Tuesday, March 09, 2010


(begun Tuesday 9th March at 4.05am...)

I'd sent the CPF sms reminder only to the Head of the Crime Desk, but last night we were blessed with two for the price of one...*beams...
It just this minute occurred to me to wonder why Supt. Singh needed the Minder riding shotgun, and a sudden flash of recollection had me paging back a bit.. Whoa! There it was!
My 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing' blog had me debating in the opening paragraph whether or not to share a secret...*falls over laughing.. Written as it was three days back, I've trouble momentarily remembering which secret FFS! So the Crumb was along for the ride just in case? *startled..

I've no intention of pouncing on good old Ronnie, despite the apparent close bond he's formed with the Crumb... It just wouldn't be fair...*grins... Besides, I'd forgotten all about it, and was way too busy turning my usual shades of puce as my Chair thoughtlessly dissed the Minutes his Secretary had written and I'd typed out...

When the stats were finally read out and the Crumb had launched into the amazing number of people arrested, I had a fleeting picture of the cells up at Dodge literally heaving with criminals... How on earth do they house them all? Are the petty offenders (drinking in public etc.) locked up overnight and sent packing the next morning with a stern warning? Was it Mayor Guiliani who cleaned up New York using the Broken Window method?
Man, I'm easily impressed I know, but it's a new enough concept here in the Zone to have me applauding..
On a more sombre note, its going to depend hugely on whether the good work will carry on after the Interim Station Head`moves on... *blinks...
Will Salacious Crumb be bumped up to run the Station or will Spt. Singh manage Dodge with CP30 always close at hand?

der Kommissar may just as well have fallen off the face of the earth, as not a mention of his name was made at last night's Meeting, despite Boomgaard's article saying he was back heading the Station... Had one of the members the temerity to ask how the situation stood, would they have met with the stoic, 'it's an internal issue'..? When quite clearly all that takes place at Dodge affects the community directly? It's a tricky one...

Nayager will stand his quivering ground and insist that much of his perceived corruption was directly due to orders issued by his Idol, Jackie Selebi.. A man he was so taken with, I'm told that he would even don his Pimp's hat on Selebi's visits to Durban, to ensure his Superior's EVERY need was met... Going the extra mile indeed... *vomits...

It's a difficult one hey Earl? It can't be leaked publicly that Stations across the country were ORDERED to go slow, and for dockets to be lost.. That crime was to deliberately be allowed to reach the horrific levels it has...
All in the name of the Big Brother Project, in the drive to soften up the citizens of the land into believing the only way out of the mess was to give up their right to privacy.... Way better than giving up their lives, right?

Both the Head of Mountain Rise and One-eyed Jack threw themselves whole-heartedly into following orders, and their over-zealous and enthusiastic compliance eventually became a dangerous embarrassment? Nonetheless, its proving a bugger to relocate these two criminals to Kokstad's Maximum Security Prison there they belong...

Were several of der Kommissar's supporters unaware of his penchant for eavesdropping? Did they realise too late that despite their willingness to decorate their homes and business premises with the required amounts of additional lighting, and to encourage their offspring to be tutored in the art of hacking by the creep Balliram, that they themselves were not exempt from being visited surreptitiously by Nayager and his Lackey, when they least expected it? *chokes..
You get what you pay for dudes! You needed those with enough of a criminal bent to accept the Druglord as the middleman running the Project here in the Zone, and by golly, that's what you got! der Kommissar ain't gonna go quietly, as we've already seen, to the State's enormous cost...

Will Manuel at Brighton Beach be ordered to cover for Tweedledumb's absence at his new workplace or is he legally entitled to hang out in Mayville until the matter of his re-instatement is concluded one way or the other?
Does Nayager now camp out in his old office daily at Dodge, with Att. Anand Nepaul on speedial, and the Crumb trying not to trip over his lip as he goes about HIS attempts at running Dodge City? *shrieks...

I'm betting that if the OldBoys and Nathie succeed in getting rid of One-Eyed Jack, Spt. Singh will be promoted as Head of Sydenham Saps..
Has, Salacious Crumb been deemed sufficiently sharp enough to steer Ronnie through the minefields that lie ahead? Will these two be left to carry on the good work begun by Spt. Matthysen? *shudders....
The Head of the Crime Desk still carries an air of bewilderment about him.. Almost as though he remembers the qualifications required of an honest cop and he struggles to accept their abandonment...*sighs...

