Monday, August 17, 2009


(begun Sunday 16th August at 5.20am....)

Miss P hacks and hawks as she lies restlessly tossing under the blanket on my bed... Joey was barking a minute ago, doubtless announcing the flight of the Sunday paper over our gates....
It must have been 4.15am when I sat down with Kitz outside.. In less than a minute the Pervert, with no finesse whatsoever, cracked loudly into the lounge behind the TV, and then activated the quietest of crickets by his front deck...*snorts....

I certainly don't report all his obsessive attentions here.. The overwhelming blanket of nausea that can arrive at the oddest of times, the burning face, and my ears literally squeezed in a vice? Hopefully you've stopped sneering disbelievingly by now and see it for the Truth... *shrugs... I can't deny the relief it's been to find one with such power at last.... You could smell it hey.... *grins.. I care not whether his thumb is upturned or down - he hears me, and that's all that really matters....
Despite what he may say aloud, he knows by now that my 'symptoms' are very real, and as a direct result of the Chicken King's attentions....

*A golden crescent moon hangs low over Michan Road and for a moment I thought I heard the call to the Faithful floating down from the Sparks Road Mosque... The wind must have turned to the north/east overnight and it's now carrying the sounds away...*

I accept the awkwardness of the situation fully.. Temperamental and spoiled as my Crooked Network Admin has proven to be, he can't be told to stop his nonsense, for fear he will down tools and toyi toyi instead of continuing to eavesdrop on, and tutor the unwary Chosen here in the Zone... *cackles...
However criminal and juvenile, his work is alas, vital to the Project, and he couldn't easily be replaced...*resignation... (Bear in mind at this point that I could just as well be discussing YOUR Controller...) Besides, the entertainment I've provided, as I reel and totter bloodied under his blows, has become a way of life to many.... Oh come ON FFS!!! You thoroughly enjoy my bewilderment and misery, for it's an escape from the reality of your own boring little lives...*laughs...

Who is currently (!) running the most damaging of the SE's nearby? The enormous amount of really powerful lights that now operate from Grindrod Place alone, makes it hard to judge...*waves to Charlie and Jenny.... I still suspect that THIS one over the back door of No. 32 Michan Road is easily as strong as der Bunker SE ever was, and I have to marvel that the homeowners suffer no consequences at all... No inexplicable rages, depression or joint pains etc.... *baffled...
While voda3g had implied one could pretty much pace out where possible damage might occur from a microwave tower by following the direction the actual panels face, I would suggest it's not quite so simple to do with the type of SEs now in use...*winks...

Will the DA continue to insist that the Westville Parole Board be investigated for releasing the Whisperer under false pretences? Right now the most vocal of the Opposition Party will be blissfully unaware that their every move is being recorded, as the PTB seek for a lever to shut them up..*cackles... The GW mentioned only days ago of seeing two seriously larnie Correctional Service vehicles parked at a mall and the uniformed officers chatting together...
Did you ever bother to find out the composition of a Parole Board? That there are a fixed number of Prison Officers, Civilians etc...? Who among them would prove the easiest bought? May I again suggest that ALL their bank balances are checked, and obviously NOT by the so-called IT Security Specialist that is my Neighbour! *gags...

I say leave Schabir and Mo alone to advise our President. They have a huge amount of promises to fulfil, and unless you wish for total mayhem, tis better you turn your attentions elsewhere... Whilst revealing the corrupt officials at Westville Prison would be a stunning PR exercise, Shaik himself did his time, however soft that was, and the continued cries for his head are futile....*does an about-face....
How much more rewarding to topple the greedy fatcat prison officials and the likes of the paunchy Town Clerk who lives a lie? The Whisperer has been outed and will always have to look over his exquisitely tailored shoulder as a result... Punishment enough surely? (about that chopper ride Schabir? *winks...)

LATER at 6.45am..

I've just dropped Miss P back over the wall despite that she was having a coughing fit at the time...*sighs.. Will her owners even hear her?
The sun hasn't risen yet to touch the orange plastic crate over under the gumtrees... I'd watched as the Guardian of the Valve sat and built a small fire in the tinder-dry grass late yesterday afteroon... Clearly not someone the Unfortunate Theft-prone Ballirams need to worry about? *winks...

