Thursday, November 26, 2009


(begun Tuesday 24th November at 7.30pm....)

I see in this morning's Times, that officials up at the Planetarium are asking for video footage taken of the so-called meteorite that buzzed Joburg and surrounds, and was seen as far afield as Pretoria, last week.
Would this not have been picked up by the country's standard radar monitoring equipment as it entered the airspace in the area? To have created such a blinding array of coloured lights, surely the fragment would have been revealed on the monitoring screens before it burned out completely? Apparently not.... *interested...
My word, but are you rigid thinking left-brainer Intellectuals in for some radical mind-set changes this decade...
I've toyed here before of the possibility that sometimes when Jannie sleeps, he dreams and wakes with a clear vision of his next plan of action.
A suggestion that at the time would've had the Strategist laughing louder than all the rest, right?

What self-imposed restrictions limit your thought processes...*looks a j@w. How many life-changing discoveries were made by thinking OUTSIDE the effing box you nana?
I care less at your derisive hoots when I tell you I was privileged to watch an outrider map out the route to be used for the Info Theft Project back in the nineties... How the ball of light vanished suddenly, almost directly behind THIS freeway overhead, which was subsequently the focus of a great deal of attention by the Muni's electrical engineering department. HERE.... *belches..

Cynthia Hind of MUFON should've lived long enough to investigate this latest stunning meteorite, but she died of cancer some years back....Who knows but that her cancer was caused by a lifetime of visiting sites of so-called visitations by aliens? You scoff? You have proof that this ISN'T possible? *pulls a voda3g....
The Rocket Scientist hit the nail on the head when he said we are being subjected to a vast experiment, and I would love to hear his theories on who or what is manipulating this astonishing technology at the very top of the heap...
I'm betting he's treading very cautiously around that minefield right now...*grins...

LATER at 11.15am..

I'd gone out to the edge of the lawn to see what Sophie was on about at 8.45am and seen the guy in his Muni Blues carrying a chain saw... I'd waved and smiled and he'd reciprocated...The tractor sat silent under the trees down below, while a few more wekkers sprawled in the shade...
Will they cut the big dead branch that lies over the telephone cable next door or is that not on their list of things to do? *curious...
The Controller's black rodeo sat at the foot of his drive until late in the morning. Was he directing which branches should be pruned, from der Bunker? Most likely that's a yes... *shrugs...

LATER at 4.20pm

There's a fellow and his two droogs dealing fairly fiercely with Bali's gate motor right now. I've said it before and mean it.... You can't have the opening and closing speed the would-be-spy prefers AND have securely locking gates.... Tis one or the other, and we all know by now which our Controller chooses...*winks...

Have any of you glanced at our free Metro City paper this week? ( Fetch your Barf Bucket and read the load on Page 3. ' Copper Thieves Caught in the Act', featuring our own Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, Allan/Allen Spence, (though for the purposes of this article he is with the Undercover Electricity Unit's new Rapid Response Risk Management Centre...*falls right on over...)

In the beginning, the Mthiyane Contractors HERE, were working with this so-called Undercover Unit, though Mike Oliver referred to it back then as the Security Section.... I guess many's the time they'd head on out and sneak the copper off the poles for Mike and the Team, giving the Muni droogs the opportunity to go in 'legitimately' and rewire the system with all the Info Theft Project technology added...*shrugs..
I'd seriously like to see your hand there Al? How's about you tell us exactly where the four guys 'caught' wearing red overalls, are currently sitting? The four guys believed to be part of a cable theft syndicate?

Come on, you must know where they're locked up, and if it's costing you R28 million a year to repair and replace, you would've arranged that bail was denied right? So which Station is currently housing the four nabbed with 500m of copper cabling valued at R4000 this week? Pinetown Central?
Any honest journos out there? (as I type this into right now, there is a remarkable and unaccustomed sluggishness to the words appearing on the page..Hmm...) *looks for Calvin goldstone... There's a story here young man, and I think you'll find that as with anything Muni related, it involves some serious corruption..
There's an Ombudsman for electricity? And his name would be? Or does Spence just change into that dress as well?

See Mistuh Wienand, you bleat of the millions lost to these thieves, but lose all credibility when you say 'they are usually charged with possession of stolen property, which means they are out quite soon'.
Your creative tales of theft began in earnest in about 2004 - It appears you had sufficient funds to set up both Units and Departments just to deal with the theft problem, and yet nobody has thought to spend money on a legal department capable of locking away the thieves for more than a few hours? So you continue happily to pour good money after bad....*smells a stench.....
Tacked onto the end of this article is an hysterical attempt to have us believe that faulty robots are due to tampering by streetvendors, and not directly due to the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System...
Nothing's changed hey Al? You still nip about, tripping the light fantastic with your bullshit, and I had a good chuckle at the title of your Undercover Electricity Unit as well..

