Friday, December 04, 2009


(begun Thursday 3rd December at 3.55am...)

Right now I'm just way too hot...*takes off both jersey and slippers.... The rain continues to bucket down relentlessly, and the GW has just tottered through to the loo and asked if I heard the gunfire in the night... He said he'd listened as the clock chimed midnight, roughly at the same time that about 20 shots were fired... *blinks..
Course, with the weird acoustics here in the valley, it's anyone's guess where the shots came from and whether it was one or more people shooting at the time... *yawns...
We have gunfire so regularly down this end, (though not on quite such a grand scale), that it's no wonder I didn't stir.... *shrugs..

Yesterday had proven to be fairly interesting, and I'd been treated on and off to my Controller's range of attack skills... Probably more noticeable due to the heavy cloud cover, but short bouts of earache, nerve-ends jangling in my teeth, broken wrists, and even at one point a headache, had me grinning at the Plonker's extra attentions...
Neither he nor Tweedledumb appreciated my Not For the Faint-Hearted blog published after 11.00am yesterday...*falls over laughing.... Had they truly been deluding themselves up to that point? Jissie! *roffels...

By the afternoon my little house was fairly humming with their rage... Imagination? You think? *teeth.... I'd booted up last night at 6.15pm and had signed in to gmail to write a letter when - BLAM! - the power was slammed off.... My Master's ultimate expression of anger, or remarkably well timed load-shedding? *chokes...
I'm so used to his childish behaviour now, that I merely snort as we're plunged into darkness...

Typically, the entire circuit went out, right up to the ex-Treasurer's house, though it's weird how the Convent across the valley also appeared to be affected, while the lights in Grindrod and Michan remained on. Our power was eventually restored at 10.30pm.
As I write here now, I've not yet bothered to plug the TV or the electric phone back in, though that doesn't appear to keep him out of our home in any way.... *interested...

The GW arrived back from the shops just after the power went out last night, and I got onto the bed a while later to read the newspapers by candlelight.... I found a smug-looking One-Eyed Jack leering out from Page 8 of this week's Post, purportedly attending a prayer meeting...*gags... Was the ludicrously bewigged Politician pictured with him not embarrassed? Would he really rather not have been seen associating so closely with a known criminal? It's reached the stage where anyone seen consorting with this Corrupt individual bears closer inspection..
Anyone standing within 10 feet of him could be regarded as suspect... Then again, what can you do if he hastily tacks himself onto you the minute he sees a camera nearby? *grins..

Friday 4th December at 2.55am..

Ja, it's earlier than usual even for me.. The dogs were going nuts up by the road after 2.00am and it got me curious enough to get dressed and go up in the drizzle for a dekko... I stood there for some time, looking up and down the empty Crescent.. There was no sign of a stray, nor any visible reason why the dogs continued to bark.... In particular it sounded like No. 16's old dog, and a big dog somewhere on the property behind Bernie's place... *curious...

If you remember, No. 16 had their doors forced open a few weeks back and Sabera at No. 18 tells me that their gate was broken open at about 2.00am on Saturday the 21st of November but the alarm went off and the intruders fled...

As I was still in bed at that hour, it's not likely der Kommissar was watching the cameras (!), though Deputy Dawg, here next door, may well have been marshalling the visitors as they worked... OTOH, as I've told you several times, it would be a doddle for Bali to 'adjust' the frequency of an SE nearest a particular animal and cause it to bark incessantly, as he does so often with his own unfortunate beasts....

Why, as I sit here writing at the desk, the frequency in my own ears just changed dramatically... Clear indication that el Monstro is feverishly hunched over the Death Dealer causing mischief even at this early hour.....
My own back door light and the valley facing spotlight both shine a healthy white these days, and not the murky and dim orange they gave off for so long...*shrugs...

