Sunday, December 20, 2009


(begun Sunday 20th December at 3.50am...)

And so it was.... Hundreds upon thousands of homeowners have begun adding THESE standard appearing outdoor lights to their properties... Some in the knowledge that they are to be used to enhance the wireless signal for the Project, but many more merely in a desperate effort to keep their property and assets safe...

Whether certain of these innocent-appearing lights come built in with the ability to emit microwaves strong enough to stunt and slow the growth of a tree directly in it's path, or whether they are customised and tweaked at a later stage, is unknown... Chances are, were you to head to the shops and purchase outdoor lighting that is not compatible to the Project, it wouldn't be long before inexplicable problems began occurring, as happened to my Good Neighbour next door at number 10.
They will be surged repeatedly until you're forced to call in an electrician (who will probably come recommended by a 'friend' or colleague).
He will supply and fit you with the new 'special' lights at a surprisingly cheap rate.... *winks..

Any of this ring a bell yet? As a result, you have no idea of your contribution to the Information Theft Project. Your new lighting will continue to behave oddly at times. Active when you could've sworn you'd switched them off, and vice versa...*grins..
If you're among the Blessed Chosen however, you will be sent texts, or contacted regularly by your nearest Controller, requesting that specific lights be run at specific times...

You'll recall that I initiated my conversation with the Reservoir Hills Hair Technician who drove M to hospital, by asking her whether they were told which specific lights to run during the day? She'd replied in the affirmative, clearly under the impression that I too was among the Chosen.. *sighs..
A simple error, easily made, and I hope she was never in any way given cause to regret her mad dash to get M to the hospital after she was shot...
Good people, carefully fed so much of the Information Theft Scheme's abilities and no more... The deliberate failure to inform his pupils that their newly taught skills in hacking would enhance their own Tutor's ability to access THEIR PC's, is the con of the decade...

Again I see you shrug and say you have nothing to hide... Your banking details? Your business interests? Not of any interest to a competitor then? You've never voiced your irritation over a neighbour's behaviour? Everyone has something that could be used against them, even you...*shrugs...

I was drifting off to the land of Nod last night when suddenly a chorus of off-key toads struck up their song somewhere out in the valley. *laughing.. They read my blog and wish to deny that they've packed up and left? If I'd bothered to go out onto the verandah at that point, would I have been able to pinpoint which of the Controller's electronic transmitter/receivers was being used? Somehow I doubt it... *grins..

What will however be interesting, will be to see whether the section of the big tree below Colin Balliram's deck can be saved HERE, or whether he's left it just too late this time round... *fascinated... This phenomenon can now safely be added to your list of clues to look out for, if you suspect the Project has arrived in your area...
It's now the fourth tree visible to me that's had a large section appear to die back, only to come into leaf long after the rest of the tree.... *startled...
You can bet that instructions will be issued for Controllers to keep a sharp eye on all surrounding greenery from now on, and to dumb down the emissions from the SE that's causing the problem. *grins.. Would Mo Shaik consider adding Pensioners to his list of employees? After all, who else would be better suited to sit and watch the bloody trees grow!
Speaking of pensioners, I see Findlay Hall up next to the Blind Home has fully invested in the Project and I have to wonder if any of the oldies are feeling the effects yet?

I've blogged often enough of the peurile disruptions that occur when I finally sit down to type my blog into More often than not the Twins would fly in under the wall at that precise moment, doubtless carefully released through his gates as I attempted to connect the PC....*winks..
They weren't a viable option to use yesterday, as they'd already arrived hours earlier, hysterically excited, wet through and covered with grass burrs.. I can safely say that we were all three delighted to see them..*beams..
So, what could my Network Admin use on this occasion instead? The noise began soon after I logged on and eventually my Good Neighbour rang to say there was a Jack Russell loose in the Crescent causing mayhem and was it ours..*cackles..
I replied that they could drop it over my top wall where it would be safe from harm and that it belonged to No. 2.