My guess is that as usual you dressed four Mthiyane wekkers in red and sent them off to Parkview Road in Pinetown to remove the cables... Someone saw them and phoned the authorities.. Ooops! The four were then 'arrested' and probably back at your offices reporting for work the next morning... Leaving you the opportunity to go replace that streets power system with the new technology...Job done... *shrugs... So tellus if I'm lying, where ARE the four guys right now? You couldn't legally keep them locked up? Good one Al !!!!
What company name was on the red overalls they wore? E.S. Electrical perchance? *winks... Another of the hastily created contract companies put in place by the Muni's themselves or their close partner Telkom?

I vomit on the feather in the cap given to the new Rapid Response Risk Management Centre, I really do....
You fold? I rather thought you might.. If the problem of cable theft is as crucial as you would have Joe Sucker believe, and the 'thieves' are a part of a Syndicate (bwaahaahaha..) there is NO excuse for not incarcerating them until the rest of the Syndicate (bwaahhaahha) is taken out of action....
(and at this point my Master's boredom peaks and I'm given the red can't connect to error message....)
You've forgotten that I'm familiar with your particular brand of rubbish Mistuh Spence? Undercover se GAT! You belong on the bench next to the Serial Sexual Offender and that's a fact...
For the good of whom, are all these lies? Remind me? The toddlers at St. Theresa's or the Durban Children's Home in Manning road? *projectile vomits...

By the time the Mugs wake on up to the racket you're running, you'll probably be sprawled in the shade of a palm tree on your time-share beach adjoining Sutcliffe's in Goa.... Any hairloss yet Al? Palpitations? No problemo, as you must have some serious cash stashed away by now..*beams... A fancy wig or two, and early retirement, will do the trick... Do you imagine yourself a cut above our poor perverted Head of Station and his equally Corrupt and Twisted Monkey? Man, have I got news for you....

LATER at 5.20pm

The guy is still up the ladder fiddling with the gate engine next door, and I wonder for the zillionth time where the Warrant is and just who signed it, giving this ludicrously UNstealthy Cracker permission to invade our lives... No? Duck julle, it just may be your turn next... *cackles...

Karl Muller is having a taste of what's to come, and I guess the founder members of the bblounge will find that problems with their internet and phones may begin to occur fairly soon. See Jannie - the choice of Controllers is seriously flawed... Just because they are computer literate doesnt mean they are educated FFS... *looks at the Pervert and shakes it's head....

Wednesday 25th at 4.25am...

Any changes to our system since all the work done yesterday on next door's electric gates? Alas, our lights are dipping again..*sighs...

LATER at 5.25am..

I went up just after 5.00am and put the trash out on the verge, then strolled down the road for a closer look at the changes made to Bali's gates.. One fairly thin coat of white aerosol spray paint to the box itself, and the arm has been liberally sprayed in silver paint including the gate where it's fastened... WTF is that all about? Signal enhancing white on the motor or just an attempt to make it look like a new engine? *baffled...
The AirWing chopper came over fairly low at 5.10am, showing an interest in Grindrod Place and Raftery Crescent... More upgrades?
Before I forget, not one twinge occurred as I 'walked' this morning.... Not one crippling attack, nor echo of yesterday's appalling behaviour by my Controller... *grins.. Hau! It's a bloody miracle!
This is an area of skill that Colin Balliram will share with only his closest chommies, that's guaranteed.... To the rest of you he will continue to vehemently deny he's capable of causing such exquisite physical pain.. Don't you believe it.... Be it the finger or wrist joints, your knees or your hip joints, it's open season on Pensioners down this way... *shrieks....

The astonishing part is, that for all the pain at the time of the attack, it disappears magically a while later and doesn't return..*blinks...
Am I just plain mental to say that despite the implications I find the whole thing fascinating in the extreme? Just how far can he go? Has he been advised to take it easy and not do it too often? To leave off for a while between these attacks, so it doesn't become too obvious he's guilty? *shrugs.... Who knows.... I remind you that I'm in the business of telling the Truth here and can offer no reason for this latest development other than more malicious vindictiveness....



Thursday November 26th 2009 at 8.01pm