Monday, November 30, 2009


(begun Monday 30th November at 7.25am...)

Did you know that every sound made in the cell housing the Kennedy Road thirteen is monitored and recorded? By a Prison Warder? Not a chance..... Every whisper, throat cleared, or cough, is captured neatly by the new and astonishingly improved technology. It's unlikely the Baker's Dozen are aware of this, and it might therefore be an excellent idea for their attorney to fill them in...*waves..
I'm betting twas one of the reasons they were moved back to Dodge City from the Westville Prison, and a darned good one at that...*blinks..

der Kommissar is now able to have their every word translated and recorded for possible future use against them. Do I hear you cry FOUL? Naaa..... You could care less what happens to them, and it's just their tough luck they're caught in the middle of this crap.

I've just tried calling the Hall Caretaker from my fixed line to his... As the dialtone begins I clearly hear the sound of the tap kicking in. Poorly done, though it's a given that your average sucker wouldn't be alerted... *sniffs...
Handing control of our phones to the Corrupt Lout that runs the Station and his grinning Sickophant, Colin Balliram, was about as low as it gets....but hey - my struggles surely provide endless entertainment...*cackles..

Tuesday 1st December at 4.15am...

The Twins woke me, or I'd still be snoring... The steady drizzle has let up for a bit, and the White Rats are making up for lost time... *grins...

I got home from the CPF Meeting last night a good deal later than usual. We'd gone on afterwards to the Engen Garage where there'd been a LOT of animated conversation...*winks..
Conversation that would have been listened to and watched as best the Plonkers at Dodge City could manage...
On principal these days, (and yeah, I still remember what that means, unlike yourselves), I don't open my fat mouth without considering my words are shared with more than those in my line of sight.... It's a useful habit that I've had to learn the hard way, and you'd do well to adopt it yourselves....

*Bali's given up on using anything remotely resembling an insect outside my window, and of late has taken to running what he probably considers the quietest of his SPFX electronic devices - a faint but perfectly audible ticking sound that he can't disguise...*laughing...*

I'd heard him slither in last night before I put my light out, and had grinned to think of how they must have battled to audio monitor last night's heated conversations. Prior to this, the GW and I had been openly discussing the possibility that I'd be given my marching orders at last night's Meeting. After all, der Kommissar had made such a song and dance to my Chairman last week, of my visit to the cells, that I'd been expecting an open reprimand at the very least. How wrong can you be? *beams..

Not a word on the matter was uttered and there was NO representative from Dodge city attending either... You just KNOW they were all huddled around the Abuser's PC with the Meeting room sound set to Speaker Phone and cranked to the maximum... *roffels.... Was the owner of the flash motorbike present at that little gathering as well? Ah yes - I've not forgotten you for a minute... *waves....

Was Salacious Crumb standing his usual obsequious two paces behind the Serial Sexual Offender or not? See, der Kommissar likes to drop the occasional comment that Lazzie is slack at his job as SAPS Comms. Officer, but I've always considered it to be a deliberate load of bullshit. Wouldn't it be ironic though, if the Crumb actually SAW the light and chose to do a runner just like the one he'd so casually said was stupid? Calvin Bhopal got in way over his pointy head and in the end swung a transfer to Berea Station, where hopefully he's still doing good work...*grins...
Surmise and supposition are a delicious if dodgy combination are they not?

Gawd, I've wandered off the beaten track again.... *sighs...

So - back to the Meeting.. It went off smoothly enough, though an element of panic crept in when it was realised that the good citizens of the Zone were not throwing money at the SAPS end-of-year Function as freely as they had in the past. I'd like to think it's more than just me that's woken at last to der Kommissar's extra-mural activities, but it may just be that cash flow is tighter than usual this year... *waits...

It was almost the end of the Meeting when the matter arose out of the blue, and my Chair was asked why we are manipulated constantly by Dodge City for no returns at all... A horrified silence ensued at the temerity of the member's question, before we all started speaking at once! *cheers loudly...
How I enjoy the sight of the glazed looks as they slide off the member's faces and they sit up and pay attention! *grinning....

