Sunday, March 07, 2010


(begun Sunday 7th March at 3.08pm....)

A fairly basic term for what Balliram attempts to do to us at the moment, via the level of emissions unleashed in our home... *blinks...
Senile dementia and delusions on a grand scale? According to Millie and her Sisters and Fat Sophie, I'm on sure ground here... Have I been wrong on the big issues so far? WTF would be the point of prevarication?
You know and I know, that the Lout is incapable of responsible behaviour..*yawns...
If he can't get me one way, he'll go round the back... Most certainly an unprovable means of attack and I'm intrigued to know quite how far he's prepared to go..
You'd be lying if you said you weren't wondering along the same lines....
Details? I'd rather not at the moment.. Though I'm sure if my head implodes, you'll get to hear about it one way or another...*belches loudly...

The short time I spent online last night was made memorable only by the extreme heat coming off the monitor. This with the desk fan on full..*spews... It's frankly way past time this one was put behind bars, but like his Mentor and Good Buddy Nayager, it's
not likely to happen anytime soon..*snorts...
If the current corruption that der Kommissar is involved in truly goes back 10 years, there's no ways Balliram can claim innocence.. If the one goes down, the other goes as well, or I'll be yelling selective justice forever more..
Oh, wait! That's what I've been doing for the past 4 or 5 years anyways! *roffels...

They were working along the stretch by the Blind Home when I drove back from the shops yesterday morning. Quite a sight it was too.. Over 20 men, a pick's length apart, all putting their back's into digging the trench...
I remember when they used to sing as they worked, swinging their picks in unison, and what a fine sound and sight it was... I s'pose they've nothing much to sing about these days and are just darned grateful to have the work....
This is what the President meant when he promised to create 500,000 jobs for the people? You bet it is... One of the few positives of the Information Theft Project....*sighs...

Now if I were a Contractor hired by the Muni to get this backbreaking job done, I'd have a CD player or radio belting out the sort of stuff that would cheer the wekkers on as they slogged away in the blazing heat..
The cynics among you would immediately say such a prized item would be nicked on the first day.. Not if the Induna gave his permission for them to moer the suspect if this were to happen? The nearby rate-payers would be offended by such music? Rubbish! The big digger and jack hammers are way more offensive...
C'mon you heartless bastards! Give the droogs some foot-stomping music to encourage them while they work and to lighten their load a bit....

I can't get my head around the fact they're not simply digging up the old water pipes and replacing them.. Instead they're leaving them intact and laying the new pipes on the OTHER side of the road altogether... How weird is that? I s'pose there's a logical reason, but I certainly don't get it...

By the by, I asked the GW to check my gmail settings yesterday and he did and he managed to fix el Monstro's latest mischief... *beams and shows Bali the finger... You congratulate yourself that you're forcing the Pensioners to actually learn something? Your teaching methods suck and could just backfire, you Plonker... *snorts..

As I write, little Cola is working himself into a noisy froth out on the front deck.. My bet would be that he sees the latest stray cat strolling about the valley in the moonlight... Well, if not the moonlight, that enormous new spot that's activated somewhere a bit higher up the valley...
Do the cats set off the buzzing electronic devices as they criss-cross the yard at night? Does the Controller rear up from his slumbers each and every time a beam is crossed? If so, it would surely account for his excessive irritability (sp) and explain why I'm subjected to an overdose of what-have-you when I finally rise.. How well I know this pillock.....*gags...

Greenwood Park Station.. Not an area I've included in the Zone, but most definitely OWNED by Barnabas as well.. Who had the final say on the transfer destinations for the two policemen? Not important? Au contraire - The initial location chosen for der Kommissar's transfer was Kwa Mashu... I'm willing to bet when One-eyed Jack got the news he literally kakked himself and sat up all night making calls to have the transfer overturned... True? *grins..

