(begun Wednesday 9th September at 5.20am...)
The cordless phones have taken a whipping... Despite being relatively new, all they could manage yesterday was to search endlessly and find no dial tone. Unplugging didn't revive them, though there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the landline itself and the old Venus phone is working fine in the meantime.
Let our Network Admin. give a logical answer for this latest outrage if he can? It's common practise for him to deliberately degrade the line during calls I make that offend him, so why not render the phones completely useless? *interested... I can only imagine that he wishes me to continue endlessly reporting on the Muni's Wireless/Broadband Network System and the blatant lawlessness it embraces, as he feeds me constantly.
If you dare consider that I attempt to pin the blame on the Radish for things that would have occurred without his assistance, may I take this opportunity to spit in your eye? *teeth...
How often have callers later grumbled that they've tried to reach me and the phone just rings? A call I've been expecting, and yet our phones remain silent this end..*shrugs.. Often enough, I'm too far away to get to the phone in time.. It happens... That's not what I'm talking about here and the Strategist knows it..
Of all people, he is fully aware of the many games that may be played by handing control of both our landline and cellphones to the Serial Prevaricator. *sighs...
I spoke in my previous blog of hearing my little CPF loaded entry level Nokia hiss loudly on one memorable occasion in the past, as it took an almighty smack from His Fowlness... How could I possibly invent such a thing? At that stage it was behaving with unprecedented oddness and I've blogged ad nauseum of the continued blatant attempts to foul our CPF efforts...
Only over the last few weeks has this unfortunately now vulnerable device behaved almost perfectly, including an auto response arriving safely after I sent an sms to the Times. To attempt to brush all these problems aside with a lame generalisation would be a FAIL of epic proportions...*snorts..
Does my Controller now sit trembling on the fence, awaiting the outcome of his Mentor's day in the High Court? He's certainly not stopped his peurile behaviour, as evidenced by our cordless phones demise... OTOH, the TV behaves as it should, and I've been allowed to play trivia online pretty much unmolested... (though having said that, the bot will probably disappear again...)
An indication that my Controller is troubled, or just more of my vivid imagination at work? *looks at Jannie.... You persist in treating this bullying thug with kid gloves, despite all the poor advertising he gives the Project? You just don't get it, or you're happy for him to continue? *fascinated...
He can't help himself, and you appear to be unable to grasp this at all.. He was permitted - nay, encouraged - to run rampant through my life for years, and he doesn't know how, nor does he wish, to put the brakes on... It's truly a classic case of Frankenstein's Monster... *falls over shrieking..
Will Penny tell me on our return from Notties tomorrow that the contractors jumped our wall illegally while changing the streetlight pole? Will we lose more of our electrical assets? I take the precaution on Thursdays of unplugging the PC back to the wall, but what about the bigger items..? *interested..
Though there is no hope of being re-imbursed should we lose anything, I consider you all to be my Insurance, even if it is just to further prove the enormous corruption involved in this Information Theft Project...*shrugs...
LATER at 6.15am..
I guess the power was cut at about 5.30am this morning... I'd made my second cup of coffee after 5.00am and everything was running as usual, and then I noticed the power had gone off...I'd been sitting at the desk writing by the light of an emergency strip light. Oddly enough, it went nuts just as the power died, despite that it wasn't plugged in.... I'd love an easy-to-understand explanation for that little party trick!
LATER at 8.45am..
It's a grey damp day out, though the drizzle stopped hours ago... I took the garbage up just after 7.00am and went and looked down the hole dug round the streetlight pole... It was a dry as a bone.. I came down and fetched my camera and took a shot of THIS guy standing in the grassed space below Challenge. B.Snr. had come up to my gates yesterday afternoon and remarked on the same guy as he strolled aimlessly around down there, mid-afternoon...
If he is a GateKeeper of sorts, he's due to don a hat and a change of clothes quite soon...*grins...
I came down and showed the GW the big dry patches of earth below the petria and said the hole round the pole was also dry as not much rain had fallen overnight. I also said that it would be futile to suggest the powercut right up to No. 33 was due to rain. My Controller was happily paying attention as I spoke, and prudently restored the power at 8.05am, once he realised rain couldn't save the day! *roffels... You guys continue to slay me! Obtuse is way too mild a term for what ails you...*cackles..
LATER at 10.30am
At 9.00am the big green Parks Dept. truck arrived across under the gumtrees and dropped off a crew. Not long after that THIS yellow digger arrived and began gauging out lumps of earth HERE and HERE to the GW's puzzlement. The crew were sitting having their tea by 10.00am... There's no sign of them now, though judging from the noise they've moved down to the base of the little bluff by Khaled's... Deliberately running off vast quantities of water isn't illegal surely? Or is it? You say it's necessary... For what? To ultimately make it easier for the Corrupt to gain access to your home and your private lives? Ahh.. that's OK then...*relieved...
I'm betting that voda3g more than earns his keep as he works his magic Damage Control for every cock-up caused by the Project, countrywide... Blairgowrie? No problemo... A fault caused by the smart meters and that's it. Bollox! A fault caused by the CONTROLLER fumbling in the area! Where's the mast you eggheads?!
My Network Controller may even admit quietly that my assertions about Nurse's Honda are quite feasible. Though there is no way whoever activated the remote could know they would let the child continue sleeping in her car seat... Will she visit the Remote Operator in his dreams until he finally cracks, or is he one that sleeps without dreaming, as I imagine the Strategist does? *interested...
LATER at 4.25pm
Sometime after 8.00am the GW announced he'd reported the ongoing water leak up by No. 20 to the Faults line. I managed to wash and dry my hair without incident...*grins.. I was up the top at 11.00am to see THESE two guys in a white unmarked bakkie ND 644 247 using a winder device in the little square cut in the road below Sue's... I came down to find they'd been turning the water off!
Again the GW was baffled and squeaked that the leak was UP the road FFS! *cackles... The times they are a'changin' dude, never mind the direction of the water flow....
Since publishing my previous blog (during which time my harddrive light flashed ceaselessly *winks), I found the phone line had been rendered unusable. The GW had reset the cordless phones earlier and they had worked, but right now, though the phone has rung twice, the line was dropped swiftly before the call came through, and I can't get a stable dialtone either on the cordless or the old Venus set...*grins widely...
Is someone trying to reach me that the Witless Wonder would rather I didn't speak to? Or is it just his ongoing ill-temper getting the better of him? No water supply and no landline..hmm... You may wish to cut the power now as well my Lord Foul?
All I ask is that you pay close attention to my wrinkled lips as I roar "BITE ME YOU ARSEHOLE!" *keels over laughing....
Wednesday 9th September 2009 at 8.05pm..