Meanwhile, I'd had to shut both my back and front doors as the Twins were noisily determined to investigate the hysteria up on the road. Mission accomplished, mon Petite Merde? *winks...
Once I'd finished typing and hit Publish, I called next door to find that the girls had taken the dog all the way home..*beams...
Interesting to note that Khaled still hasn't grown a spine and happily obeys the orders of a criminal?
If they'd put the little dog over my wall, chances are I would've taken the unfortunate beast down to the SPCA later, where it's pretty enough to have been adopted rather than killed... *shrugs... No worries hey Khaled? Just doing your bit for the Cause?
You're OWNED dude, and you delude yourself if you think otherwise.... *grins... As long as the bucks keep flowing in, that's fine with you?

A toppie is noisily heralding the morning as it grows lighter by the minute.. Time to go puff on the orbitrek.... *waves..

LATER at 9.35am

I'd gone up to the Engen shop earlier to buy the Tribune, and ended up with something called City Press as well.. Irresistible! I was sorely tempted to add the Rapport to my purchases, but guessed the GW might have had something to say about that... *cackles...
It turns out that when the Whisperer, Schabir Shaik is in a corner, his mouth is every bit as foul as my own! *laughing...
I would've thought he'd have a scripted plan of action to employ when he's accosted by journalists, but apparently not..*shrugs..
I'll admit that I'm fairly miffed that he's making no attempt at all to act the part, as his gung ho behaviour will open up the whole can of worms surrounding the Parole Board's compliancy in his early release... *sighs..

I fully support his enraged insistence that he be given a Pardon as quick as can be... What's sauce for the goose hey? Being as how it's the Festive season, why not get Jacob to deliver a double whammy, or two for the price of one, and pen Pierce Naidoo's Pardon at the same time? *grins..
After all, these two gentlemen are very definitely on the same Team as I've explained several times before. If Mo and Schabir (wearing their MK Struggle aprons) weren't the recipients of a large chunk of the missing SBV Heist Millions back in the late nineties, then I'm a radish fosho...*cackles..
As stalwart Ruling Party devotees, it's fairly shameful that one is forced to constantly fend off reporters (though how the poor guy identifies them as such with his failing eyesight is anyone's guess), while the other languishes in Westville Prison serving a 48 year sentence...
That'll be two Pardons right now please Mistuh President, and no dragging of the Executive heels while you're about it!

Rather more interesting is the article on the Sunday Tribune's front page titled Outrage Over Bonuses For City Brass.... Would you just check out who the crooked Town Clerk has chosen as his 'favoured' staff?? Scarce skills? *falls over laughing... It's befokte HUSH MONEY plain and simple! More sweeteners paid out to ensure none of the puppets suffers from a twinge of conscience down the line, at the sheer lawlessness practised by their Departments in everything that's related to the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network system... Electricity, Engineering, Water, a lawyer, City Treasurer and the Head of the euphamistically titled Strategic Projects Unit, Julie-May Ellington. (A Zone girl?)

All of the above are in a positon to pull the plug on the Project, and as such have been given hefty rewards for their continued silence... Sorry Logie! Maybe Const. Mpisane of the Metro Police can soothe your injured feelings with a bonus of his own, purely for your decorative input over the years?
I guess a bit of either baksheesh or pressure was involved in the articles on Page 4 of the Tribune Supplement, the Herald? Which of the three journos involved in compiling the list decided Appalsamy Parker and der Kommissar were worthy of note? *curious...

Clearly biased in favour of Tweedledumb, his piece states that der Kommissar took a beating? *screams with mirth... That would be ONE punch that felled Rambo folks... get it right!
Appalsamy Parker doesn't hesitate to again promote the scripted bullshit intended to secure Pierce Naidoo a Presidential Pardon.
All in all a neat effort to publicize those corrupt bastards who are considered head and shoulders above the rest.... *grins..

Peace julle...


Sunday 20th December 2009 at 11.41am..