Does she still read my words or has she too become bored by my rhetoric and fallen by the wayside? My word, I remember how magnificently articulate she was as an activist! *beams...
Stroked and patted and buffetted by tales of my wickedness, how could I hope she would stand firm? What irresistible and wondrous job offers were made to her? Does she still, like so many of you, consider she's her own man? *wonders... How long before she wakes one morning to find she's batting for the other team? *sighs and applauds the Strategist....

LATER at 10.50am..

The balance has shifted somehow... It would be ludicrous to suggest it's in my favour, as that's just not possible... Tis the smallest of things really - The Weasel's attempt at spite the other day, the shutting down of communication to the Sweeper, and then this morning...hmm...

I got back from the shop just as the three dogs were blindly rushing up the pavement towards No. 14 and the killer dog.... the smashing pale green Mitsubishi people carrier was on the Master's verge and neither of the girls getting in to it answered my smile as I herded the Twins safely inside my gates and pushed open Bali's to get Nobby back into their yard... The driver remained stonyfaced as I walked back up to my gates...*fascinated... Up until very recently my friendliness has been reciprocated no matter what home-truths I've revealed on my blog....

What's changed? Could I dare to hope that there are Chosen out there in the Zone that begin to question the Abuser and his Monkey's agenda? That in truth they were never informed of the powers bequeathed to the Head of Dodge city and his ability to now audio monitor their every word? That the musical Activist and his Engineer chum have woken at last from their COMA?!! *waves wildly...
You were so amused by my struggles it didn't occur to you that your own homes can now be VOIPED? That what you now discuss in your so-called privacy may be used against you by the criminal that sits on the Hill?
I've NEVER been the Enemy, contrary to folklore... A Bitch of Note most certainly, but an Honest Bitch if you will...*dances... Will you spread the word to others of how vulnerable they now are?
Oh - hang on! Surely you signed some sort of Secrets Act? Fingers crossed that in spite of all the perks received, you'll do the right bloody thing and convince your Chosen colleagues that I'm far from being the only recipient of these criminals furtive attentions..
When he asks you to activate a specific SE you had installed at their request, what do you think it's for? Ja, ja, to improve the signal, we know that... WHOSE effing signal? The sound of YOUR voice as you chat with the Director? Now there's a thought to ponder... More mischief making on my part? That's for you to decide in the light of all the evidence I've given you...*shrugs..

Why the sudden rush to install at least three electric gates over at St. Theresa's convent, when the orphanage building itself resembles a paint-peeling ruin despite all the metal bars, silver roof and smart window finish? *interested.... (Gosh did she look surprised to see me! *falls over laughing...) The sudden attempt to shut off the Convent from casual visitors? Who is it that may have dropped by unannounced in the name of Human Rights? *winks..
That could just have wandered over to the toddler's dorms and the Senior Boys Hostel and measured the unacceptable levels of EMR at least? Who may have strolled down to the outbuildings manned by the GateKeepers that run those extremely powerful SE's (most of which face der Bunker and my home, directly?)
You have a designated monitor/Ombudsman to keep an eye on these emissions? Chris? Too many questions that will never be answered to my satisfaction hey..*sighs...

There's a serious miscarriage of justice taking place, but in the meantime, you have handed yourselves over to the Abuser and his Rotten Apples on a plate FFS!

Monday 17th August at 3.55am..

Big Brother is here to stay, worldwide. Fact. My beef is obviously with the criminals who've been handpicked to run the show here in the Zone... Ask yourselves why my Master leaves THESE two stunners active long after sunrise... He's listening in to Sue the Book and Peter Williams chommie up at No. 11.... If he eavesdrops on THEIR private conversations, why would he not be fascinated by yours? You're SPECIAL? *falls over shrieking...

After I'd put the Twins back late yesterday afternoon, I'd sent the usual text to Missus C - only this time I sent it to a second cell number as well... One that not that long ago proved to be in mon Capitano's keeping... Sometime later last night I had a reply from the second number and answered, only to hear a rather shrill boereseun talking the taal....*cackles....
I said 'wrong number' and killed the call, but he continued to ring repeatedly... I joined in the spirit of the game eventually and resent the original sms several times until the Thespian folded...
Was I expected to be impressed by the variety of assistants my Pervert has to do his bidding? *vomits... The Caller deliberately attempted to lift his voice a couple of notches - something I would be only to happy to assist him with, should he venture near enough to me....*squeezes...

Peace julle.. PS: Nearly finished editing here and my harddrive goes nuts.... interesting and I have to consider that my Controller is doing some hasty editing of his own.... *spews......


Monday 17th August 2009 at 1.51pm.