The Crumb has clearly persuaded him that they've no choice but to work with the Druglord calling the shots.. Hard-working cop that he is, is that the reason for his continued puzzled demeanour? After all the years he's put in fighting these lowlifes, he now finds himself actually working UNDER one such scumbag? I guess that ultimately the brilliantly devised Information Theft Project is going to make criminals out of a lot of previously good people...
No, that would exclude Nayager, Balliram and Jesus' Sunbeam, who've already showed a remarkable natural talent for crooked dealings... *coughs...

The bullying via the powercuts continues..
Yesterday we were slammed off for close on two hours.. A few calls later and I'd established that while our circuit had been shut down, Balliram's boet-in-law a little higher up in Garbutt, hadn't... Nor had Councillor Baig's stretch of the Crescent further up the street...
Oddly enough, I scored a hit when I rang St. Theresa's and the Sister told me their's had gone off at the same time, and that it was becoming a regular occurrence... *bolt-eyed...
Apart from the sheer malicious enjoyment of shutting us down randomly, was there another reason why both our circuit and the mini-base Station went off simultaneously? Were the engineers and techs over at the Recreation Centre yesterday, making the necessary adjustments to enhance the Blessed Signal and the water runoffs?
Anyone got an updated Google Earth view of the progress being made, or do you too find that area strangely blurred and the swimming pool still filled with water? *winks..

In the light of what happened to the Craigavon residents, as their no doubt equally unqualified Controller practised his skills in running the iBurst mast via a computer program, have you had a re-think since reading the article in Noseweek?
Are you still able to fool yourselves that its ok to rig up orphanages, schools and old-age homes with enough technology to qualify them as mini base stations? Really? Then come sit here by me on the Dummy couch...*shifts up....

Depending on which camp you sit in (something I still pretend exists), you may be happy to hear I took a few knocks yesterday...*cackles..
First came a sharp and honest critique from the journo who I so admire, on my utter lack of reporting skills... *reels.... A while later I was told that I talk too much, also by someone that I like... *ouch.... Flake that I am, its unsurprising that I still bleed so easily....
But I find happily that the recovery period is much quicker than it used to be...
The nauseating self-recrimination and introspection that occurs when I'm hit by a home-truth becomes easier to shrug off as I plod mindlessly on... *waves...

I've the usual whinges to share with you, and they would include the almost total greying out of the screen of my treasured CPF loaded Nokia just prior to sending out the CPF Meeting reminders yesterday morning.. A near terminal blow I tell you.... If you still choose to believe it's just wear and tear you're as much a fool as I....
The deliberate manipulation of our landline continues unabated, and it often costs me two calls to reach a number, only to find interference on the line... *snorts...

The TV switched off totally at one point late yesterday afternoon. This time, including the decoder...
But all this is OK right? The not-so humble labrat should just STFU and allow The-Best-You've-Got to enjoy his power... *gags...
The jackhammers are hard at it already.. Whether it's up in the street for the water lines or over at the Convent Recreation Centre, I can't yet tell.. Wait...

LATER at 9.00am..

It's the digger cutting up the road for the waterlines.. I asked the dude in charge why we alone had no hole dug to mark our meter and he didn't really know... Will the reason become apparent fairly soon? *fascinated...
About 20 minutes ago, the screen was knocked off the TV. This time just the screen..
Some seriously vindictive attention is being paid us, and of course I have to ask why the stepped up attacks?

If our Controller's hands are clean (chokes) and he isn't/hasn't been working closely with Nayager and the Druglord, what's his problem? Why the increased rage? Sitting too close to the monitor again are we? *winks..
Does he think he's noticed someone tailing him? He appears to be avoiding the use of the larnie Beemer sheltering in his garage and I've certainly seen no sign of the in-your-face black Rodeo for ages...
Eh, probably just running his mum-in-law's silver Beemer into the ground while she's away and nothing more exciting than that... *laughs..

LATER at 9.50am

B.Snr. just called to say the water has gone off with no warning at all... With all the attention being paid to this little stretch of road, do you seriously buy that a genuine error has occurred and a pipe been damaged? *sighs..

We're a bunch of disrespectful Philistines and will be shown who's the Boss in no uncertain terms, right el Monstro? Special permission given by your overlords Barnabas and quite possibly the Strategist, to do your worst, just don't get caught? *winks...

Who could we call for assistance on our corrupted phones anyway? The Crooked Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, Allen Spence, who so willingly handed a petty criminal/Cracker the reins to the area's power supplies? Sure! *falls over cackling ....
Room for one more in the cells at Kokstad? *daydreams on.....



Tuesday 9th March 2010 at 1.54pm..