Sunday, December 13, 2009


(begun Monday 14th December at 3.50am...)

By the sound of it, it's time to consider building an ark.. Yep, it's raining again... How do the hordes of mole-like Telkom tecchies cope these days? The ones that spend more time down the manholes, than fiddling with the switchboxes above ground? *winks..

Appalsamy Parker is determined to have more than just his fifteen minutes of fame..*grins... He's back again already in the latest Tribune Herald, December 13th on Page 3, and he really cracked me up this time...
His motive behind trotting out these astonishing revelations? May I guess? An effort is being made to have the so-called Kingpin behind the 1996 SBV Heist, Pierce Naidoo, freed on a Presidential Pardon....*roffels... WhoTF came up with this genius idea, and why were these noble motives not revealed years back?
Naidoo apparently planned and carried out the Heist so that he could fund Umkhonto we Sizwe? *mirth.... Parker insists they wanted to give some of the loot to MK and that their intentions were good. 'We were not driven by greed', says Parker as his lengthening nose waves in the breeze...

Oddly enough, the bloke is indeed circling the truth.. As I always saw it, a great deal of the stolen money was spent buying their way into the Project in it's early days. I guess it was our old friend Barnabas that oversaw the buying of so many properties in the Zone, using some of the loot...
I guess it was the Druglord that caught the attention of those stalwarts of the struggle, the ShaikBoyz (read MK), his old school chums, and who gave them a fat cash injection to do the initial PR word for the Project... In return for this handsome donation, Barnabas and the Zone were given the honour of being the birthplace of the Information Theft Project and given pretty much absolute control... *shrugs...

I've told you this many times over the years I've blogged, and now here's good old Parker pretty much confirming my words...*grins...
I guess it's been decided that it's time for Pierce Naidoo (serving a 48 year sentence) to walk free as well? *looks at her Chairman...

I used to tell him that I was HIS personal Jiminy Cricket, as I whispered constant warnings in his ear.. I used to ask him repeatedly whether he'd still be his own man a ways down the line..*sighs.. No surprise then, that these days the poor guy avoids me like the plague, and with good reason...
Am I crushed or disappointed? Ag, maybe just a tiny bit at the sheer speed with which the Crooked achieved their aims, but with the kind of clout and money they have, it was pretty much always a forgone conclusion he'd be turned...
Parker says he doesn't know where his share of the loot is, and if that were true, it could lead to another bloody family massacre if it isn't produced fairly soon. Course, I don't believe him for one minute, and consider him to be financially set for life...

How much of the missing millions sit in the FNB alone? *looks at Colin Balliram.. Which of you two is the one that's connected to the gang so closely? The Sweeper? Much of the more like 75 million still missing has been spent by now, but with the balance carefully invested since 1996, who knows what fortune waits for Pierce Naidoo, once he's given the Presidential Pardon that's so clearly on the cards...*grins...

Has der Kommissar been round to Parker's to offer his felicitations at his release, and to beg for a letter of support in the form of a cheque? *roffels.. You bet he has! Attorney Nepaul requires payment for his services, and if Tweedledumb's Mentors drag their heels, other avenues must be explored...*snorts...
I'm betting the queue of beggars, (oops! I mean petitioners), outside Parker's home in Chats, stretches round the block... Will One-Eyed Jack be given a numbered ticket and told to wait in an orderly line? Will the Druglord speak on his behalf and persuade the newly freed Parker to assist der Kommissar in his hour of need?

I'm quite dizzy with the deliciousness of it all.. To have my predictions confirmed by such a god-fearing and honest man as Appalsamy Parker, is a feather in my cap to say the least...*coughing loudly... All you lot have to remember is that the Leader of the Heist Gang now claims that he did it to fund the Struggle (read ShaikBoyz/Whisperers), and I guess it's about time I too considered writing a book hey Parker? Any film offers yet? *keels over laughing..

I've no doubt at all that we've not seen nor heard the last from the newly devout Mistuh Parker, and predict that for some time to come, he will appear regularly in the Press touting his Gang Boss's noble intentions behind the SBV Heist... Well, at least until such time as they consider the public has gotten used to the idea of a Presidential Pardon for Pierce Naidoo... *winks and considers having some fun with her Chair.. Naa, that would be unkind, and I'll leave that behaviour to him...*snorts...
How the most casual of remarks can cause a rebellious piece of puzzle to fall neatly into place! HEAD of the Board? Director nogal? I tread warily around this latest bit of information I was given weeks back, and which alas, say so much for his character...*sighs.. Another lost cause, in a chain of lost causes.. Give it up, o Wrinkled, Mouthy toad?!' NEVER!@!!!

Needless to say, I didn't get to meet with the Exec. Director of Children of Africa this weekend. I'm betting he sees me as an arm-chair do-gooder who isn't worth the effort, and he's probably right...
It's not like Willies heard my pleas and arrived at Dodge City with a delegation in tow to free the unjustly incarcerated remaining Kennedy Road 5.
Do you find one of the more hilarious aspects of my 'delusions' to be my continued hope that a Champion of Good would ride to my rescue? *belches...

Well pardon me for pointing out that to a certain extent that has happened, though from an unexpected source.. Though I suspect the 'load-shedding' will increase, my Controller appears less inclined to slam off our TV screen these days.. Despite that directly after publishing Saturday's blog, the Bot had vanished from #trivia-world and hadn't returned when I went in to play that evening, for the most part I'm left to guess happily at the answers in trivia without being abused... A miracle!
My google home page is still grossly corrupted and will only load the search bar and google icon until you move the cursor over the page, when it reluctantly loads the rest of the options...

I've never considered it arrogant to expect anything less than a perfect connection, though my Network Administrator obviously disagrees... Perfectly situated as we are, there can be no question on the strength of our signal, but merely on the mood of our Controller...*spitz...

It slays me to imagine Mo Shaik attending endless Meetings to discuss refining and honing the methods of Information Theft, when all he needed to do is check out my blog FFS! The nonsensical Korean pseudo-insect sound-effects emanating from the electronic devices now dotted about our properties and verges had better be worth it..

You have any up your way Pramith? You know what they're for? If not, may I suggest the next time you or your brother hear one of those persistent so-called crickets nearby, you pinpoint it's locale and pay closer attention to how often it starts up from the exact same position over the next few months...*winks..
Your family are a classic example of Chosen who have been told only so much and no more..
I guarantee you had no idea that One-Eyed Jack visits your home and listens to your private conversations.. I guarantee that you didn't know YOUR phones are all tapped.. On the matter of the tiny but noisy electronic devices put in place? It's possible that your Tutor has already fed you a line of BS that you easily chose to believe... *sighs..

You and yours are treading a minefield right now, and I beg that you are careful in what you utter out loud.. It's a given that Tweedledumb arranged for your nocturnal visitors last month, and he's at last admitted openly to activating the cameras dotted about down this end.. Sabera at No. 18 was also sent a warning when their gates were broken open a few weeks ago...
Are the natives growing restless Tweedledumb? Are you now having to remind them who's the boss? *vomits...

Did you know Pramith, that the fibre optic cabling running up the streetlight situated at your front gate HERE has been activated for some time? Ask me, and I will show you the exact point that tiny little light glows after dark, much like the red and white pinpoints of light that are ALWAYS active on my Controller's streetlight facing the valley, after dark... *grins..
No, they can't be seen from the Cresent, but should you care to come down my fifty two steps and take a gander at THIS view of his pole, you will immediately see the truth of my words.. *teeth...

Take care julle...



Monday 14th December 2009 at 10.09am..