Sunday, May 10, 2009


(begun Saturday 9th May at 5.15am....)

If this blog is supposedly my therapy, and writing obsessively and repetitively of my thoughts and experiences is going to rid me of the Stockholm Syndrome, it's taking its time.... *sighs..

Paranoia? An abnormal fear of imagined dangers is how I interpret that... Though I often refer to myself as paranoid it's a bit of a misnomer.... It's not like I'm afraid of all the stuff I tell you about here... Au contraire - it distracts me neatly from my real fears... Fears that I figure your average 60+ sweats over quite frequently....

I fear that karma will take the GameWrecker before me, or that I will have a stroke and become a burden, that my children will become victims of some nameless crime... Pretty arb stuff hey? Senile Dementia? How the heck would I tell if I hit that slippery slope? *shrieks...

Sometime during the night the glorious full moon became obscured behind a thick bank of cloud and it's finally begun to rain heavily as I write....
There was a function right next to St Theresa's little church last night, and the DJ had his sound system rocking the rafters early on... Some truly appalling rap and hip-hop but otherwise pretty inoffensive stuff....*grins.
They were still at it after 1.00am this morning and hopefully the older Sisters will be granted special dispensation to have a lie-in and recover....

Do you not wonder why I continue to address voda3g on the matter of the Information Theft Project, or do you merely brush this aside as further proof of my sheer lunacy?
Despite that the temperature has fallen over in mybroadband, to freezing point, do I back off? *grins..
I concede that the name changes of so many of the regular posters and the need for some to bear more than one nick has me looking at them askance.... Though it would be arrogant of me to think I played any part in this odd practise....*cackles...

LATER at 6.00pm..

Though I'm well aware of the recently posted grumbles on problems with google loading, I forget for the moment who the OP was..... A friend of the Captain of Bravery and Heroism? Or are they genuine problems the Captain uses in typical opportunistic fashion? *winks...

I typed out the latest CPF Minutes offline at midday and for once, without the usual misbehaviour from Word. *beams... I connected and was given the now regular Address Not Found. Firefox can't find the Server at I pulled the two modem plugs out, replaced them and tried again, this time with success.... I sent the Minutes through via gmail and shut down...

This evening, (No! Wake up dammit! This IS interesting!) I booted up at 5.38pm and connected via WAN Miniport PPPOE and sure enough got the Firefox can't find server at google error message... At the same time I was attempting all this, I could hear my Master's remote chirruping wildly next door and turning round, saw that he'd blacked out the TV screen as well... *falls over screaming.... I pulled the plugs right back to the wall socket and tried again to no avail. She connects to the Internet just fine, but no server...Hmmm... It remains to be seen whether we have a picture on the TV when I can get round to it...*shrugs..
Despite the heavy rain on and off all day, our lights haven't dipped visibly at all....*impressed...

The TV, apart from one genuine pixillated breakup has given no problems either until now... Tell me Bali? Why the excessive remote chirrups at the same time as the TV screen going black and no Server found on the PC? Did you have a truly ghastly boring day and this demonstration comforts you a little? *curious... I suspect there's nothing cheers you up more than a neat bit of bullying right? *cackles....
Were the Courageous Pair to insist our sudden problems were not of their doing but due to the weather, I would hope you see their words for the crud they surely are...*shrugs...

My Controller is peeved and the best way to let me know, is of course via our power supply... In my ongoing efforts to enlighten you, I've certainly managed to provoke this unstable creature into revealing the full extent of his capabilities...*grins..

How much less will it take to provoke YOUR Controller? A careless remark overheard as he listens to your landline? An sms sent to a friend that he found offensive? Something you wrote in a private email perhaps? When your problems begin, you won't have a clue what's causing them and your audible dismay will be enjoyed to the hilt should your Controller choose to activate the VOICE monitoring option...

All these delicious techno-possibilities will not have been mentioned in the sales pitch made to industrial giants and politicians alike by the Whisperer and his boeties....
The contempt and derision with which your average non-technical user is regarded, ensures that each and every Controller will at some point abuse the power given them by the Officials running the Muni Wireless/Broadband Network... Many of whom include the Balliram's friends and relatives...*vomits at the sheer scale of corruption.... As you may imagine, this Project has boosted the Jobs for Pals opportunities to unbelievable levels....

SUNDAY 10th MAY at 4.00am....

The GameWrecker arrived back home not long after Bali's pitiful power play and our Yellow Network Admin allowed him to load google on the first attempt...*roffels... Having reset the TV, it also gave no more problems for the evening... That is, until 8.45pm when the entire neighbourhood was plunged into darkness! *falls over laughing...

Clearly Captain Courageous thought this act of genius would cover his earlier loss of control....*winks... Allow me then to disappoint him totally by saying the rain all evening had me thinking the Floods had arrived, and its always possible it caused a glitch to our ISP's system...
(the repeated and desperate sounding chirrups from his remote as our TV screen blacked out and, despite the successful internet connection, no server available)... Stretch your imaginations mightily to include the blackout which only lasted until 10.22pm BTW, and we'll give the poor dude the benefit of the doubt shall we? *grins widely.... Not a means to an end powercut after all then? *chokes.... What was I thinking? A rather similar modis operandi to both the hostage drama and the truck theft? You simply can't have too much of a good thing now can you Bali?

It was only a day after the valley had finally been cut and cleared when, on Friday night just after 9.00pm, I'd gone out to see what was agitating the animals... There was a car driving along below Bali's wall, heading up the valley.... After months of impassable overgrown terrain how did the driver know so soon that it was now navigable? *interested..
Did Sabeera arrange for the valley to be cleared for reasons other than it was an eyesore? *cackles... Whatever...

LATER AT 5.20am.....

Every now and then a burst of oddly attractive music floats up the valley and has been, since even before I heaved myself out of bed... It reminds me of erm... an icecream van? UB40 with bongo drums and all? *grins..

If either of the Terrible Twins were to now skid over the edge of the roadside deck into No. 4's yard would they still be safe until Basil put them back over the wall? *curious... It's happened before and poor amiable Jody hasn't touched them....
Things have changed now have they not o Poisonous One?
Back before Basil acquired the red devil car and while he still accompanied me to the shops, I clearly recall his disgust at the price hike on dog pellets bought for Jody.
It appears that he has now taken on Cliff's two big dogs as well....*startled...

Feeding three large dogs must cost a small fortune surely? Will the huge Rottweiler treat whichever Twin may inadvertently fall at it's feet with the same kindness Jody showed them, or will there be a bloodbath? *sighs..
I spell it out here so that Missus C can't claim ignorance AFTER the fact.... *shrugs...

One length of wire mesh on that corner would certainly not break the bank and may well avert a possible tragedy. You're charming SO has done himself irrepairable harm by using his innocent animals for his own bizarre self-gratification... Should either Pepsi or Cola be ripped apart in the near future, may it be recorded that you had the means to easily prevent this.... *beams..

I would hazard that although this particular blog could win a prize for its incoherence, I've been perfectly clear on the added danger that mon Capitano's little animals now face....



Sunday 10th May 2009 at 10.36am...