Thursday, June 18, 2009


(begun Wednesday 17th June at 3.45am....)

The intense muggy heat that built up yesterday didn't bring the storm I'd expected... As I sit here now, a few pathetic drops of rain sound in the fiddlewood tree outside the window and that's it...
I'd gone over to M's at about 10.00am and was going to leave my car there while the two of us walked round the corner to the Barnes Road Field to watch the Youth Day celebrations...

M had realised her dogs would go bananas if they saw her walking up the road, so we cunningly got into her car in an attempt to fool them... Lawd, what a FAIL!
As she pulled out of her gates the two large rebels hit the ground running and vanished up the road in a blur!
Clearly they'd hatched their plan as I'd sat waiting for M while watching all the cars and foot traffic going by.... The sound of a cadet band striking up probably decided them to go have a look for themselves...

Whatever... M drove swiftly up round the corner and pulled onto the pavement where we had a clear view of the field below us... The cadet band was opening the festivities and already crowds packed the far end of the field... There below us we could see the dogs, temporarily baffled by all the noise and activity...
M yelled at them and that was all it took for the two to lose their heads altogether ...*laughing.. They took off in tandem and ran the length of the field flat out.... Despite my panic it was a wonderful sight to see... There were no bystanders down this end and they had the area to themselves...
When you consider these two large animals spend most of their days confined to a small property it was hardly surprising to see their sheer delight as they ran freely....

M kicked off her shoes and went off down the steep hill to go after them while I waited helplessly at the top. She eventually persuaded T to come close enough and grabbed her in a vice-like grip... Unbelievably, she CARRIED the struggling animal back up the hill and loaded her into the car while telling me that D has in the past bitten people who got too close...
Sheesh! Bad news, as I'd just seen the remaining escapee change direction and head for the throngs of bystanders down the other end... You know the feeling when sweat pops out all over? Exactly!

M cantered off down Cappell Road towards the main gates and got there just as D emerged from the field heading towards Barnes Road.. I watched from a distance as she coaxed him near enough to grab him and I turned and ran back to the house and got the tow rope from my boot in time to loop it round his neck while she opened her car door and pushed the enormous dog in to join his mate... Needless to say, I left her to drive them back round the corner and unload the buggers safely at home...

What could've been a tragedy had been averted, and the two furry teenagers had had a glorious run for their money despite their knackered and long-suffering owner...

LATER at 5.00am...

Captain Courageous' house alarm just went off noisily... Will he expect his Security Company to respond at this hour? A moth cut across a 'beam' or he fumbled at his keyboard? *chortles.. Beam se GAT se ek mos! Does Missus C lie there traumatised, as she says she is when she's told the alarm has gone off? It's unlikely she feels anything other than irritation at this time of day...*shrugs..

The loud chirrup of his remote came some minutes later and I have to ask why after all this time, he still gets it wrong? You'd think he could activate all his gadgets in his sleep by now, but apparently not..*yawns...

Naturally the first thing I noticed at the field yesterday was that all the huge overhead floodlights were activated.. Say cheese for the cameras folks! *winks..
Were the authorities anticipating cable theft? Rubbish as always... I'm guessing that yesterday's function had more than just the usual Watchers crowded about the monitors up at HQ... (Have the streetlight cowlings got the makings of cctv-type devices built into them? Can individual cameras be activated when needed? You betcha!)

I guess a productive day was spent while those floodlights were on, zooming in to individual areas while trying to co-ordinate the sound (pretty darned impossible) to match the area chosen? *fascinated... An excellent opportunity to test the abilities of this astonishing technology fosho...

As I strolled through the hordes of happy people yesterday, I had to question my role as Doomsayer.. You'd have to go a long way to find a community as close-knit as the Zone, and I couldn't help feeling what they don't know, wouldn't bother them...

But then of course I remember who it is that heads the Operations up at Dodge city, and what he's capable of outside of office hours...*shudders... It's your business if you still foolishly think I've isolated the Abuser and his Lackey for personal reasons alone...
Ask your average Zone resident for their opinion and you'll find nine times out of ten, it concurs with mine *shrugs... The opinions voiced so freely at our CPF Meeting on Monday (sans Chair and vice-Chair) will doubtless have both amused and enraged the Listeners on the Hill...
Enraged that the sheep dare step out of line and speak out, and amusement at the ease with which punishment may now be exacted at any point.

Even as we sat drawn together by our similar concerns, a young woman was being hijacked in her garage just across the other side of the Playing field... Though the message is wasted on the vast majority of residents, I certainly get it loud and clear...*vomits... There was no SAPS Rep. at our Meeting either, as last minute excuses were made....*waves to Captain Panday....

Yesterday OTOH, it was great to see several of my fave cops as they cruised the area round Barnes Road... At one stage I swear I even glimpsed the new Head of the Crime Desk driving by... I like him, though the poor dude is completely out of his depth under the circumstances...

I was quite frankly nauseated to hear that the blame for the escalation in crime here in the Zone is being laid at his door... When I expressed my disbelief at the news, I was once again told that I don't understand the politics of the situation....*snorts...
On the contrary, I believe that I'm privileged to be aware of the true picture, and that Supt. Ngz. faces an uphill battle with little or no support from the Sullen at all....
Having strategically removed the Good Superintendent Marillier as far away as possible (and yes, this despite the pages and pages of signatures asking that his transfer be rescinded, and his own Lawyer's attempts along the same lines, the Abuser had his way and the Super was packed off to Marianhill Station).

The responsibility for eradicating crime in the Zone has been placed on the shoulders of one who is completely new to the area FFS... Madness! Naturally, if the Chief were to work WITH the new Super as a Team, the horrific and ever-increasing crime stats wouldn't be happening..
But that's not going to happen, as our Head of Ops is clearly pissed off for whatever reason, and is being as unhelpful as he can without crossing the line...*yawns...

The Whisperer clearly has bigger fish to fry these days, as he and his Team go through the data bank daily, deciding which of the Corrupt they will out to distract Joe Soap...
His homies are ignored and neglected as his Head of Ops. petulantly allows chaos to take over here in the Zone...
You can take it from me that all the promises made by Schabir and Mo to business men here in the Zone were merely a means to an end... It appears that now the Information Theft Project is installed and working nicely, the Whisperers have moved on and abandoned us to the likes of Barnabas and the Molester.....

May I suggest that a hasty Directorship be created for SAPS Sydenham and a salary to suit? Tweedledumb needs placating, and fast!



Thursday 18th June 2009 at 8.25pm.