(begun Friday 4th December at 4.45am...)
The hadedas set up their first raucous outburst a few minutes ago, and again I wonder if my Master or the Accountant have activated something that might disturb these birds on a regular basis at this hour of day... *fascinated...
I only got round to checking out the latest Weekly Gazette last night, and was hardly surprised to find der Kommissar, still clad in his photo-shoot argyle jumper, grinning out from that publication as well.... On page 3 he claims there's a plot behind Stanley Mathonsi's charges in the Equality Court, to oust him from his post... AFAIK this is the same song he sings in defence of the High Court and Labour court charges as well... And I'M paranoid? *grins...
I bet he also specially requested that his name be mentioned for assisting with the mass outdoor Eid prayer that took place outside the Sparks Road Mosque on Friday 27th November. After all, nobody in their right mind would think to mention him without being nudged heavily by the Abuser himself...
Just as he'd had to call the CPF Motherbody Heads and beg for an official letter requesting the banning of his use of the official SAPS vehicle after hours, be overturned, does he constantly have to chivvy his unwitting subjects into promoting him...*laughing..
There was a house fire in Sydenham yesterday... You all know how fires interest me now that power circuits are being merrily handed to laymen to run... We were heading past King George Hospital when I saw the smoke and asked the GW to turn off and we joined the watching crowd. I chatted to a few bystanders as I took my pictures and they said the servants quarters at No. 17 D'aintree Road had burned down last week and this was the second fire... I studied the blackened ruins of the front of the house as firemen battled to put out the flames...
An electrical fault? *curious... An act of deliberate arson via the power system, or a disgruntled employee?
Time to get the spin-doctors onto it fast Tweedledumb? An error, as your Controller in that area fumbled with the keyboard and surged the mains?
Yes Allen - I'm VERY aware that electrical fires are on the increase... Something inexplicable, yet the man in the street will hardly notice. *sighs...
We were driving along Umgeni road towards the Redhill turnoff/flyover when I checked out the overheads just before the bridge and I was delighted to see a cowling sans it's plastic/glass covering..
Exactly like our own Mothership here on Jan Smuts, there's a camera hidden inside the empty-looking cowling that faces back up towards Springfield Park.... *dances... You can't see it, but it's most certainly there... Now it's up to you to find the others dotted about everywhere ..*grins.. I'm damned sure there are other even smaller ones installed on the streetlights, but that will have to wait for now..
LATER at 6.15am..
I curled up on the bed out on the verandah after 5.30am, and closed my eyes briefly. Not five minutes passed and the Controller nailed me..*grins.. A really nasty headache from nowhere began behind my ear... I told him aloud to fuckoff and that it wasn't funny, and he did just that... I'd thrown down the gauntlet a few blogs back when I'd said forget the joints, go for the head...*roffels...
I don't have to concern myself whether morons like j@w find my allegations to be lies or not... I know that the Strategist listens, no matter what he tells you.. I know that he's figured out there are no lies involved in what I report here...*begs that voda3g doesnt use the patronising 'misguided old fart' angle at this point...
I'm a Duracell Test Bunny equivalent, the likes of which you've not come across before... So boring and ordinary that I can speak truthfully for the masses. So obliging and unpartisan that I cheerfully assist the Devil's own.... *grins...
The Strategist's back is to the wall... to have threatened the Political Science Grad with legal action is the equivalent of the BSOD and if I noticed it, you can be sure that many others sat up straight at that point. Suddenly it became clear that Jannie has a great deal to hide, or he certainly wouldn't have played this latest hand..
I feel sympathy for the Cat who resorted to posting his mixed feelings in an effort to keep his business interests safe... Ai, o striped one, it's anyone's guess whether this Caesar of the Telecoms industry will display his thumb up or down in your case... You are in as much of a precarious position right now as the Cellmast Activist.... Tread softly in your dilemma.... SeanSA? Pfft.. Siyabona, and enough said... *chokes....
