(begun Monday 23rd November at 3.55am...)
Needless to say, there was no Fourways Tower insert on Carte Blanche last night, and I doubt there ever will be... Karl Muller and the Political Science Grad. may IMHO, take a deep bow, for they appear to have the mighty voda3g on the run....*applauds...
It's the quiet commonsense and logic, plus of course the impeccable credentials that does it for this toad in the street, and that would have impressed so many viewers as well... A dangerous combination eh Jannie?
Has anyone bothered to investigate my claims that the outdoor lighting using the energy-saving, wireless friendly, signal enhancers may be manipulated and their output increased and decreased at will? That many of these lights, as innocent as they appear to be, are capable of putting out astonishing amounts of RF?
While I guess it's easier to focus on cellmasts and the physical, if unprovable reactions suffered by some residents, tis the appalling amount of SE lights that now saturate so many properties that should alarm the Rocket Scientist...
The dogs don't like them, and that's good enough for me. They still set up a chorus of anxious barking each day beyond the playing field as the system is activated and lights turned on... Their hearing HAS been altered, and I guess that many now contend with a hugely increased version of our 'microwave buzzing'.. They are now less likely to react to sounds that previously would've put them on the alert in seconds...
Simple to test my theory? You think? Are there ANY honest scientists left that could be bothered, when for the most part they seem to be sitting back watching with interest as orphanages and old-age institutions are rigged up as wireless base-stations? *gags..
LATER at 6.30am..
The water runoff procedure across the way seems to have changed after all this time. I guess the gum-booted GateKeeper is now entrusted to handle most of the runoffs, with the driver of the maroon people carrier HERE coming in only occasionally to check that it's all functioning as it should? Water, water everywhere.... You only have to drive past Missus K's home up the Crescent to see how the foot of her driveway has degraded, to know that her contributions equal those of Owen Johnson's higher up the street.... *looks at the Councillor's cousin... The sprinkler system is computerised and set to run those enormous volumes of water onto your tiny garden despite all the rain last week? *fascinated...
I note that the Corrupt Town Clerk has now begun lying about the storm water drainage system.. Pretty much every time this toothy little Dancing Queen opens his mouth, you can be sure it's not the truth that falls out.... *vomits...
Tuesday 24th november at 4.00am..
By now the Strategist will have tracked down every claim involving cellmasts worldwide. He will have narrowed his search to fit the cases most similar to the Fourways mast situation and will be feeling fairly confident ...
As long as he persists in asking for medical proof that the residents are directly affected by the tower, he's home and dry.... *shrugs...
Were any of the community's reactions as dire as those of B.Snr? I don't think so... Did you not discuss the fluid build-up around his brain that occurred on the 15th November and 15th December 2005 and agree that my claims were feasible?
Did anyone bother to research the matter further and find out what could have caused this phenomenon other than exposure to a HUGE amount of EMF or RF ? (the same thing?)
If you had acted back then, is it possible B.Snr could have provided the proof you now need so badly? His reactions were after all, rather more than a bad headache, sleeplessness or irritating rash.... *snorts... Could the residents living in the complexes and homes adjoining the mast have been canvassed and asked whether there had been activity up that mast around the time of B.Snr's misfortunes?
I'm betting the old existing Barnard Road, Mayville cellmast was upgraded, and it was the upgrade that nailed B.Snr. The cellmast behind our ex-Chairman's home between Harris Cres. and Raftery was also 'adjusted' and I was fortunate to get THESE pictures of a droog on the little circular platform, taken some time last year....
Odds are that several residents reacted to those changes at the time, but how on earth would you know where to begin making enquiries? Sure, there was the suicide, and I'm now told of a case of clinical depression diagnosed in the home right next door to the dead man's property. You can bet it's the tip of the iceberg, and one can only hope that those Chosen like Owen Johnson, are aware of the possible consequences of their involvement with the Information Theft Project.
