Monday, June 08, 2009


(begun Sunday 7th June at 3.00am...)

I've not been keeping up with the newspapers of late and it would appear, to my cost.... Last night the GameWrecker read out a letter sent to the Mercury and published on Friday 5th June... It was from a Gerald Mullins and titled 'Costly outage has blown my fuse'. Check it out if you can...

Did the fire in the early hours of June 2nd make the front pages at the time? Who do we know that lives in Glenwood? The power outage and ensuing surges had nothing whatsoever to do with copper theft from a sub-station and you know it...*grim...
Who is the Controller for those circuits between Davenport Road and Manning Road? Does skydog know the answer? Could it be another unqualified Electrical Engineer like Colin Balliram? Another Cracker running the power lines?

Do I hear the likes of Allen Spence smarmily telling the PTB that mistakes such as these are inevitable? Do I hear him say that Damage Control for this blooper of such horrendous proportions is not his problem? The few qualified EEs left that thought to make some serious money from the Project have the Authorities over a barrel and it's a sight to see....

There simply is to be NO accountability for what amounts to crimes committed during the installation of the Munis Wireless/Broadband Network System... Pfft...
It's unlikely B.Snr. was the only one that's been physically nuked by these cowboys since 2005. Not your field of expertise dom?
The two elderly patients who died at Umhlanga Hospital recently from smoke inhalation after an electrical fire, can safely be added to the growing list of destruction caused directly by this brilliant Scheme... You know it and I know it, but as always you duck behind the dodgy 'Prove it' excuse....*lameness....

From the getgo I've bleated how easy it would be for the Lout of my Life to raze our home to the ground with the Power given to him by Allen Just-following-Orders Spence.... On that note, how many businesses have already been fried literally, as payback or as Insurance scams, since the Project began? It's a doddle to achieve now...

You still blindly insist that the good outweigh the bad despite seeing the evidence for yourselves? *shrieks...

This effing Project, on a scale almost unimaginable in cost and size, has the potential to damage and even kill a good many more than just B.Snr. and the two unfortunate deceased at Umhlanga...*spews... Will the Glenwood residents be reimbursed for their losses in any way? Or will the usual feet-dragging and stalling methods used so effectively up to now be employed? If they can afford to live in Glenwood, they can afford to replace their own damaged items ? *nods...

I've sat still here for nearly a week as my Controller continues to smugly abuse his animals by encouraging them to leave the safety of his yard. Reduced to a half-life of reading a Forum now overseen by the Beast and another that would fit neatly into the 'Diversion' category and I figure it's just not worth my silence....*grins..

The Captain of IMMENSE Courage considers me open season when I publish, and when I don't, he continues to vent his malicious spite on his innocent animals by putting them at risk... Something it's now obvious you all condone....*vomits...

LATER at 5.30am...

Eskom has managed to save power and yet we are to be slammed with a huge increase in rates? *winks... Was it your heroic efforts to cut back that led to this miracle? Unlikely, you Plonkers! Our system has long been running on half the output the GW pays for.. *looks at it's dim and murky outdoor spotlight... Something Controllers will be taught to adjust early on? To isolate the TV and PC jackpoint for starters, but to lower the output to everything else? Our geyser water doesn't get hot as quickly, our microwave takes longer to cook things through, and I've given up on baking as the oven is now so unpredictable...*winks at its Master... Control is what it's all about hey? *coughs mightily....

Monday 8th June at 5.05am...

It was after 9.00am yesterday, and I'd been struggling to type out three blogs in a row at when the dogs next door began noisily fussing...*winks... The GW eventually went out and found Pepsi in the valley and let her in under our wall.... Timing uber alles as always Bali? *spits...
On several occasions I've stood by der Bunker and watched the Twins barking frantically at someone or something hidden neatly from me behind the kaia, right by the hole that now apparently exists in their wall.... From the height of their gaze I'd say SOMEONE was a good bet, wouldn't you o Master Mine? One day I may get lucky (as I did for my album frontspiece, and snap your Slimyness as you scuttle back up those wooden stairs to your lair...*roffels...

I was careful to text the Sweeper and tell her we had the dog and I would return her later.. I've learned the hard way tis safer to dot my i's and cross my t's when dealing with ShapeShifters...
We all spent a pleasant enough day alternating between barking and snoring..
I could give even Nobby a run for his money with my current hacking cough...*lights up another fag..

I reluctantly posted the little one back after 2.00pm sometime and covered it with an sms... Nobby came to the gap and was coughing badly.. Gezunkelnutz!! So I added that fact to the sms and offered to do the vet if the Sweeper needed help... I figure my bedside light had been out about ten minutes last night when her reply finally came through? *laughing.... So, I'm to take the Nobster to the money-gobbling vet this morning and can't say I'm thrilled... *barks endlessly...
He appears to be in fine shape so here's hoping the cough is just a minor problem...*baffled...

Why has the Chicken KIng taken to running the Wireless song from early evening on, these days? I seldom hear it any more when I stagger out of bed at 3 or 4 in the mornings? *curious.. The amount of signal-enhancing lights run overnight from the toddler's dorm and lately their dining room, has to be seen to be appreciated....*shrugs..

BTW, Missus C said last night that Pepsi shouldn't have gotten out in the valley yesterday morning as she'd blocked off the hole... Nothing you'd know anything about then o Poisonous One? *puzzled... Do you all still find this subject matter entertaining despite that you know there are killer dogs about? Frankly I don't give a toss if you're sick and tired of my recording the lives of these unfortunate pawns..
Barking up the wrong tree is an art I've perfected here over the years, though I continue to hope there are a couple of you that feel a modicum of shame at my Controller's blatant use of his dogs... Happy, dancing little Pepsi now cringes to the ground when approached...*gags and looks at the Sweeper... Why would that be Madame? Any ideas? *vomits....

LATER at 2.10pm...

Kennel-cough and contagious, was the diagnosis made by a vet young enough to call me nan...*cackles... Ten days of antibiotics and some steroids as well *sighs... Again the probability exists that you've heard this all already from the silver-tongued and lightning fast Sweeper ... Did she remember to say that little Pepsi shot back under our wall mid-morning today?
When I broached the matter earlier Missus C said the tile she'd used to block the hole must have moved or fallen over... I love having the Twins round but the danger of them being dragged through No. 14's valley fence and getting killed like little Milo, is very real (naturally La merde de la Grande would scoff at the idea...)

Hell, the way I go on you'd think I preferred animals to humans... Pretty much voiceless and subject totally to the whims of their owners...hmmm ... Rings a bells there does it not..*sags...

The rain has arrived at last and is more than welcome, though I fear for poor Nobby hacking away out in the damp with only bedraggled Cola to keep him company as they try to avoid the gardener... Snow on the berg means they're going to spend a miserable cold night too, but then they're just bloody dogs hey Lout of my Life?

I posted Pepsi back after dark and came in, only for the GW to tell me that Nobby and Cola were shut out on the road... Charming lot this.... *gags...
My inability to be objective about the dogs has me burning... A gaping weakness in any defence I may have against the DarkPratt, and he knows it and exploits it to the limit.... Bah!



Monday 8th June 2009 at 7.31pm.