Let's go back to the Telkom tower on Shepstone road if you don't mind... Tellus if you will, which came first? The Pre-primary school or the mast? Is some callous band using the school as part of an experiment? Are the toddlers being monitored for ADDH or worse? Or am I again considered delusional to think you were even aware that the children may be affected? *fascinated..
If the residents living so near the mast can't sleep for the noise of the Wireless Song, it has to be running at a crazy strength... (they hear it during the day as well, but claim it's dumbed down by the traffic noises).
Time to do some cold-calling? Jeez, it's tempting hey.. Meanwhile, let me tell you of my odd encounter yesterday..
I nipped into a laundromat at Glenwood Centre to have an enormous blanket washed.. I was standing at the counter waiting for the dimple-cheeked Manageress to take my details, when a customer arrived next to me... He opened the black bin bag and showed the contents to the lady and asked if she could dry it for him..(remember it's been raining steadily for 2 or 3 days) She felt it and said it was strange fabric and that it might get damaged in the dryer...
Arun, (for that turned out to be his name) said it was a coffin liner, at which point I managed to persuade the nice lady to give it a shot..*cackles..
I suggested that even with a bit of melt-down, it was unlikely the occupant would mind, so she obligingly loaded it into a dryer...
Arun then told me that he runs the best burial service in town, complete with piper FFS, for R3 and a half grand.... I took his card but made it clear that I planned on a far cheaper exit, and he asked me what faith I followed.
I showed him my Luxmi Prayer string, my gran's gold cross and my mum's as well, and gave him a peek at my bloodshot eyes...*lawls... I told him of my over-saturation by so many different faiths and said that right now I struggled mightily with myself in the face of rampant hypocrisy... I mean, Ray McKauley FFS????
He was unperturbed and called out kindly to me as I ran across the parking lot laughing... An unusually open-minded Undertaker/Funeral Director, and one you may care to remember should you see fit to need bagpipes at your departure? *smiles...
LATER at 9.45am..
I popped out to pick up a donation for the SAPS Braai.. I'd pulled up on our verge a short while later and opened the gates.. As I trudged back up to the car His Oiliness came hurtling round the bend in the Crescent past No. 18... I leaned forward and blew him a hideous raspberry at which he swerved the official SAPS car at me, missed and drove on flat out... See now, that I can handle..
A demonstration of the true nature of this Beast is far more palatable than the greasy smiles and handshakes put on for show when there's company about...*teeth... Better luck next time Mistuh Serial Sexual Offender, and I guess I'd make a fine bumper sticker... *grins..
The maroon people carrier is still pitching up regularly to manage the runoffs.. Not as often as I'd expected with all the rain, but I guess the wellie-wearing Gate Keeper keeps an eye on the valve in between.. Amazingly he's managed to evade my beady eye since I blogged him last. A nimble fellow then? *winks..
Saturday 5th December at 3.50am...
Something changed on the PC about a week or two ago.. That little grey window that appears when you right click on the screen, now often bobs up without permission.. A little thing fosho, but unsettling..*sniffs the air... Last night google wouldn't finish loading properly until I went over to bookmarks and threatened to open it in a new screen.. WTF? Despite running a full kapersky scan the problem remains this morning. I found myself magically signed in to google at some point as well.... The login and logout function at has changed somehow as well... Having fun there Bali? *snorts...
I chatted online last night.
A deadly occupation for the dim-witted and not something I should indulge in at all, but I was so startled I went with the flow...
Are they aware that every word uttered on our screen is read by the Spy That Loathes Me or am I still considered mentally deficient? *curious...
I had reason to drive down Candella Road yesterday, and found a river running down towards Bonela from the same discreet pipe buried on the verge HERE. Something is overflowing because of all the rain, or is it a steady runoff being done under cover of the rain? Does it perchance originate from that stunning water feature on the property round the corner in Sandringham? *winks and waves to Rasheed...
I'm feeling more insignificant than ever right now and guess it's a good time to STFU... Have a happy one..
Saturday 5th December 2009 at 1.11pm