Does No. 72 watch his family like a hawk, for negative symptoms? Another good man, this time with the qualifications needed to recognize the dangers, unlike Mistuh GungHo next door here...
Were the Government to even consider re-instating some sort of Ombudsman or Monitoring Body (it aint gonna happen folks), to keep the emissions in check, there is no way that unacceptable levels of RF would ever be recorded or reported... With the giant and invasive Project in place, ANY untoward interest shown in one particular Mast will be noted in time for it to be hastily damped down...*shrugs...
The Rocket Scientist is pretty much one of a kind and as such, he's an easy target to track. Has the full realisation of the EXTENT of surveillance surrounding him, struck home yet?
Will he wriggle futilely like a bug on a pin as his head battles to process the fact that his freedom is gone forever? I'm not kidding you.... You simply have to get your minds around the audio-monitoring options that come with the Info theft Scheme technology.
That there is now the ability for your own home and surrounds to be put on Speaker phone.. Tis only once you accept this and deal with it, that you are in with a chance, however slender... *shrugs...
You guys should really quit nudging one another and rolling your eyes in my direction..
Go back and re-read my poetic efforts in Here Be Spooks and see if I was wrong, and how long ago was that written?
Now re-read every clue I've ever given you to warn you of the Information Theft Project's arrival in your area and sit up and pay attention FFS!
One of the more ironic aspects of this invasive scheme is the fact that the Chosen themselves have willingly given up their privacy, all the while imagining themselves to be safe...
Pramith? You and you brother should give serious thought to my words, and know that your Tutor activates the Voice option in your home regularly... You will have to learn not to speak of matters you don't wish to share with Tweedledumb and Colin Balliram.. Learn to write down important stuff and to discuss it when you are AWAY from home, I kid you not....
LATER at 6.15am...
Ye gods but I'm feeling mellow right now... My efforts at drawing the deliberately alienated Reservoir Hills Forum back into the fold proved to be a dismal FAIL, but was always worth a shot... *sighs...
Chickenman nailed me good as I 'walked' earlier this morning.. Using a variation on the theme that successfully cooked 2 Sony Walkman CD players as I wore them while exercising, he couldn't miss. He doesn't know what I'm on about? *falls over.... I confess this time to being just a little impressed at this new attack..*grins and limps along...
Why not the head Bubba? Not yet an exact science, or you don't want to squash and finish off the fly once and for all, thereby ending your self-gratifying amusement? *blinks and turns it's beady eye to the bussed-in Voters....
Nazneem had Schadenfreude Syndrome tattoed across his youthful forehead last Monday night...*laughing... I must guess that he is on more than just a nodding acquaintance with Captain Courageous and his Boss the Serial Sexual Offender? Ah yes, indeedy.... This chirpy fellow has eavesdropped on many a private conversation, judging by his cock-sure demeanour.... *grins...
You ever visited me, Naz old chap? Not any more, as there's way too much going on up in Rippon Crescent to interest you? *winks... Would it wipe the grin off your face to know that der Kommissar listens in turn to YOUR family's discussions? You don't believe me? More fool you then... *chokes...
There's not one, but two male red bishop birds on the feeder this morning, and the lawn beneath the birdtray is filled with an array of different birds... I'd always thought bishop birds nested by rivers or in marshes... Where nearby is there sufficient wetland to attract them here after all these years? *curious...
I'm working my way steadily through the best butter lettuce I've ever had, and even the carrot seeds have pushed up a myriad of tiny green spears... After all these years, it's great to find such pleasure in growing and munching on your own produce...*beams..
I watched earlier as a steady stream of pedestrians made their way up the Crescent, some of whom I recognise and greet, while several are strangers... Any Christmas shopping scouts among them? You can bet there are, and I guess it won't be too long before my Master of Prevarication is once again saying that this or that particular camera wasn't activated at the time of so and so's hijacking or burglary... *gags.... It's just too damned easy now hey Bali?
PS at 8.35am I noticed the maroon people carrier back at his post across the way....
Tuesday 24th November 2009 at 9.44am..