Monday, November 09, 2009


(begun Monday 9th November at 4.25am...)

I somehow suspect that le Petite Merde would be content if I kept my observations to the subject of his unfortunate animals, and off the Project altogether. After all, it's public knowledge that he gives a rat's ass about them, despite the Sweeper's best efforts to persuade you otherwise. They are commodities there to be used are they not el Monstro?

So it was that in the early hours this morning we had Cola carolling endlessly out on the front deck, while his sister had somehow (looks at the Chop) become shut up in the top half of their garden, where she was voicing her discontent non-stop... *grins... I went up and did my contortionist act over the wall and then carried her round to the front and showed her to her brother, who finally stopped his barking and stomped off in a huff.. Happy now mon Capitano?
To shut Pepsi in the top of the property must have taken some doing as she's quick... Well done!

The sky is already turning pink as I sit listening to the latest version of the Wireless song belting out from the water runoff site...*chokes...
After I'd hauled the Scrap up over the wall, I'd gone on up to the road and found not just the new single carriage lamp on No. 16's gatepost active, but two more dazzlers now visible on the property. Is the cicada chorus speaking to a new and astonishingly brilliant Se situated on No. 16's second floor? A valley facing beauty invisible to me? *curious..
One can see No. 16's new second floor from the Freeway, did you know that? The entire family are now ensconced on the upper floor in DLOS to everything the Project holds dear...

The microwave tower itself in the distance at Overport, the mast in Barnard Road, and the mini base station that is St. Theresa's. Plus of course I'm guessing they may just see the Howard College Tower Block covered with the huge aerial lights as well...
I can only guess that as long as the Controller is careful, the occupants at No. 16 won't notice any strange symptoms as they sleep now directly in the line of fire... *fascinated...

der Kommissar is uncharacteristically quiet these days? Not so much as a whisper of his exploits in last week's Press, though he was never one to shy away from a photo op. in the past...*snorts... Any of you asked yourselves why he is fighting his transfer tooth and nail? Why on his climb up the rankings ladder, he doesn't merely STFU and comply with his orders?

Could it be that all my accusations and allegations are right on the button? That he continues the legacy left by Koobair the Squat, and has a terrific working relationship with our Druglord Earl Michael Barnabas? That Barnabas in turn has hooked up with the Whisperers to ensure that the muni Wireless/Broadband Network system here in the Zone is OWNED?

That every miniscule drop of private information desired is now available to the Abuser, Barnabas and should he request it, the Golfer and his Boetie.... *falls over laughing... And still you don't find this disturbing? You continue to buy the Strategist's assurances that nothing resembling this corruption will take place in YOUR suburb? *choking... Does he insist that YOUR Controller will be a fully-qualified Electrical Engineer or better? For it's the hooking up of the powerlines plus the microwaves that should surely interest you....*curious..

I've suggested before that Durbanites take a ride up to the Pavilion and go have a coffee at the Mug & Bean there... Sit by those huge windows that look down over Chesterville and marvel at the amount of masts dotted about the township. How many of those residents are internet users? I'm betting it's very few, so why so many masts? For the cellphone signal alone? Pfft.... Control and monitoring is the more likely answer julle... *shrugs...

All of my claims could be shrugged off as the natural progression of technology, were it not for the picture that Captain Courageous has painted of himself and his Boss. That is the stumbling block of the entire glorified Project here in the Zone.. Once you get your head around the concept that Colin Balliram is not unique in his position, but rather the norm, your anxiety levels should theoretically, rocket....*cackles..
Jannie is well aware that Druglords such as Agliotti have THEIR Controllers in place countrywide, and as such have access to any private information they wish... This info won't of course be included in his standard spiel when recruiting suckers to the Scheme. I must go...

Tuesday 10th November at 3.20am..

Shut down my blog? Hell, go ahead, it's been running in Groundhog Day mode for years...*sighs..

The Good Superintendent dropped by yesterday to pick up the CPF letter of support our Forum had unanimously voted that he deserved. He really is a nice guy but alas, I don't think he has a clue what he's up against... Why not let the three remaining young policewoman trainees petition our new Police Commissioner and tell her in detail of the sordid degradation they were subjected to by Tweedledumb? Would this affect the charges of sexual harrassment levelled against der Kommissar?
In the long run it will be up to Mo to decide, and it's a sticky one... Tweedledumb has a penchant for abusing the vulnerable, and if you think he restricts his disgusting behaviour to young women you'd be wrong. *vomits.. Consider Sue the Book and her aged mama, if you can't bring yourself to see me as a victim. Consider little Penny Ndenga and her treatment at Dodge City, and how's about the racial abuse hurled at Stanley M(?) (current Equality Court charges)? Standard practise for a Head of Station? You sympathise with him? It's unwritten practise for all Stations to work WITH the area's Druglord? *blinks...

I guess the picture would be grim enough without his involvement in the Information Theft Project.. As it is, it's appalling.
Are he and his Rotten Apples now going to work their way steadily round to each of the CPF Forumites that raised their hands in favour of a support letter for Augustine? Will each of these rebellious members be treated to a nocturnal visit, as was the family at No. 16 last week?

You think you can see the cctv-type cameras in YOUR street? You delude yourselves. You have the new streetlight cowlings with the lemon light sensor on top? Has your streetlight been adorned with so much additional technology it now resembles a tossed salad? So guess - which one of those gadgets is the camera? You can't do it.
Each camera will have a code that can be typed in to activate it when needed, as there's no way they have the manpower to keep an eye on your street specifically, unless there's good reason.
Who do you think will benefit from this brilliant technology in the long run? Don't you see how it's simplified organised crime? *gags..

Whilst the removal of the motor bike and then the car from Sue's property were doubtless sniggeringly referred to as 'tests' for the cameras nighttime abilities, why would they stop there? Harnessed as both landlines and cellphones now are, and with cameras everywhere, can you not see what a doddle it is to set you up if wished?

Were the scales to fall from your eyes at last, what would your reaction be? *curious.. Run for it? Where? It appears we're not ahead of the pack with our surveillance technology after all, though I still think we may be breaking new ground with the audio monitoring options. Wherever you go in the world you'll encounter Big brother tightening his grip.
Why run then? Why not stay and fight? I only have to glance out of my window here to know the country is worth fighting for...

Make it your business to find the Controller in YOUR street, and check whether he/she works for the Good or the Corrupt. Don't assume that because you were invited to join the Chosen and given lucrative contracts as a sweetener, that you and your family are exempt from being invaded surreptitiously.
You have the power to stand up and insist that the individual given control over your power circuit is squeaky clean, and doesn't have direct ties to the Seriously Corrupt in your Neighbourhood.

It mightn't be a bad idea to request a full psychological evaluation be done on your chosen Monitor as well...*guffaws... Tendencies towards insurance scamming and a liking for recreational spliff puffing should not be viewed as ideal traits in someone that can, at the tap of a key, cause a major electrical fire in your home or turn your face an unhealthy brick-red with staggering levels of RF emissions...*sighs...

A partnership between the Rocket Scientist and the Political Science Student could lead to the Strategist working overtime...*grins... Long may it prosper! Is Leonard Els a Zoneboy? Has he been approached and apprised of the situation here in the Zone? I'm betting the Physics major knows full well of the many institutions rigged up as mini base stations, and it will be a cold day in Hell before we meet...

I can hear the rain falling softly outside, as a light aircraft passes overhead.... stay safe julle...



Tuesday 10th November 2009 at 9.23am.