(begun Tuesday 3rd November at 3.00am....)
It pays to rise early.. No, not a worm, but a huge and very beautiful moon hanging low above the western horizon, which lights the valley better than any amount of signal enhancing, energy-saving, mercury containing, Government touted lights could do...*grins...
Speaking of which - We're back in business, and the Mothership and streetlights deliberately deactivated while my Controller came and went during the night, are back up and running....
It went something like this... I guess it was after 12.30pm yesterday when Bali's house alarm went off screaming. I checked and found the curtains drawn over the kitchen windows and no sign of intruders. The three dogs had fussed a couple of minutes before the alarm began, but not enough to have me interested. *shrugs...
I sent a text to the Sweeper about the alarm and that was that. Ag no - I remember now - I went up the top and watched the AD&T security guy sitting in his car at the gates, while he filled in the paperwork. He got out eventually and stood for a couple of minutes at the gates and then left.
A truly strange arrangement, as he obviously hasn't permission to access the property, and he certainly can't see more than just the road-facing side of the house...*shakes it's head... I could of course have told him to just elbow his way between the big gates easily, but by now I guess they all know that...*cackles...
Just before 2.00pm B.Snr walked up to ours to fetch the rice and liver for his dogs, and we chatted for a while at my gates. Turns out they'd been told my Master was away in Johannesburg. I fell about laughing and said I felt Bali had been working somewhere much nearer than Gauteng and that the GW and I had both seen him coming and going at really odd hours of the night. I explained that his attempts at stealth had included dousing the streetlights and the mothership deliberately...*shrieks.... Sure enough, I watched the black rodeo pull into the driveway not long after that.... *beams...
Clearly el Monstro's latest project is complete, and this was confirmed by the lights being back on last night... I'm willing to bet that re-activating them was what caused his house alarm to go off... *gives itself a Noddy badge....
You want to hear what happened at the CPF Meeting last night? OK.
Twas a fairly decent turnout (anything over three people pleases me no end and 24 pitched up).
The SAPS Communications Officer (alias Salacious Crumb) arrived in full uniform nogal, and in good time, which made for a change and set the tone for the evening.... *grins...
We went through the Matters Arising and finally arrived at my request for a similar letter of support for the Good Superintendent to the one sneakily obtained by the Sexual Offender.
It would be pointless giving you the details of the brand new story given to our Forum on the reasons behind der Kommissar being given the glowing letter without the necessary Executive Committee's permission. I sat, absolutely enthralled as these hitherto unrevealed details were trotted out... *cackles...
Salacious Crumb interjected at some point saying that it was an internal matter. (Izzat so Lazzie?) Maybe you lot should slap the Cretin who suggested this was the way to go in the first place?
Both our VC and the Crumb rapidly lost ground. I produced the letter I'd had printed out for the Good Super and it was decided the Members should take a vote, at which point I guess Capt. Lazarus hit his panic button and our new Head of Crime Desk rushed through the door into the Meeting, to try and save the day...*laughing...
*I swear and declare he's lost his beautiful Bollywood moustache! Why would he DO that? A gesture to show where his affiliations lie? Had he been mocked silly since this old toad's remarks on his handsome appearance? *looks at the chipmunk-cheeked Salacious Crumb....*
Superintendent Singh proceeded to inform the Forum that the crime statistics had rocketed during the time the Good Super ran the Crime desk. He added hastily that while nobody blamed the Good Super for this state of affairs, the facts were the facts.... *winks sadly at Ronnie...
Alas, all three performances failed miserably, and the ensuing unanimous show of hands persuaded my dear VC to sign the letter of support for Augustine there and then (which IMO renders both letters pretty much worthless).
Or does it? The Good Super's letter was given in the presence of the full Exec. Committee with the exception of my Chairman, and with their blessing, while the Abuser's letter was obtained without the correct procedures being followed. Hmm.. Where was our Chairman as this little drama played out? Why, he'd judiciously decided that All Saints Eve was more important, and he'd headed off safely to a service at St. Anne's, rather than be forced to pick a side... Neato! *roffels...
I confess there was little jubilation on my part at our so-called achievement. Though I was grateful to the brave Members who supported me, (some of whom are very aware that there may well be reprisals exacted for their courage), I was appalled that my VC felt she had to sign the second letter after all... *sighs...
I guess I'd hoped that one of the Exec Members would do it for her instead, but it wasn't to be...*sighs...
After the Meeting I heard someone say that as it was our first victory, we should go out and celebrate. I went straight home instead to find my Controller predictably showing his displeasure at the evening's events. *sighs... The big SE next to the GameWrecker's room flashes and flickers on and off with a carefully enigineered 'fault'. I sent an sms to Missus C to tell her, and to ask if she could switch it off rather. No reply, and as I write it still flashes erratically...*winks... Easy enough for el Pollo de Grande to say the fault is a genuine one, but I guess by now you're all aware of his juvenile modis operandi...*laughs....
That his displeasure and rage must be SEEN and noted by his victims, and what better way than by tweaking that stunning SE....? *falls over laughing... (Edit added: The GW told me this morning that the TV screen was taken out after I'd gone to bed.. *lawls)
His buzzing electronic devices remain for the most part oddly silent this morning and I can't say I've noticed them at all yet...
Will the unfortunate Tweedledumb now say that our CPF Forum has joined the conspiracy to oust him as Head of SAPS Sydenham? What rubbish if he does.
Besides, moving him won't change anything much at all... *mutters.... You'd have to nail the Druglord first and that sure ain't gonna happen, as they say...
Since he's branched out into the field of Information Theft and has such a cozy relationship with his Homies the Shaikboyz, there's nothing that can topple him...*yawns...
Are you getting the moer in yet Jannie? Do you consider that I'm never satisfied, and a Serial Whiner, despite your best efforts? *curious... Of all the people I talk to here, you are one that understands the complications involved and why I consider that last night's small achievement will not ultimately change anything.
Sure, it proved that there are still ordinary folk prepared to stand up to the Abuser's crooked behaviour after all this time... A minor miracle in itself. But as always I look at the bigger picture and quite frankly, it's bleak.
That Captain Courageous continues to be permitted to manipulate landlines and cellphones, overheads and streetlights, all for the most petty of reasons, is horrifying.
Is there no other way you can find to stroke his unstable ego than continuing to allow him to indulge in these excesses? If indeed they can be termed 'tests' they've been done and proved to be extremely effective. It's time he stopped mucking about with the basics and concentrated on teaching the Chosen how to ferret in their neighbours privacy FFS...
Apart from myself, nobody gives a toss about his comings and goings, and de-activating the bloody streetlights and the mothership in an effort to hide his movements was a self-gratifying display of nonsensical proportions...*sniffs....
It's a given he was delighted at Sue the Book's anxiety as she came and went in the pitch darkness to ferry her kid about. Sue's added vulnerability would've pleased this Sicko mightily and can be added to the lengthy list of reasons why he shouldn't have been given the Power Circuit in the first place.. Then again, you give a toss hey Al? As you busy yourself in some other neighbourhood, setting up some other criminal to hold the power over his/her neighbours?
Man, your personal coffers must be overflowing by now...*gags.. Got your immigration papers sorted yet? *looks at the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban. Once the Project is fully installed, it's guaranteed you'll head abroad to live comfortably on the proceeds of your nefarious work... Never mind the B.Snr's and the Librarians whose lives you've changed for the worse....*shrugs...
Tuesday 3rd November 2009 at 10.32am..