Thursday, October 29, 2009


(begun Wednesday 28th October at 9.10am...)

Last heard at the Snitching Post; Captain Courageous has been seen lately, leaving at sparrow's fart for destinations unknown, and arriving home under cover of darkness, often in the wee hours of the morning... *flips through the spiesRus Manual...
Who nannies me while he's away? Sure, I looked at the Sweeper and even Freddie the Accountant for a second, but no - I guess once my Network Admin has settled his butt down for the day wherever he is, tis he who controls me as always...*snorts..
How far is he from me as the crow flies? Just over the little hill and in Randles Road, or a bit further? Over the Ridge and down towards Mitchell Park and the King's House? *teeth...

The fierce increase in pressure to my ears and the jangling nerves in my teeth speak of the usual signal over-compensation when he's not in residence but wishes to keep me on a tight leash...

Admittedly there's a great deal of cloud cover about, but I can't recall it ever actually setting my teeth on edge, despite the changes to my body temperature...*curious...
Wherever he now spends his days and a good part of his nights, is in a place where he'd rather the neighbours didn't see his arrival or departure. Were their habits noted before he embarked on his latest project? I'm betting they were, as he endeavours to slip in and out unnoticed...*grins..

Thursday 29th October at 3.15am..

It's raining steadily as I sit here at the desk. I think briefly how fortunate that I'm not living in a leaky shack perched precariously on a steep and muddy slope over in the Kennedy Road Informal Settlement, with only two or three toilets to service the entire camp.

Any of those magnificent converted containers been delivered yet? What's the holdup? My word, when you wanted to surround the Settlement with hidden cameras you went about it with eye-watering speed. When it comes to making the shack-dwellers lives a fraction easier, it's a different story altogether? *gags...
When I'd first seen the row upon row of converted container toilets sitting in the field across the road from the Station, I'd asked the nearest Constable what they were for. She'd replied, for the Squatter Camps, but that they would be vandalised within a few days of delivery... *sighs..
There are yobs in every Community, but I fail to see why the delivery of these basic necessities isn't being carried out.. Quit using them as a blatant bargaining tool FFS, and have the damned things delivered..

Only when I was dropped back home last night after the CPF Motherbody Meeting up at Dodge City, did I see that the huge Mothership AND both Bali's and B.Snr's streetlights were out as well. With hindsight, I'm betting they've been out since mon Capitano's upgrade and latest task, which entails him leaving and arriving at such odd hours..

In his efforts to arrive home undetected each night after dark, he's deactivated the Mothership and the two streetlights nearest his gates and left ALL his upper SE's switched off... Stygian darkness rules! *cackles.... As much as I'm a dead loss at sleuthing, is this Idiot a complete failure as any sort of Secret Service Agent! *falls over screaming...
Jeez Mo! While I appreciate you have to work with what you've got, have you NO standards at all? You must want to tear your hair out at times! Oh, wait no.... - goes quiet briefly....
Talk about overkill! Nonetheless, it pretty much proves my point that we ARE linked to the Mothership, despite that it's only the two streetlights carefully de-activated along with that all-seeing and very powerful overhead...

Since the unseemly haste and methods employed to rig up similar lighting and cameras at Kennedy Road, I would hope that you realise my claims of cameras rigged up in the Mothership are true.
All of el Pollo de Grande's squeals of denial at any knowledge of the thefts that took place from Sue the Book's property are bullshit. Both visits to her yard would have sniggeringly fallen under 'testing the cameras and audio-monitoring abilities' and you know it.
Sue has never hesitated to call a spade a spade, and has been vocal in her condemnation of my Network Admin's anti-social behaviour since he arrived in the neighbourhood 10 years ago, carrying his loaded agenda.

This has made her more than worthy of his extra attentions and as reported, his revenge must be sweet as her health deteriorates rapidly... Melodramatic hyperbole again? Colin Balliram the Coward has been made every bit as dangerous as the Barbarian employed to finish off the SBV heist banker, Advocate Sham, and his family. Though my Master uses subtler and slower means to achieve his aims, and in typical yellow fashion will deny any culpability, he is a guilty as sin...

Bear in mind that this is a Creep who has trumpeted his close working relationship with the Head of Dodge City for years. You've all heard at last what exactly Tweedledumb gets up to, and therefore you must surely realise the true nature of his Lackey.
Or did you wake up many blogs ago, but could care less? It's fairly sickening to think that there are those among you that have known from the outset of the blatant criminal activities of this fine pair, but have remained silent. *looks at the Strategist keenly..
Just who is/was Pieter Bezuidenhout? The one that was stationed at Telkom, Roggebaai? Should I include him in my diatribe?

Man, I struggle here to apportion blame equally... My desire to smack the Cretinous Superintendent of Electricity for Durban repeatedly about the head hasn't lessened in any way. Though I don't believe that I've EVER sat down and actively wished him ill for the huge part he has played (and doubtless still plays) in handing innocents over to the criminals. In fact, I've not done that with any of you...A concept you simply can't grasp. My own self-loathing left no room to bother with the likes of you is all...*grins...

I'm betting that Allen Spence continued to act in an advisory capacity to my Controller long after the handover as well... *spews... I no longer even believe in the old "what goes round comes round" adage either.. How can I, when all around me there are clear indications that the Corrupt go from strength to strength and are rewarded handsomely for their wickedness? *snorts...

The Chief sat sullenly brooding at his desk for the duration of the Motherbody Meeting last night. No doubt waiting for his powerful contacts in Government to overturn the charges he faces, and the continuing threat of transfer. I'm betting there's some really creative juggling taking place behind the scenes right now hey Earl? *winks...

*The call to Prayer floats down into the valley from the mosque in Sparks Road... A haunting sound above the soft steady rain...*

There were no changes made to the CPF Minutes requesting a letter of support for the Good Superintendent, and for that I'm glad... Whether we ultimately supply it or not, my point has been made and I DARE the Molestor to quote us again in the Press. *snarls...
Does the College-Educated Salacious Crumb intend to jump ship in the unlikely event that his Boss is transferred after all? Or will he be fully utilised in his capacity as Station Liaison Officer to keep the lines open between Barnabas, the Molestor and whoever they find to head Dodge City? Interesting times ja.....

I had a reply from Jared Sacks of, BTW, and appreciate that my mail reached it's destination. A decision taken by.....? *interested....

It was pointed out to me that the Attorney employed by der Kommissar, one Anand Nepaul, is pretty much the top of the range, and as such his fees will be astronomical... Who is footing the bill, when it's common knowledge that the Forces are so badly paid? *puzzled... Any ideas Earl? Does the Chief have a Special Benefactor? Or do you lot have some serious stuff on the Attorney, ensuring that his latest client will get charged reduced rates? *grins...
After all, that's how it works with the Information Theft Project, not so? *cackles...



Thursday 29th October 2009 at 9.15pm.