My VC had rushed off just prior to the outburst and I was grateful for that... I'm well aware that my fondness and admiration for this wonderful person isn't shared by everyone and does my cause no good at all.... That her ongoing agenda to support and protect the Criminal that heads SAPS Sydenham is now seen by many and not just this idiot toad... *sighs...
It reminds me of just how old I really am, and of when honour and loyalty were still prized... There's a certain amount of doubt as to her relationship with One-Eyed Jack and whether it goes back to familial ties and friendships, or whether she operates to another agenda entirely.

I choose to believe that she is tirelessly working for the Muslim community as a whole, and that she's been tasked to protect this Crook until such time as the Information Theft Project is fully operational throughout the Zone... Call me mental (and of course you do!) but I find that admirable. That she can overlook der Kommissar's disgusting and abusive treatment of women alone, when, were she to have lived back in the days of suffragettes (sp), she would have been a Leader for Women's Rights, shows her dedication to the role she now plays.

I only hope my garbled explanation is understood. More and more of our CPF Members are judging her on what they see, and seem incapable of seeing the bigger picture. She remains a light in the darkness and it will take a great deal to have me change my tune..*sighs...
That aside, I had the opportunity of bringing up the matter of the surveillance cameras, that der Kommissar so kindly confirmed exist, at last week's Motherbody Meeting.
An oops moment Tweedledumb? Or have you since hastily persuaded your Superiors to believe it's not a bad thing for the Community (aaaaand here we go with the Could not contact blah, blah....) to KNOW they're watched at random?

I then suggested to the good man at No. 16 who was present, that he may be interested to know that the Head of Dodge City openly admitted to watching my comings and goings on camera, while oddly he hadn't announced seeing the intruders trying to access No. 16's home in the dead of night some weeks back. Food for thought I believe it's called...*cackles and waves to Pramith...
Do you see now young man? Do you see how your Tutor has misled you all as he teaches you to access other PC systems nearby? Do you realise that by doing this you have strengthened the signal, allowing it to reach One-eyed Jack up at Dodge City, with ease? That he can now with your help, sit at ease behind his desk and direct operations, including sending unwelcome visitors to YOUR home?

The Microwave Boffin stood up to be counted last night (metaphorically speaking of course) and for that, he should be applauded... *claps loudly... His brief testimony describing the new and tiny cameras that are now available to monitor every man Jack, gave much needed credence to my claims.. He knows what he's talking about, and I tell you that unless the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, the Cretin Allen Spence, comes out himself to personally show you which part of your streetlight now bears these near-invisible cameras, you will not recognize them... *shrugs...
I guess the Boffin is of the opinion the the RF fallout is negligible, and not a risk to humanity at all...? Whether he's also of the opinion that the power circuits may be safely operated by laymen such as Colin Balliram is another matter. Whether he knows how my Master can and does increase the emissions of EMF in our house to appalling levels, is unknown.
His field of expertise is in the design and erection of towers, and it's doubtful he would even consider the possibility of using emissions to deliberately attack individuals...*shrugs..

Does he know WHEN they began installing the cameras? Right back in 2004 or before? Does he know when the computer program that operates these cameras became available to the Abuser and his IT Specialist, the Cracker Colin Balliram? My guess is no, he doesn't...
Were he to finally realise that, even as his own son was attacked in their home by intruders all that while back, there is a strong probability that the entire operation was arranged by One-Eyed Jack himself... Would he be shocked?
The Microwave Boffin says that the quality of the pictures is poor.. I counter that with reading of a satellite sent up not long ago that was among other things, touted to improve this visual quality dramatically, including the footage taken at night... (google?)

All this endless talk, talk, talk, while up in a small cell at Dodge City sit thirteen innocent young men, at the mercy of a raving megalomaniac. I am shamed that all the Heads of the CPFs in the Zone studiously avoid speaking of the matter.
I am shamed that not one of them has the balls to stand up and say he will take them food and hand it to them personally, despite all objections raised by Tweedledumb.

When these young people are finally released, they will emerge justifiably angry. I doubt they will come out thinking of ways to improve the shackdwellers lot... Instead they will always and forever regard the Law as crooked and unjust and in their cases, rightly so. Another proud moment for you all?

Each one of those thirteen deserves to be freed and given intensive counselling and rewarded for their endurance individually. They need to be shown that Good does exist after all, and that criminals like der Kommissar will get their come-uppance in the end...
Another pipe dream, courtesy of a Moron, alas...



Tuesday 1st December 2009 at 10.17am...