Sunday, November 08, 2009


(begun Saturday 7th November at 2.10pm...)

I plonked myself down late yesterday afternoon to watch the Weakest Link. I guess I made it to Round 3 before I dozed off and woke minutes later, to find my old friend Screaming Mimi was back in residence in my ears! *keels over... Struggle as you do to keep up, she's the always-on harpy that seldom leaves my head...*grins.. Not to be confused with Bali's latest transmitter, carefully placed between the rocks across on the little bluff, right?

She's the one I discovered had gone walk-about in the early hours of yesterday morning, causing me to flip temporarily...There you go then...
I closed my eyes briefly in front of the telly and bingo! She was back! *laughing... I went and had a look to see what had changed, and found only that the big SE on IT's wall nearest us had been activated and the random flickering 'fault' had been fixed...*snorts... So what? It always goes on about that time anyways....
As I write now, it's early afternoon and the light isn't on (visibly at least), and yet my ears shriek nonetheless...*shrugs.. Just how the Plonker stopped the buzzing in my ears for the day yesterday is anyone's guess but it was erm... interesting...*smiles..

Moving on - There's a remote (!) possibility the Chop is trying to pass his latest effort off as a chorus of Christmas Beetles...*roffels... A Seasonal choice? It wouldn't matter to him that I've not heard a cicada in this valley in 32 years, as he suddenly harnesses an entire colony! *screams...
Are you paying attention? Do you ever go outside and just listen? It might pay you to do just that, starting today...*winks..

Sunday 8th November at 3.30am..

We've had some genuine whoppers trotted out in this week's Press, regarding water and sewage.. Mary-Ann Emmanuel writes in The Rising Sun of 4-10 November of 'Sanitation Warnings issued to Municipalities'. In the article it mentions that the Kennedy Road Settlement has a problem with basic sanitation. No shit? *keels over... Surprisingly enough, an ABM spokesperson is quoted on the lack of toilets (and there I'd understood that the ABM movement had been chased out of the camp!?).
Our Ward Councillor replies by saying that 40 of the new toilets have been installed in the area. Fairly ambiguous, and I'm keen to know just how many of those 40 toilets made it specifically to Kennedy Road. All? A few? One?

Then on Page 5 of the Weekly Gazette, Issue 515, we're given another 'Ablution block delivery' in the "Toilets arrive for Informal Settlement" article. This time for the Rainbow Ridge Camp.
Hopefully, I'm going to see that field across from Dodge City emptied of the shiny new container toilets within the next few weeks. And no, I don't mean just moved to a different storage location where I can't keep tabs on them...*snorts...

I discovered the site owner's identity the night before last. Clearly it's never been a secret, but I'm notoriously slow..*grins.. His ongoing contempt for me is understandable, though it caused me some painful introspection for a moment...*sighs...
There are those that can move on, and those that can't. We'd be a pretty boring lot if we were all the same, not so?
If you're on the side of Truth and Justice, do yourselves a favour and go register. You can actually smell the beginnings of activism there, and it's almost as delicious as that of freshly cut grass....

Just in case you're wondering, no - I've never been banned, and using that nick confirms merely that I'm a Tard forever... *cackles.. Slow as I am, I don't think when I registered I'd grasped that the site was specifically geared for banned members at that point...*laughs... As with the many other errors I make, I'm stuck with it, so bite me if you want...*shrugs...

My new veggie garden is coming on a treat. Vincent's face was a study yesterday when he asked me for poison to deal with the nunus that have discovered the beetroot plants, and I told him I've gone green...*lawls... I've not thrown out any of the stuff I used to use (for not knowing how to dispose of it safely). He's seen it sitting on top of the broom cupboard and wants to use it..
I tried to explain that it's no longer an option, and that the snails are to be offered beer instead of Snail Bait, and that diluted Sunlight liquid may also help a bit, but he was having none of it...*grins...
My kid it was that told me when you plant veggies you give over the greater percentage to the goggas and the rest you gratefully harvest... Will it dampen Vincent's enthusiasm? I hope not, as the amount of butterflies and skinks etc. that are around, are well worth the trade-off...

I'm looking for an oildrum-sized container in plastic, with a tap and a lid. Is there such a thing? That I can rig up to the guttering downpipes for rainwater? If not, it's time there was..

It's now 4.35am and the faint almost bell-like beginnings of the Master's latest acoustic efforts has just begun across the valley. He ran it last night as we were watching Will and Grace and to my utter delight, the GW said he could hear it clearly as well. For once he had no logical explanation for the shrill sound either...

As I fed back onto Jan Smuts by St. Elizabeth's church in Westville yesterday, I heard another great chorus of these pseudo-cicadas floating across from the other side of the road...WTF? General Motors in Essex Terrace should be told that their enthusiasm for the Wireless Project is in poor taste. Leaving those blinding SE's active during the day while the rest of us are being harangued to save power, just isn't on...*gags...

We were treated to yet more of our pathetic Network Admin's 'You aren't the Boss of me!' syndrome last night.. Enough sizable bangs nearby to terrify the animals all over again, and our TV screen switched off before the end of Scrubs...*yawns...
Nothing whatsoever to do with the Courageous Couple? Want a Mercedes at a discount price? *winks...

Though the Intellectuals that continue to despise me have a vocabulary 100 times bigger than mine and can string words together most beautifully, it's been enlightening to find they nonetheless resemble sheep! A slightly brighter species than most fosho, but sheep nevertheless...*grins.. How long will it take you all to wake up and realise that YOUR Muni Wireless/Broadband Network System is being run BY the Corrupt FOR the Corrupt?

Chosen or not, you've so far not made a sound as your basic Privacy is being removed from right under your noses... If the objections to the Craigavon iBurst tower could be just the beginning of a ripple-effect.... But that's just not going to happen is it....*sighs...

Above all else, your desire for a fast Internet Connection obliterates your commonsense....

Did I tell you that on Thursday I bumped into one of the 3 contractors I met over in St. Theresa Road not long ago? You remember? When the Abuser sent Tiger to check up on me in a Patrol vehicle? *laughing...
I was standing chatting to Sister Stephen this week, when up strolled the dude with a delivery, looking for all the world like one of the Apostles, with his great black beard. How's your mate doing after I gave him the 'talk' on the tower that he said is going up near his home in Umbilo? (I'd suggested that if he had kids, he find alternative accommodation ASAP). 'He's still recovering' said the sweet young man... *grins...
Am I on some deranged Mission to save the world? Hell no! I merely wish for you to open your eyes to see the Unqualified and Corrupt that are being given (literally) the power over your lives, in what Karl Muller describes as a huge technological experiment... Time to wake up guys...

I wonder at Jannie on this beautiful scorching SA day... Does he lounge in the shade by his pool, making endless lists of possible plans of action to deal with the Fourways dissenters? Have the residents audio monitoring systems been activated in an effort to find juicy details, that may be used to silence the objectors?
Scoff not you idiots! This is how it'll work in the future, from the wealthiest Government official down to the lowliest clerk.
If you are already one of the Chosen, you may take a bow for the part you play in unleashing and promoting this invasive beast... *applauds sarkily.... Colin Balliram is the PosterBoy for the Plague due to beset you all.... Best you realise that Good Pest Controllers are thin on the ground and unlikely to be able to control this particular disease, if our continued abuse is anything to go by.... *grins... Brace yourselves...



Sunday 8th November 2009 at 12.59pm..