Fibre optic works on pulsing light? WTF does that mean? *frustrated... Is it connected in any way to the enormously increased amount of energy-saving, mercury containing, signal enhancing lights now saturating the neighbourhood and beyond? When I do occasionally stumble on a post by Karl Muller these days, he appears as baffled as I am, and no nearer solving the mystery of it all....
After I'd come back downstairs, the dogs fell oddly silent ...*winks at le Petite Merde... The Wireless Song belts out across the way, and the early birds begin to call out in the darkness...

Which reminds me - The letters in the Highway Mail complaining of a loud humming noise disturbing residents? The GW tracked their addresses and yesterday, despite the pouring rain, we visited the source of one of the complaints... *beams..
It sits on the busy Shepstone Road in New Germany and it belongs to Telkom, and as soon as I'm able to, I shall go and take pictures for my album...
We turned off Shepstone and found Sander Road and I confess I was horrified to see that there's a Pre-Primary school situated literally right next door to the mast, never mind a load of flats and a complex or two... *gags....
I've obviously no idea how long that tower has been there, but you just know that it's putting out the equivalent of the Wireless Song but on a hugely increased scale...
Why now? Has the mast had some additional technology added recently ? *peers at Jannie... Though the residents aren't claiming anything other than loss of sleep due to the volume of sound emanating from that beauty, may I suggest the Strategist deals with it before it turns into a Craigavon debacle?

I guess I have the original complainant's address if he's interested, but have no doubt he's now fully aware of the problem, and is monitoring it in between threatening the Political Science Graduate... *sighs..
How pathetically disappointed I was to log onto mybb last night and find ic's post replying to the lame j@w.... I sat for ages and read and reread his words, thinking I must be misinterpreting them in some way... He'd always seemed so funny in an anally-retentive kind of way, and had not ever been unkind to me...
Yet, there it was... Using admittedly fancier prose, but just as sadly juvenile as j@w itself... *cries... My god, but it reminds me of just how easy it is to make errors of judgement out there on the web...*cringes.... Right now I'm feeling fairly sad for the chap, and I suspect that he's been encouraged to add any amount of SE's to his property (though where I got that idea from, lord only knows...)

The Poisonous Rabbit posts in the same vein, and I finally step back and admire the damage done by the Strategist... United we stand? You've certainly managed to divide up that potentially dangerous Forum quite neatly Jannie... *applauds... It's astonishing how beautifully the Project is being sold on a Need To Know basis...*winks..
There appears to be a different sales pitch used for the tech-savvy to the casual user.... By that I would suggest that people such as the Hair Technician, Nadine Maharaj and her SO over in Reservoir Hills, were encouraged and taught to hack the ADSL systems of their neighbours... You'd forgotten about that? *shrugs.. I'm betting they were told it was either to improve the signal or just in case they were ever required to stand in as deputy spies... *vomits..

Nobody ever bothered to tell them they were at the same time giving up the privacy of their own home and control of all it's electrical assets to One-eyed Jack FFS...
For that matter, nobody has ever bothered to mention to the obliging Chosen here in Harris Crescent that ultimately, their private conversations can now be bounced up so easily to the drooling Pervert sitting up on the Hill...

And yes, I see the outside house lights running during daylight hours up at No. 6? Garbutt Road.. The home as I recall of Captain Courageous' own brother-in-law... A home that was treated not long ago to some serious renovations.. The streetlights now burn all day, the length of Garbutt Road, and I find I've serious issues regarding the blatant nepotism practised....

I apologise for the more than usually incoherent content of this blog, but tis the best I can offer as my head threatens to explode with way too much data... *yawns... The dogs up and down the Crescent are now silent, since I climbed the stairs earlier. I will go to the wire insisting it was Colin Balliram's interference with the frequencies that was causing the uproar, and nothing else...

Who's next on your list of breakins Bali? Who have you and der Kommissar decided should be the next recipients of unwanted callers? You guys know by now I've got your organised crime operations nailed, right down to the self-serving insurance scams... *roffels...
So what, you say? Nobody believes me? I'd not be too sure of that dudes.... *grins and waves...



Friday 4th December 2009 at 11.19am...