(begun Tuesday 1st December at 6.20am...)
There are those among you who still persist in believing that I hold a personal vendetta against One-Eyed Jack for reasons of the heart.... *falls over laughing... An idea deliberately fostered by the less-than bright manning Dodge City, and consolidated by my own acting skills...
Indeed, it serves me jolly well right! In my over-zealous attempt to turn around claims that I was a cop-hater in general, I outdid my own expectations and fooled you all.... *choking.. How each time Tweedledumb would appear in the doorway of our Meeting Room in full uniform, I would rummage for my fan and roll my eyes with feigned delight at his arrival...*roffels...
Have you met him? Have you heard him? Are you SERIOUS?
It's a standing joke that this old toad is partial to uniforms and this is to a great extent true.... der Kommissar however, does not, nor never has, featured on my Hit Parade.... *gags..
I do believe that he himself genuinely entertained the thought that I fancied him, and that, dear Readers, is a measure of the man's basic stupidity ...*snorts... That you bought into this as easily as you bought the posed pictures of the Abuser entwined with his Admin. Clerk shows you are not far behind in the Idiot Stakes....
To this day, when the nonsensical suggestion is raised, I go a deep purple, which doesn't aid my cries of denial in any way... Tis the purple of rage at my own over-the-top acting abilities and bleeding feet, believe me... *laughs at Shah....
Do ALL of you perceive me at 65 to be a frustrated and bitter old woman constantly on the lookout for a man? If so, you'd be sadly mistaken....
I live with the grossest of disfigurements, that increase daily.. The Millie Sisters awoke the year that my Master was installed next door at No. 6 and, due entirely to MY OWN inability to deal with his anti-social Agenda, they've flourished at an astonishing rate....
If he wishes to claim credit for my situation he would fail. I believe you create your own *coughs* problems, and mine are due solely to a lack of tolerance and inability to cope with his behaviour on my part, and nothing else.... *sighs..
So, bearing in mind that I'm now by choice, the female equivalent of John Merrick, why would you see me as having any interest in the opposite sex, apart from the enjoyable practise of window-shopping? Sillies the lot of you! *awards itself a belated Oscar...
Tweedledumb has used my imagined attraction to him to great advantage, and I'm not oblivious to the sympathetic smiles I've been treated to over the years, and in fact, have been greatly entertained by them.. To each his own say I, but the fellow carries about him an aura of Corruption that the very smartest uniform can't disguise, and he always has... *shrugs...
Now that I've set the record straight, I truly give a rat's arse whether you believe it or not, but would suggest it may pay you to do a rethink on all my previous blogs, this time without allowing your thinking to be coloured by this crazy misconception so carefully nurtured....*cackles..
Contradictory as it now sounds, you will see how hard I tried to tell myself he was a courageous and good Head of Station, despite knowing that he and Colin Balliram were the authors of my ongoing woes... You will see (I'm guessing, for I've not the patience to re-read my own incoherent posts) how once the news of his blatant sexual harrassment was made Public, I found no need for further pretence to myself or to you...
It was the wake-up call I'd needed, to find the guts to finally take a stand... Fighting for myself didn't work, but standing up for the vulnerable abused policewomen trainees finally gave me the rage I needed to get me going... *grins..
And there you have it folks...... With the distasteful sexual aspect in my blog no longer applicable, it's a given my readership will take a direct hit... With the added revelation (only whispered about till now?) that more each day, I resemble some ghastly putrid Quasimodo figure, I will lose even more of those with delicate sensibilities....*belches loudly.....
Am I bovvered?? Do I look bovvered to you?! *falls over shrieking..
No dears - I've never truly believed that I speak here to more than just Captain Courageous and a relentless spambot trundling by my blog, so why would I mind if you deserted me now?
I will of course continue to speak out in this vast ech0-chamber and address the Strategist as if he were here... I will continue to speak of my admiration for the young and truly good political science Grad, who probably can't save the world, but had me fooled for a long time...*grins..
