like a hot potato, or is he still as obliging as ever...?  *curious...



Tuesday 8th June 2010 at 1.27pm...