Tuesday, December 22, 2009


(begun Tuesday 22nd December at 3.35am...)

There's a really stunning in-your-face lightshow running as I write. I've no idea where it's coming from, but even the big fever tree next to the Strangler fig is illuminated in the dark of the valley.. Hau!
Ahhh.. and there's my near spontaneous combustion arrived as well... No menopausal flush this, but a clear greeting from my pseudo EE.... *waves....
Now what on earth could have persuaded mon Capitano to such excesses? grins... Yesterday's blog, or a letter in my gmail arrived last night from Sister Stephen, and my subsequent reply? *amused... The little Sister has no interest whatsoever in my claims that the Devil himself has harnessed their Holy Institution, and in fact she never fails to laugh whenever I mention it...

The full-throated Wireless Song pours out into the valley and my ears are thick with pressure...*beams.. I had another look at the latest tree to show signs of a microwave overdose, and difficult though the angle is to see, there seems to be a twin standing beyond it that suffers the same fate... Oddness indeed..
If you were to drive up the Crescent and hang a left into Garbutt, and continue on passed the Children's Home, you would find more evidence of a blasted landscape. Check out the two starkly dead trees standing on your left, and wonder at the sheer strength of the emissions coming from THIS rectangular lamp on THIS house....*blinks..

The Strategist has wisely fallen silent on the Forums, despite repeated shrieks for his advice and assistance... Vacationing in a far-flung land as befits his lofty status, or in a huddle with the OldBoys Network, figuring out what damage control to employ?

Does the Political Science Grad. have a landline? Does she hear the tiny musical ping each time she makes a call, as the wiretap is activated? Has she noticed her cellphone screen say 'diverting'? Has there been a great deal of digging nearby, and some truly stunning outdoor lighting added close to their dwelling that's now visible to her after dark?

Either they're using very different methods up her way, to install the Project, or they're lagging way behind. *fascinated.. I've said repeatedly that here in Debben and surrounds you can't blink and you will see another Telkom bakkie or three on the horizon, and I'm astonished that no-one else has remarked..

I was all too irritated by the sight of Salacious Crumb's self-satisfied smirk on Page 17 of the Rising Sun, December 16th. His constant harping on the existence of a Trauma Unit at Dodge City gives me the creeps... His declarations that the Station promotes the Anti-women and Child Abuse Initiative is downright nauseating.
Was it not Captain Lazzie himself who declined our offer of assistance up at Dodge City, by saying they already had plenty of YOUNG women to do the job? *vomits... Did it not transpire subsequently that some of those young women were being grossly abused by der Kommissar personally? I shouldn't confuse Admin. Staff with young policewomen constables? *spews...
How this chap lives with himself is anyone's guess....

Tell me if you would Your Cleverness, whether you still deny any fore-knowledge of the contract hit at Siripat Field in October 2008? Whether or not you happily volunteered to be in charge of that operation yourself, at least until your One-Eyed Boss made his carefully timed entrance just as we were heading off the field to the hospital with M?
Did you not sidle swiftly over to me after the shot was fired to say you hoped the pictures I was taking were not intended for the Press? Did you not tell me that you'd ordered an ambulance, though none appeared? Did you take charge and immediately begin questioning witnesses? Did you deploy the large contingent of uniformed SAPS band members to fan out and look for the sniper?

Or did you instead display a remarkably casual and smug attitude to the incident and do precisely feckall, apart from phoning One-Eyed Jack to tell him the deed was done? I guess both M and myself were supposed to have been reduced to hysteria by the event, but sadly for you Wankers, we weren't..*cackles...
Ironic how the entire carefully organised 'message' turned round and bit you all so badly in the end, for without the shooting, I'd never have had the opportunity to chat with the Hair Technician...*laughing...
How you Lazzie, continue to defend One-Eyed Jack, when you're fully aware that he is an abuser of the very worst kind, beggars belief... *shrugs... Sure you can talk the talk, but you walk as crooked a path as Tweedledumb and his Monkey, Colin Balliram... May this choice take you as far up the ladder as you wish to go.... *belches...

Were I to sit down and go through our detailed Telkom account, would I be astonished by the number of clearly dropped calls and repeat attempts I make in the space of a minute to a single number? *looks at it's line Operator.. A nice little money-spinner you've got going there Bali, and you use it to the max...*gags..
I doubt it's struck home to the majority of the population yet, just how many billions are raked in by Telkom using the deliberately dropped line and automatic voice message options..*applauds...
And I continue to sit here in my old-age, struggling to grasp that you have no shame at all.. A plank I am, and a plank I will remain...*roffels....

A single streak of cloud on the horizon has turned salmon pink in the predawn sky... There are now four male red bishops visiting the bird tray, and again I wonder at their presence after 30+ years or so... What has finally attracted them to this city suburb if it's not water related? If indeed it's water, where are the choirs of delighted toads?

I was digging in a dark corner of the garden yesterday morning when I came across a large toad. Does this debunk my earlier claims? A more sickly looking specimen it would be hard to find, and it's colour was almost black, as it hopped away to safety... My guess is that it will be dead soon enough, and it's spawn with it..*sighs... I've no idea why.. The ground water has become toxic? What? The one-footed hadeda waits for his breakfast and I must go..


There's something about the thread at mybb.co.za on lightning damage and protection that smells a bit off.... *sniffing.. What's changed so dramatically that the ritual of pulling the plugs out at the main jackpoint is now touted as futile? The boffins can pontificate as much as they like, but the suggestion is that lesser mortals (pensioners included), who have neither the skills nor the finances to take extreme precautions against lightning damage, will have their PC's wiped out routinely during a storm...*fascinated...
Will this excuse be used to deliberately take out several mouthy internet users in the near future? *winks... Or is the heightened risk due in some way to the huge increase in microwaves now filling the air?

I've not seen the red/maroon people carrier at his post under the gumtrees for ages and must assume that alternative arrangements to do the enromous runoffs have been made *yawns...
Does the gum-booted GateKeeper feature here? Did they in fact install a valve higher up in the horseyard out of my view as I suspected? *curious..
The last visitor to that particular spot was THIS elderly gentleman driving a black people carrier HERE on the 9th December at midday. Someone is working hard to convince you that it's no more than a trysting place for prostitutes and their Johns... *grins...
Though the old man carefully kept his face turned away, the not-so-young businesswoman has a smug though self-conscious grin on her face as she dressed herself....
I guess I'll liven up our next CPF Meeting by passing the pictures around... Who knows but that you may recognise your uncle or grandad? *cackles..

I anticipate that the Molestor will once again arrive uninvited, to attend our gathering... It only came to my attention later that he'd appeared last time hoping to give his reasons for his so-rude non-attendance of our SAPS Braai Function... As it happened, the subject wasn't broached at all as nobody gave a damn.. Bummer... *laughing..
I've asked that the matter be put on the Agenda for our next Meeting, pretty much ensuring an entertaining evening, and the presence of the Head Slimeball and/or Salacious Crumb... *beams..

The winds of change sometimes take an amusing direction and this hopefully will be demonstrated on the 28th December... *waits happily...

LATER at 7.10am...

My Admin is off to a wheel-screeching early start this morning? A genuine Mission or does he just hop up to his boet-in-law at No. 6 Garbutt Road to hide the black rodeo? Standard practise for Mo's idea of a top-of-the-line Spy! *shrieks... More often than not, Bali then hitches a ride back down here to his Chicken Run and lurks in the Bunker, causing mischief, while swearing later that he was out all day... *snorts.. Basic, but if you don't know the Pervert as well as I do, effective...*shrugs...

Peace julle...


Tuesday 22nd December 2009 at 1.41pm.