I'll address the Good, the Bad, and the Incredibly Corrupt, in the arrogant hope that my incoherent words will reach their ears... To those of you who now find my physical ailments more than you can stomach, there's the EXIT dudes...*points...
OTOH, if you choose to swallow your nausea and stay, I hope to teach you how to deal with a situation that chances are, may yet arise in YOUR lifetime.. There's always the possibility that a cure for cancers will be publicly announced, and you won't be forced to choose between prolonging your agony with treatment or accepting the situation and letting nature take it's course...*coughs ... I made my choice and live with it without regret.... *staggers off-stage..
LATER at 11.15am..
I'd just published yesterday's blog when a mail came in from the Exec. Director of Children of Africa. It took a while to sink in, but it turns out that the day after I'd triggered the staged ruckus at Dodge City by feeding the Molester's thirteen victims, over half of them were released...*beams..
As Missus Not The Sharpest, I'd had no idea the Kennedy Road 13 were due in Court again on the Friday, where apparently 6 had been granted bail and one had been cleared of all charges, leaving the remaining five as collateral for the Abuser and his Superiors to continue mistreating...
In the light of this revelation, I bet you think I should STFU on the subject? *chokes... Who pockets the R1000 bail posted for the six released? Who will stand for the one wrongfully arrested and locked up for 2 months without trial? Shut up? I don't think so! *snorts...
Wednesday 2nd December at 4.10am..
Are you not the least little bit curious as to who is paying what are surely the astronomical fees required by der Kommissar's Attorney, Anand Nepaul? I'm told he is reputed to be one of the best in his field, and has had some astonishing successes in saving several genuine Crooks in the past. So, tellus if you will, (for it appears that Att. Nepaul is handling ALL 3 separate charges laid against the Head of Sydenham Station), who is paying the fees? The State? A seriously wealthy Muslim businessman? Barnabas? I figure if you knew the answer, it would go a long way to proving my allegations...
The Kennedy Road 13 weren't the only ones to appear in Court recently. If you care to read the Daily News of Tuesday December 1st Page 5, you will see that Tweedledumb was at the Equality Court on Monday 30th November, and that the case has subsequently been postponed indefinitely... The plaintiff, Mr. Stanley Mathonsi, must be infuriated by this deliberate dragging of heels, and I have to wonder where exactly Magistrate John Sanders lives and whether his home is now audio-monitored. Whether his private lines are tapped in an effort to obtain leverage over the man, and how successful this would've been..*sighs... Information IS power, right?
There was a piece in the Sunday Tribune on Page 13 last weekend, entitled Home Cries Out for Help... About some of the boys living at St. Theresa's and the bleak Christmas they face. The Director pleaded for donations to brighten up their lives... Here's an idea - would some kind soul point the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, Allen Spence, towards the Convent?
Suggest that he donate at least half the amount of one month's salary to these youngsters Christmas fund why don't you?
It's possible he's already given them 'gifts' that won't come to light for some years, never mind the possibility that if they live in the Senior boys Hostel accommodation, there's a likelihood that they already experience the microwave buzzing phenomenon....
So Al old boy, I guess it would be a nice gesture on your part if say, you and Mike and the Gang were to give the Director of St. Theresa's a nice fat cheque for the boys? Then you could carry on rigging up all the other state-subsidised Homes and Institutions as base-stations while continuing to insist you're a good guy? As if!!! *spews..
Peace julle...
Wednesday 2nd December 2009 at 11.16am....
PS: The increasing carelessness of Press reporting becomes evident in last night's Daily News Page 5. Conditonal Bail for 7 Accused, which now says that 7 of the Kennedy Road 13 have been granted bail, an eighth released with charges withdrawn, and five remaining incarcerated at Sydenham.... *shakes it's head... Deliberately confusing, or just lazy journos?