(begun Wednesday 28th October at 4.25am...)
I was having the strangest dream and overslept dammit! A talking dog FFS? *looks at the telly sideways.....
It occurred to me that maybe the Shaik's early years spent in the Zone were utterly miserable, and that giving the Project start-up to the area is some sort of weird revenge payback? *blinks... Why else would they see that the power was put in the hands of the Druglord Earl Michael Barnabas, whether he turns out to be a school chum or not? Do the ShaikBoyz know Koobair the Squat personally? The disgraced ex-Head of Sydenham SAPS who, like der Kommissar, had a lucrative relationship with the Drug Lord?
Did the ShaikQuads consider they had more perceived enemies in this heavily populated area than anywhere else? Are they impressed by Earl's dog the Abuser, and his excesses? I think back to those carefully posed pictures in the Press and the attempted inference that Schabir was going to save the country, and find that it worked for me... *cackles sadly...
I backed my Chair's decision to let the guy walk, and waited for the miracles that would follow... Ooops!
Have my fortunes changed in any way since then? Tis true that my inane Persecutor no longer smacks our TV quite so doggedly. Tis true I'm allowed to play #trivia, ostensibly unmolested. Tiny improvements that should have me grovelling gratefully?
Be serious guys!
The GameWrecker developed what the good old doctor diagnosed (for want of a better guess?) as tendonitis, over a month ago..
The GW now sleeps (as you all know) in the little bedroom NEAREST my master's Chicken Run. The huge SE HERE, that is used so often and so successfully to disturb his own unfortunate animals, now shines directly onto the wall against which the GW sleeps.
You have repeatedly been given a true account of my Network Admin's malicious, almost girlish, spiteful nature.
Though the GW has for the most part been oblivious to the physical effects of our Master's close attentions, (apart from that brick-red colour suffusing his face early one morning, and the really odd and severe cramps we both endured to the front of our shins overnight, on one memorable occasion), I can safely say that from the onset of the GW's so called tendonitis, I've considered my Master to be it's source...
You know it and I know it. My Controller is more than aware by now of the physical damage that's within his power to cause us... *shrugs..
While he's failed miserably at his attempts to cow me in any way, why would he not move his corrupt gaze and attentions to the unwitting GameWrecker? My SO tends now to rise each day with a new set of aches and pains, and even remarked one morning last week that he'd been beset all night by excrutiating cramps... My Master's forte....*spits...
Someone must pay for revealing the truth about the Criminals in charge of the Project here in the Zone. If it can't be me, why not the GW? Eh! You know I speak the truth, and still you expect me to be grateful for the smallest of mercies shown? Gaan KAK mos!
I've said all along that I'm comfortable sharing my home with the Chicken King, and it's true that in a warped way I would miss him were he to leave. This sentiment didn't include the latest upgraded and concentrated attacks on the GameWrecker, made for the most part, overnight.
I guess you could say I've finally taken offence. I've blogged frequently over the years that it's been the GW hit hardest financially by the physical attacks on our house and it's electrical assets. I've admitted to being aware that, although he hasn't physically been aware of the huge amounts of emissions released in our home, I know they can't be good for him..*shrugs..
Move?! If that's all you lily-livered lot can come up with, we're screwed BIGTIME! *falls on over... Why, we could move to the furthest foothills of the Drakensberg and you could pretty much guarantee a pylon would be erected right next door within a matter of months...*laughing.. My mouth and I appear to magnetically attract the Corrupt and Powerful like moths to a erm, Tard?
LATER at 5.30am
I nipped outside at 5.00am to put out the trash and found Missus C standing next to the open door of the black rodeo, being issued with her last orders for the day. Interestingly, ALL his SE's were off. Unheard of at that hour! Himself then took off down the Crescent and onto Jan Smuts Highway.
I've the oddest feeling that he's been upgraded? That his Superiors have given him a great deal more responsibility of late, partly in an effort to distance him from the Serial Sexual Offender and partly to distract him from his ongoing attacks on the toad. Rewarding a brat, in an attempt to improve his behaviour? *vomits..
*Aside - I've just gone out the front to see who it is labouring so loudly nearby and was fascinated to hear the usual electronic device automatically begin it's frenzied buzzing as I appeared on the path... *grins... Your average cricket will wisely fall silent at the sound of footsteps, not so my Controller's electronically operated 'insects'...*roffels... so, whose in charge? Missus C bounces me through to wherever it is her spouse has gone? I'm hooked up to the Saddo up at No. 12 for the moment? Apart from the auto-electronic devices, we're clear? Pfft...
Then why suddenly as I sit here at the desk do the nerves in my teeth suddenly jangle and the pressure in my ears increase? Get it right you Cretins! *chokes...*
Man, I would love to be a fly on the wall wherever it is that Colin Balliram works today. *grinning.. Schabir's new residence situated near the King's House? Anyone able to find out that address for me? His NEWEST property purchase would be the one. *looks at Sir Frances hopefully....
Each and every jackpoint in the President's Mansion has to be noted and given a code number and rendered accessible at the tap of a key to the Controller employed by the Whisperers nearby. A massive task made that much easier by the Muni House Plan site available on the Net. *sighs... Is this what currently (!) preoccupies el Pollo de Grande, during daylight hours at least? Whatever time it is that he finally drags his sorry arse back into his Bunker after dark, you may rest assured he is making up for lost time by attacking the GW while he sleeps *nauseated... You can safely ignore the standard responses to my allegations, be they amused disbelief or outraged innocence....
Once again the Strategist is aware that I speak the truth and have no need to fabricate...*sighs.. This time however, when Jannie says there is nothing he can do, he means it... As I write, someone struggles to get the monitoring technology right, and my hand burns briefly and my ears become squeezed monumentally. Nine times out of ten, when la Petite Merde is away from home I endure the results of his over-compensation for distance... *coughs....
When I took Sophie out for a pee at 8.55pm last night, the huge Mothership stood dark and silent, and the few overheads visible on the freeway were running a dim, murky gold. There appeared to be fewer lights active at the orphanage at that hour too. Someone sniffing around, or an economy run for a change?
I googled the author of the article on Kennedy Road, that I mentioned in a previous blog, and found him at The second I clicked on Jared Sacks email link, my screen froze and I was forced to Restart....*beams delightedly...
I then managed to send him a mail applauding his article as the only one (apart from the initial reports claiming Jackson Gumede and his Lacey Road followers were the attackers) that told the truth of the engineered Kennedy Road debacle. Will my mail reach it's destination? *waits...
It's been 6 days since my last communication with the Rocket-Scientist, Karl Muller, who told me to give him a couple of days to arrange for the Physicist to visit me..*blinks... Did he find that Leonard Els was presently abroad, or on long leave? *winks.
I have some rather awkward questions to pose to Mistuh Els, and it may be decided unwise for him to call on me after all. Nothing that I'm sure he couldn't field easily, as my justifiable reputation as a Moron precedes me... *lawls...
I'm proud of the MyBB members. I found no thread last night on the hilarious account of the Whisperers visit to the Reservoir Hills golf course. Are you wising up at last? That the jokes regarding the ShaikBoyz should be left to those who have nothing left to lose? You've made a good call there... *impressed....
Peace julle...
Wednesday 28th October 2009 at 10.31am..