He settled grudgingly for Brighton Beach in the end, doubtless thinking that the Station Head would protect him... I'd be interested to know how many hours work he's put in at his new workplace, if any at all...
Was it misplaced confidence in Mo Shaik's abilities to have him re-instated at Dodge City that had him finding digs right here in Mayville? Is he, as I suspect, being put to work while he waits, to continue destabilising the Zone with organised crime? His forte if you recall...*vomits...

I visited my Chairman yesterday and a casual remark he'd made has my antennae up and quivering.. Hopefully tis pure imagination on my part, but the possibility remains that an attempt is being made to cause doubt in my Chair's mind... It's all about ego is it not? *looks at the two-faced Crumb and wonders... If you wish the Community to think that Dodge is to be run in a squeaky-clean manner without Nayager, you're off to a poor start...

The continued and determined efforts to deter the journo from attending Meetings raised a good many doubts, in my pointed head at least. If you persist in encouraging the Staff to believe that Sydenham SAPS are a law unto themselves, I shall have to accept that I was right and we're merely exchanging one Crook for another... *shrugs...

LATER at 10.15am..

Clearly the jolly paintball outing organised by the Crumb some time back, in an effort to persuade local journos to work closely with Dodge City, went right over Masood BoomGaard's head..
See the Tribune Herald Supplement today, Page 2... 'Rambo Cop Regains His Top Position'...
The young writer will have severely compromised his credibility here in the Zone...
Hopefully the wealthy businessmen he panders to, will come up trumps down the road in his hour of need, and find him a menial job somewhere in a distant factory? *snarls...
I mean - Nayager was allegedly severely beaten FFS?? *shrieks.... It's common knowledge the Good Super hit him once in order to relieve him of his service revolver.. I s'pose it's possible that One-Eyed Jack damaged himself further as he tried desperately to scrabble for cover, but a serious beating?
The more you repeat this crud, the less chance there is that the so-called top cop will EVER live down his humiliation.... *laughing..

Unbiased journalism se GAT! Boomgaard refused to publish the Good Super's version of the fisticuffs at the Station last year, begging the question why? Who or what causes this journalist to openly support a criminal? *fascinated.. Is his allegiance really to Nayager, or is it rather to Barnabas after all?
I've met the Sunday Times journo and she's cool... *waves to T.... Apart from one previous and hilarious slip up, she reports on the Hearings in an unbiased fashion.. Check out her article on Page 3 of the Sunday Times Extra....

It's unbelievable that after all this time the Creep is still fighting to be re-instated at Dodge... Does it not give you pause for thought that his efforts are backed by many wealthy businessmen and the Whisperers themselves?
Do you finally begin to see that my allegations and accusations have been on the money all along?
A marriage of convenience between Telkom's OldBoys Network and the Shaikboyz?

Jannie's lot will be running the Telkom/Muni's contribution to the Loss of Privacy Scheme, while the Whisperers enrol the criminal element to hasten the installation... Fantastique!
Lawd knows how you've presented the Plan to those who still retain a modicum of morals and ethics, but I would guess that the now ceaseless stream of corrupt civil servants and government officials outed in the Press is supposed to convince these Suckers that it's all above board? *falls over laughing..
Well, it's worked up to now has it not?

The eggheads and intellectuals that fell for it would rather die than eat their words or voice their misgivings.. It's too late to change your minds now, even if you wanted to.. You've seen how simple it is to target a dissenter and whack them repeatedly..
Dare to speak out and your home or business could go up in flames overnight, in an inexplicable electrical fire... *yawns...
All you can do at this point is keep your fingers crossed you don't end up with a Controller the likes of Colin P. Balliram...
YOU'RE the Controller? Great!! Will you be tempted along the way to behave like our Network Admin? Are you capable of terrorising some stupid and unpleasant technophobe just for laughs?
Will you slowly begin to discover that the Station Head at your nearest copshop has lost the plot and become power-drunk as Nayger has done? Will you, like el Monstro, get your rocks off working alongside the corrupt and criminal? Anyone's guess at this point ja....

Peace julle...


Sunday 7th March 2010 at 3.50pm..